Season 0 Revision and Release Questions

GM Discussion

Liberty's Edge 1/5

"All 3.5 scenarios are in the process of
being updated to the current rules and re-released." (from the guide, p. 26)

Any word on progress and schedule?

Will updated PF versions be automatically available in downloads for those season 0 adventures that have already been purchased?

For example, if I buy Black Waters to run next Friday, will the I get the updated release automatically, or will I gnash my teeth when it is replaced?

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

As far as I know all 3.5 to PFRPG conversions are on hold due to lack of staff. (Mike or Mark should have a better answer.) As for if you purchase it now and it gets updated, you should recieve the update automatically just like for any of the rule books.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

The process to do so is ongoing. I cannot provide anything more specific than that.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Mark, I understand with respect to timing status. can you provide anything about whether revised pdf would be available at no additional cost if/when update from 3.5 to PF takes place?

Edit: I realize that this assumes distribution would be in the same packaging format as we have now. If your original reply communicates all that you can say, 'tis understood.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Anytime we update a digital product, it is granted freely to anyone who has previously purchased that product.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Is any effort being made to include the new factions in the updated products, or are they assumed to not exist (yet)?

I remember from previous posts that there have been some issues with trying to use freelance help to update the scenarios. Is this still the case? Is there something we can do to help?

Silver Crusade 2/5


If given the task I would rewrite stat blocks, if that is all you need for those...

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Thanks Mark.

Scarab Sages 1/5

I think #5 has been updated.

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Unfortunately, it's not the 'work-doers' that are the bottleneck, it's the Paizo development crew that need to touch the adventure again post-update to make sure it hits current quality minima.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

TetsujinOni is correct. We're always looking for ways to put out more content for the campaign, but until we expand our development, artistic, and editing resources internally, we're pretty much at maximum capacity. Work has been done on updating several scenarios but none except Mists of Mwangi ever made it all the way through to release. We don't have an estimate of when the rest will do the same.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Thanks for the clarification. Is there any way we can get Paizo to give you more resources? A way, perhaps, to flag rulebook purchases as being for PFS?

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