Seeking endgame advice on re-ordering RotR #4-5 a bit (GM-level spoilers)

Rise of the Runelords

Liberty's Edge

My almost 12th level players have taken a significant detour from dealing with Mokmurian and his cronies at Jorgenfist. They know that he collected stones from a number of monuments for some reason, and he has now had those stones for months.

My PCs have also used Commune to ask about when and if a Giant invasion is coming. They know that they have a good 5 months before they come pouring down into lower Varisia and have chosen to spend at least half of that doing other worthwhile things, including managing their fledgling kingdom built around Turtleback Ferry.

I am guessing that they will delay as long as they can before heading after Jorgenfist (as late as the full 5 months, as little as just over three).

My idea:
In this time, Mokmurian has done the following:

1) Used Stone Tell to figure out which Flume is the one he's looking for
2) Magicked himself and his inner crew to Sandpoint and opened up the Catacombs of Wrath
3) Cut a deal with Xaliasa and figured out the rhyme
4) Left for Runeforge and bypassed the White Dragon
5) Has entered Runeforge to make himself stronger

Fallout from this idea:
When my PCs get to Jorgenfist, they will find the armies growing but will find the heart of the citadel to be empty. If they make peaceful contact with Conna, she will tell them that "he left for a ruined tower in some town on the coast in search of ancient magic - something called a Hellfire Flume". If they don't talk to her, that information will be available from his notes in the library.

They will then be likely motivated to chase after him to Sandpoint, to the cathedral below, and thence to Runeforge.

Meanwhile, Runeforge will be largely as described except Mokmurian and a few of his giant buddies will be kicking around doing research, making weapons and will have learned the secret of how to escape. I'm thinking that he will be chilling in the Vault of Greed and after a brief skirmish with the PCs will cut and run and use what he's learned to escape, leaving the party imprisoned until they figure out how to get out (I'm thinking of incorporating an idea I'm modifying from Evil Lincoln's making Plane Shift not work but having a combination of runeforged weapons activate the portal, and there being a portal in the Conjuration wing that uses a Gate calling-effect). They'll either have to gather up the components to make seven runeforged items or they'll have to figure the other escape route out.

When they get back, if it's been a long enough delay, they will find the giants on the march in a suicidal invasion of the lowlands meant to fuel Karzoug's cauldron and hasten his return.

Liberty's Edge

I am seeking any feedback on plot holes, suggestions, and snags that might arise from this kind of plot re-jiggery.

It looks pretty good to me. One thing to keep in mind is that just because the invasion is not going to happen for months yet does not mean that there will be no giant attacks in that time. Some giants acting as scouts ahead of the main army would be a good way to keep your players on their toes without necessarily turning up the heat so much that they decide to change their plans again.

Liberty's Edge

That's a good idea. They negotiated with the Shoanti to watch the Stairs after the PCs cleared it out. It makes sense that the giants would re-occupy the Stairs at least.

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