DM Immortal's Blood Red Roses: A Skull & Shackles Campaign (Discussion)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

I think getting supplies and workers on the way would be great... we can always supplement with more or different types later when we assess what needs doing... an engineer along with the workers would be a great thing to have along.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Personally, I don't think there is much we can purchase on Coaming Point as it sounds like a small isle/stretch of beach and not a major town with shops for supplies and alike. Perhaps we need to roll a Know Local check to find out what's in this place.

Is Quent the closest port city to get supplies from (yes, I realise it's Tessa's domain and she's an ally (and Flynn's lover) but it might make more sense to go somewhere closer if we can before heading toward the Island of Empty Eyes, which is 100 miles west of Drenchport in Tempest Cay (Rain's isle home))? Immortal, what are all the major port towns/cities nearest our current location, please? If we need to make rolls to determine this, then let us know. Any maps I view online of The Shackles are too small to really see much of anything. Thanks.

We have some extra hands on board in the form of the Officer of the Sullied Strumpet and her few crewmen (and as yet we don't know their various expertise). We might be able to hold off getting in more workers at this point and just sending missives to our respective allies (this can include Rain's grandfather as well), informing them of our island and asking for assistance once we've settled on the Island of Empty Eyes and determined the magnitude of the task and dangers before us.

So, let's go with getting as much building/carpentry equipment/tools/materials we think we may need to transform a wildland into a proper (or at least useable for now) home base. I suppose there would be wood aplenty on the island if we require more timber with which to build with. (We'll figure the best place to buy these things once we hear from Immortal.)

Flynn can send his missives off and Dhaavan could inform Agasta we need people to help and she may be able to send some to us later. So, we can hold off more workers at this stage, agreed. As to recruiting more sailors - we don't need that at present as we have a full crew (and a little to spare with the extra folk from the Sullied Strumpet).

Perhaps a better solution would be to see if there are any craftsmen/carpenters/engineers in one of the major ports (like Quent) that we can speak to and learn a little more of what could be ahead of us in terms of what needs to be built and how. We may even convince one or two carpenters and/or engineers to come out with us to see the island for themselves and then formulate a better plan of action. We can protect a few extra people (not a boatload of workers this early on with not much information to work with).

Immortal, is there anyone (via rolls/check we make) that could have more information to give us re the Island of Empty Eyes? Some old seafarer with some deeper insight/knowledge of the place/area?

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Seijiro wrote:
I think getting supplies and workers on the way would be great... we can always supplement with more or different types later when we assess what needs doing... an engineer along with the workers would be a great thing to have along.

For what it’s worth, I myself have a total of 15 in Knowledge: Engineering, not to mention 7 in Craft Carpentry and the rest of the officers have other crafting skills that are fairly good already.

I have no problem with getting supplies, but I’m opposed to getting more workers who aren’t trained at least as sailors.

I mean, I don’t mind buying crafting supplies, we’ll need them. But hiring workers to sit on the ship and do nothing until after we deal with the threats on this island just doesn’t seem like a good investment. Also, if we don’t have the right types of workers then we have to sail back and get either new gear or new supplies, and the money we spent on them was kind of a waste.

Rain Taneththir wrote:
Personally, I don't think there is much we can purchase on Coaming Point as it sounds like a small isle/stretch of beach and not a major town with shops for supplies and alike. Perhaps we need to roll a Know Local check to find out what's in this place.

Rain, I agree with you. This place sounded like a dump from our descriptions. The only thing that gave me pause was realizing that whatever town/settlement is here would have to have had at least enough supplies to feed the people that was watching us race. Still, you’re right – this place may not be that impressive in general.

As for rolling I wish the GM would just tell us what we need to do. If we need to roll, for now Horatio will just Take 10 to figure out what sort of town this is so we can buy stuff –

Horatio Takes a 10 on the town of Drenchport –

Arcana: 18
Dungeoneering: 18
Engineering: 25
Geography: 22
History: 18
Local: 20
Nature: 18
Nobility: 18
Religion: 18

Rain Taneththir wrote:
Is Quent the closest port city to get supplies from (yes, I realise it's Tessa's domain and she's an ally (and Flynn's lover) but it might make more sense to go somewhere closer if we can before heading toward the Island of Empty Eyes, which is 100 miles west of Drenchport in Tempest Cay (Rain's isle home))?.

Rain – I believe that Quent is not the closest, but it’s the biggest and cheapest. Beachecomber port at Bag Island is closer (we’ll get more volunteers there, but not as good prices). Also, I think to the south east we might find something at Widowmaker Island, but I don’t see anything on the island, just the island name.

If we draw a line from our current position 100 miles west, the rest of the map should fall into place (assuming the island I’m guessing about is the Eye Island).

I tried to send you a copy of the map with the distances marked as I could figure them, but unfortunately it did not go through.

Rain Taneththir wrote:
We have some extra hands on board in the form of the Officer of the Sullied Strumpet and her few crewmen (and as yet we don't know their various expertise). We might be able to hold off getting in more workers at this point and just sending missives to our respective allies (this can include Rain's grandfather as well), informing them of our island and asking for assistance once we've settled on the Island of Empty Eyes and determined the magnitude of the task and dangers before us.

Rain, I agree with that completely!

Meanwhile, is it possible that your Grandfather might have some further insights on what to do with Harrigan? Plus, I have a feeling Halflings will be great at farming and cultivating the island; but we may need someone more skilled with forestry – perhaps your Grandfather might know a specialist in a particular field for later on?

Rain Taneththir wrote:
So, let's go with getting as much building/carpentry equipment/tools/materials we think we may need to transform a wildland into a proper (or at least useable for now) home base. I suppose there would be wood aplenty on the island if we require more timber with which to build with. (We'll figure the best place to buy these things once we hear from Immortal.)

You’re totally right about the Tools.

Even if our own sailors can do some kind of job at crafting, giving them tools to do the job will be very important. The more types of tools we have (including different types; carpentry and masonry tools seem like a good plan). But that sounds like about 20 sets of carpentry tools and maybe 10 sets of masonry tools (possibly?)

But we’ll also probably need to make sure we have food for them, too. Getting dry rations for the company for at least 2 weeks might be a good idea; after all, after seeing Tidewater Rock I don’t think we’ll find much food on this island (though we may).

Rain Taneththir wrote:
So, we can hold off more workers at this stage, agreed. As to recruiting more sailors - we don't need that at present as we have a full crew (and a little to spare with the extra folk from the Sullied Strumpet).


Rain Taneththir wrote:
Perhaps a better solution would be to see if there are any craftsmen/carpenters/engineers in one of the major ports (like Quent) that we can speak to and learn a little more of what could be ahead of us in terms of what needs to be built and how. We may even convince one or two carpenters and/or engineers to come out with us to see the island for themselves and then formulate a better plan of action. We can protect a few extra people (not a boatload of workers this early on with not much information to work with).

That’s a good idea, too.

Once we figure out what port we sail to, then we can have a Gather Information check to find out those answers and then knock everything out quickly.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Horatio Flynn wrote:
Rajah - for now, my best advice is just compile a list of stuff you want and then put it on the discussion thread. Then we'll get a flat price (including if it's available) and then I'll make some rolls to see if the price can be adjusted. But in this case I feel like the best thing to do is simplify things otherwise we'll be stuck on this beach for another week :)

There's actually nothing major really. Just a bit of extra clothing. I was just playing it as he would. When all he technically has is the clothing on his back, I figured I'd play it as such. Nothing more than just a reason for a bit of conversation really, that's it. It can all be hand waved as far I'm concerned, to save time. And whatever costs that entails, Immortal can let me know and I'll subtract it from my total.

It's nothing critical.

We don't have to hang out at this place any longer than necessary. As far as Rajah is concerned, whatever you all choose to do as far as sailors/workers/travel on, is good with him.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Javell DeLeon wrote:

There's actually nothing major really. Just a bit of extra clothing. I was just playing it as he would. When all he technically has is the clothing on his back, I figured I'd play it as such. Nothing more than just a reason for a bit of conversation really, that's it. It can all be hand waved as far I'm concerned, to save time. And whatever costs that entails, Immortal can let me know and I'll subtract it from my total.

It's nothing critical.

We don't have to hang out at this place any longer than necessary. As far as Rajah is concerned, whatever you all choose to do as far as sailors/workers/travel on, is good with him.

I honestly don't know what to do at this point.

I'm totally ready to move on - I was ready to move on the minute I heard we had an island to explore - I figured we'd get our mission, post a few comments on what comes next and then we'd be on the way.

Obviously I'm not personally eager to buy gear now, but that's just my metagame hat talking.

Buying gear ups our relative DC - we've been batting alright against our relative DC - so unless the DC suddenly goes up, we probably won't need new gear. But there's no reason for the DC to go up unless the game suddenly get harder; and there's no reason for that to happen across the board unless we level, and that's not going to happen until after we beat the challenge on the island.

After we defeat the challenge we'll likely have some decent funds and then head to a port to cash it in and since it's a new book, I'm betting we'll spend the bulk of this next part trying to protect the island from threats like Harrigan and that the actual "taming' of the island will likely be relatively quick, though challenging, combat - not unlike when we got Tidewater Rock.

But yeah - I'm not looking to buy specifics at this point, not until we beat the threat on the island and eventually level.

For now I'd be happy for the GM to say - "Guys; the port you're at now is considered an "X-Size" Settlement for the purposes of buying anything here this night. Tomorrow you're sailing on the tide - someone give me a destination and I'll give you the DC you need to roll to see how long it takes you." - then someone makes a post and tells him where we're going and that's that, unless the Pilot or the Captain override the decision - but honestly I'm just eager to play.

If it was me, I'd say go right to the island - there's no point buying anything until after we beat it and can level. If someone else - anyone else - says - "No, let's go to X and do Y..." - then I'll totally support whatever that is; period.

I guess I'm just ready to go :)

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Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Where you are now is not a port it is literally a stretch of beach on an uninhabited isle that was temporarily used for the race. You are 100 miles north of Tempest Cay. Drenchport is by far the closest port. You would have to go way way past it to get to Quent. The journey to Quent would take at least a week one way due to the fact that you would have to maneuver through many many islands to get there.

If you left from here and went directly to find your new island, it would take you about 2 days or so. If you go to Drenchport first and spend a day there, it will take 1.5 days to get to Drenchport and then a day in port getting what you need and then 2 days at least to get to the island for a minimum total of about 5 days.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
DM Immortal wrote:

Where you are now is not a port it is literally a stretch of beach on an uninhabited isle that was temporarily used for the race. You are 100 miles north of Tempest Cay. Drenchport is by far the closest port. You would have to go way way past it to get to Quent. The journey to Quent would take at least a week one way due to the fact that you would have to maneuver through many many islands to get there.

If you left from here and went directly to find your new island, it would take you about 2 days or so. If you go to Drenchport first and spend a day there, it will take 1.5 days to get to Drenchport and then a day in port getting what you need and then 2 days at least to get to the island for a minimum total of about 5 days.

What is the size of Drenchport via Settlement size?

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

small city

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Drenchport is fine by me as a stopover and being it's on Rain's island home getting a message to her grandfather will be quite easy and quick. I thought Quent would be too far/out of the way from our current location anyway. And the Master of the Gales resides in Drenchport so we may be able to get some help from the locals with his sanction...

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Drenchport is fine by me as a stopover and being it's on Rain's island home getting a message to her grandfather will be quite easy and quick. I thought Quent would be too far/out of the way from our current location anyway. And the Master of the Gales resides in Drenchport so we may be able to get some help from the locals with his sanction...

Yeah, I figured Quent would be a bit out of the way, too. But I seemed to remember it being as well stocked as Port Peril in terms of size - so there was that.

However, stopping off at Drenchport means we can get more loot and gear; at least the basic stuff we talked about earlier for getting things started on the island.

Unfortunately the GM recently hinted to me that the island may have more than one encounter on it before it's formally "tamed"; that probably means our crew will likely be unable to do much on the island until we get both of the challenges finished.

Anyhow, if we're buying stuff at the island, how much money is from "Ship Funds" at this point for us to spend?

Did anyone put up money via betting that belonged to the ship, or was it all our own?

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

so i have realistically 4 days to work on crafting then, if we go to town and i spend one of those days doing my infamy thing?

Var needs a circlet of Int, right? Is there anything particularly higher on the priority list?

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

At some point can Dhaavan craft a circlet of wisdom for Rain?

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

we can do hers before Variel's. it'll take like 2 days. I can make it with some of the stuff we've found, for flavor

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Thanks for that, Dhaavan!

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Dhaavan, can it be a +2 Headband of Inspired Wisdom, please? Rain has her own reagents (500gp worth) if it helps?

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Ok so it sounds like Drenchport to purchse supplies and hire some people for hte island. Rain can talk with her family. Variel and Rain can make last minute changes/plans for the weddings and purchase wedding rings. From there we head to the island and the fort and let the workers fix that while we tame the island.

Dhaavan, work on Rain's headband first. I have one already buit want it upped to a +4 but don't know what skill I want attached to it yet. I was orignially thinking perception but if I am gong to be on the pirate council I am thinking sense motive may be a better choice.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Thanks, Var.

As per Rain, she wants to send word to her grandfather in the neighbouring township of Drowning Rock. If he sends word he will meet with her in Drenchport, then all and good (otherwise a missive will suffice). I leave that to Immortal. :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Dhaavan wrote:
As we have 5 days, only one of which will be spent in port, 4 days at sea, Dhaavan spends that time crafting. Take 10 on spellcraft to make the DC13+5 check for the headband of vast wisdom for Rain since I don't have Owl's Wisdom. Unless I can use a Mythic Point to mimic the spell for the casting, or can get another caster to cast for me, in which case I complete the headband after 2 days.

Rajah can help you with that. The only thing he'd have to do is learn it first. Otherwise, if you need help, he's the guy. :)

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Excellent, Rajah, thanks for the help to Dhaav.

I could only find a Headband of Vast Intelligence and not Wisdom in the SRD ... And the Headband of Mental Prowess is great but expensive - thus why I went for the +2 Headband of Inspired Wisdom.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

i used the wrong word is all. It's the +2 wis headband

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

No worries and excellent. Thanks, again.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Quick question - and I can't remember if this is true or not, but does an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 stack with an Enchanted Breastplate +1 for a total of 2?

If so, if I could get the following (when possible, no rush)

1. Amulet of Natural Armor +1 - 2,000 GP (1,000 for crafting supplies)

2. Upgrade my current Amulet of Natural Armor from +1 to +2 (to upgrade it would require 3,000 for Crafting Supplies)

3. A headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (4,000 GP or 2,000 GP of Crafting Supplies)

4. A Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 (4,000 GP or 2,000 GP for crafting supplies)

No rush on any of that - but it's what I'd like. If I get all of those things that will cost me 8,000 GP of Magical Crafting supplies.

If anyone could help that'd be great!

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Horatio Flynn wrote:
Quick question - and I can't remember if this is true or not, but does an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 stack with an Enchanted Breastplate +1 for a total of 2?

Yes. Magical breastplate is an "armor" bonus. Amulet of Natural armor is a "natural armor" bonus. They both would apply to your armor class.

Best way to remember it is, if the "bonus" in question is of the same type(that's the key word your looking for is "type"), then they don't stack. The only exception to this is a "dodge" bonus.

For instance: A +2 ring of protection is a "deflection" bonus. The spell Shield of Faith is also a "deflection" bonus. So if you had a Shield of Faith +2 cast on you, it would be an absolute waste. The only way it would help you is if it was Shield of Faith +3. Which ultimately just overrides the ring entirely and you would get a +1 better on your deflection bonus.

Hope this help clears it up a bit.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Javell DeLeon wrote:
Hope this help clears it up a bit.

Man, first the GM's sick and now "natural armor" stacks with "Magical Armor" to override their bonuses?

Where's Darth Vader shouting "Nooo..." when I need him :)

Seriously, though - in that case...

I'd like to upgrade 2 suits of magical armor from +1 to +2 - that should be a total of 1,500 GP each or a total of 3,000.

I'd also like to get the Headband and the Belt.

That said that should cost only 7,000 GP Crafting supplies - so that's good, I guess?

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

AC = 10 + [armor] + [shield] + [nat armor] + [deflection] + [dodge] + [luck] + [sacred/profane]

i think that's all the types of bonuses to AC. and sacred/profane is not so much that you can only have one or the other, per the rules, but more that you usually are only able to get access to one, as they are good and evil.

you just take the highest bonus that you have of each type and add them up.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Dhaavan wrote:

AC = 10 + [armor] + [shield] + [nat armor] + [deflection] + [dodge] + [luck] + [sacred/profane]

i think that's all the types of bonuses to AC. and sacred/profane is not so much that you can only have one or the other, per the rules, but more that you usually are only able to get access to one, as they are good and evil.

you just take the highest bonus that you have of each type and add them up.

So to clarify -

If I wear +1 Armor and a +1 Natural Armor Amulet I have a total Armor Bonus of +2?

If so I'd still like to have the bonuses on the +1 Armor's to be increased to +2, if possible?

I'll want the Dexterity to be a better fighter to help you guys and Charisma to help me with spellcasting and things... so probably:

1. Suit of Armor 1
2. Belt
3. Suit of Armor 2
4. Charisma thing

This is only to indicate the order I'd like them as we can't do everything in a day. Also, take care of the other people first. For now I think we have plenty of time before I formally will need them (hopefully) :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Horatio Flynn wrote:

So to clarify -

If I wear +1 Armor and a +1 Natural Armor Amulet I have a total Armor Bonus of +2?


Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

@Dain: Hey, bud, Check this link out. It explains bonuses in detail.

As I mentioned earlier, the word "type" is VERY key.

Per the link: The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same TYPE don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given TYPE works. Bonuses without a TYPE always stack, unless they are from the same source.

You've got to find what "type" of bonus it is and make sure it's not one you already possess barring the exceptions as mentioned.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

I'm going to be out of town for the day. I'll post when I get home tonight my time.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

np we can take care of other stuff instead of your grandfather in the meantime.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Horatian I asked about Jim much you had available in reagents currently because if you do not have the 1500gp in reagents right now then Variel can not work on your armor upgrade. What do you have currently?

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

LONG day and beyond exhausted. Busy weekend. I'll post something tomorrow afternoon (my time). Sorry for the hold up.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
DM Immortal wrote:
Does anyone else have anything they want to do?

Rajah will purchase clothing if possible. Several long sleeves shirts(and at least 1 that's blue :)), few pairs of pants, couple pairs of boots.

That's pretty much it. Sorry I'm so demanding, Immortal. I don't mean to be. Hopefully the 4000g will cover it. ;)

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Javell DeLeon wrote:
Rajah will purchase clothing if possible. Several long sleeves shirts(and at least 1 that's blue :)), few pairs of pants, couple pairs of boots.

What, no cravat? I'm shocked, shocked! :D

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Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Lol! You know, I had no idea what a cravat was. But after googling it, I've GOT to get me one of those! Maybe even 3 or 4. :)

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Horatio I do not see a wand of cure ____ in the list that Immortal gave so I am holding off on any expenditures there. As for the swivel gun, how much does it cost and why is it better than the cannon we already have mounted top side? If it is considered an artillery or large weapon we currently don't have room for it top side unless we move the cannons down below. Just wondering the reasons for the gun before we pay for it?

Infamy and disrepute updated.

Horatio I adjusted your loot list of available wealth to account for your crafting purchases.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

What is Infamy and Disrepute? Can I look that up somewhere?

And what is a Swivel Gun? Where would I go to look that one up also?

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Infamy is basically how popular we are and disrepute is something we have never used but I keep tallying up. Will need Immortal to remind us what that is for but I know that for every infamy you get you also gain 1 disrepute.

No clue on a swivel gun.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

As for the ship's fund paying for stuff we only have 1550 in the general fund account so we aren't going to be buying much with that anyways.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Cool. Thanks.

How does money get put into the ship's fund?

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

We split the money coming in eaqually with the ship/party fund gaining 2 shares while everyone else gains 1 share. The fund pays for generic healing wands, upgrades to the ship, greasing palms, etc. Any expenditures for the island would probably come from there as well but since we are so low on funds I am thinking that Variel will be footing the majority of the bill as he is the captain and 'his island'. I put that in quotes though as it really has no bearing on anything except for how it was presenting in game. We all won the regatta and all of us will be needed to tame the island so it is all of ours in everything but name.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

well that doesn't leave a lot for Dhaavan's crafting materials... I guess the people who want something made should pony up the cash for the materials in advance... Waiting on Dhaavan for an actual amount he needs (since we are on such a tight budget) and to know where the cash is coming from.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

As per my discussions with Dhaavan, I was going to give Dhaavan the 500gp magical reagents Rain has (her own personal store of reagents) plus the difference (1500gp) via gp. I never expected the funds to come from other sources, so I'm unsure as to the meaning of your above post, Jiro.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Actually the way it has worked out si there is an abundance of magical reagents on the ship. At one point Adular told me that most of his earth could be stored as reagents and kept on the ship. When ever he wanted something to purchase though I just made sure that between the two of us we had everything covered that we needed to.

Outside of Horatio 12000 gp in reagents that he wants I believe there is almost 12000 in magical reagents thanks to Adular. Of course with him being gone now that changes how Immortal might want to rule this.

As a good point though follow Rain's example and try to purchase your reagents ahead of time for something you want crafted. We are getting to the point though where it is going to take too long to make stuff so be careful how much you have invested into reagents.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Horatio I do not see a wand of cure ____ in the list that Immortal gave so I am holding off on any expenditures there. As for the swivel gun, how much does it cost and why is it better than the cannon we already have mounted top side?

Re: The Wand - based on the size of the settlement, we should be able to find one for sail without issue - I think that the list is for unique or more special magical items. If I'm incorrect, if the GM can correct me, that would be helpful.

Worst case scenario is that - if we need it - I'll have Amen-set roll her Trait thing which should be able to let us access it regardless via the way the Trait works.

Re: The Swivel Gun - technically it's not a piece of Artillery, per se, but a really, really powerful ranged weapon. This means it can be fired by anyone in the crew using their Range Attack bonus - further; as it's considered a Two-Handed firearm for purposes of weapon classification, that means that if someone makes another Magical Site for the weapon, then anyone on the ship can fire it and it will resolve Touch Attack at any range increment. This means that Horatio can still be operating the cannon, but anyone who can shoot can be shooting that at things like sea monsters - yes, they'd have a -4 to hit as they're not proficient - but if a magical creature has a AC of 25 but a Touch AC of 10 - I think that would be worth it.

Also, it takes one full round to load, but, theoretically, it could be fired every round as long as there's ammo in it - in short; you don't need to take time to aim it, you just point and shoot.

With all of those modifiers in place, I think it's handy and worth considering, especially given that we've been fighting some big creatures lately.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Outside of Horatio 12000 gp in reagents that he wants I believe there is almost 12000 in magical reagents thanks to Adular. Of course with him being gone now that changes how Immortal might want to rule this.

I think Adular's last request was that his wealth be divided among us - but you're right, that may be up to the GM on how that actually plays out...

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Okay I've another question: What are magical reagents? Is that something that needs purchasing?

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

it's crafting materials for magical items and armor. We can't convert GP directly into crafting materials, so we need to buy the supplies for Variel and Dhaavan to craft.

And as far as what needs to be bought, since i'm not doing work to make items for Dhaavan right now, i'm not sure of the costs. Basically, if someone whats something made, they should buy the goods, or communicate with variel that they need to use the stuff on the ship.

there is a listing on the loot list for that.

I've not really needed to spend much for dhaavan so i'd be ok stating that half of his wealth is in the form of crafting components as well.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

you can definitely find a wand if you want one. Flynn has the right of it regarding the other items. Those are mostly the unique/more powerful items for sale.

I have plans for Adular that you will find out once the rest of the stuff is worked out in Drenchport.

Infamy and Disrepute Reminder

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Thanks for the link, Immortal. Funny enough, that was what popped up when I googled it. So that worked out.

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