intelligent item crafting question

Rules Questions

If a L3 druid works with a L5 mage to create a cap/hat with the following:

100gp +1 skill point perception (as a hat)
500gp Intelligent Magic Item bonus
200gp 11 Intelligence
1200gp L1 spell 3/day (Magic Missile) - from the party mage

Then what level would the CL be for creating this?

I thougth the +1 skill point cap/hat could be made at any CL (DC = 5 + CL).

However, would it be limited to a CL3 for the creator (Druid), or CL 5 (mage who put in the spell that would shoot 3MM).

Can the item be made at a CL 9 so that the MM shoots 5?

I would guess CL 5, but cost might be 1200 x 5 for 6000. CL 9, of you had access to a scroll, but price would go to 10800 for the MM.

Why 1200 x 6?

I didn't see anything indicating that intelligent item powers is somehow multiplied by the caster level.

Item can cast a 1st-level spell 3/day +1,200 gp
Item can cast a 2nd-level spell 1/day +2,400 gp
Item can cast a 3rd-level spell 1/day +6,000 gp
Item can cast a 2nd-level spell 3/day +7,200 gp

Whereas in comparison, the magic item estimation chart gives completely different numbers.:
Single use, spell completion SL x CL x 25 gp Ex: Scroll of haste
Single use, use-activated SL x CL x 50 gp Ex: Potion of cure light wounds
50 charges, spell trigger SL x CL x 750 gp Ex: Wand of fireball
Command word SL x CL x 1,800 gp Ex: Cape of the mountebank
Use-activated or continuous SL x CL x 2,000 gp2 Ex: Lantern of revealing

If you think there can't be a discount for intelligent items, then think about the fact that intelligent items are NPC's. Furthermore, they are like items which are restriced to alignment/race (which are cheaper) since you gain negative levels if you try to use one not of your alignment. Plust they can dominate you if they are too powerful (or you are too weak).

That said, you could be right in a sense...

Entry states "The caster level for these effects is equal to the item's caster level." Under "Intelligent Item Powers".

So it seems self regulating (insidious)... depending on how powerful you make the base item... there needs to be a base item, I believe.

"An intelligent magic item has a base price increase of 500 gp. When determining the total value of an intelligent item, add this value to the sum of the prices of all of its additional abilities gained through being intelligent, before adding them to the magic item's base price."

So, your CL for the abilities (1st Lvl Spell 3/day) you're asking about are determined by how powerful your base item was. It's commensurate.

Basically, you can't create a Glove of Magic Missile CL1, then back-door CL9 MM from an intelligent item power for 1,200gp. It would be CL1.

Now, if you created a Glove of Magic Missile CL9! Then, you could leverage that CL9 into an Intelligent Item Power... and get CL9 MM for the 1,200gp.

This would blow up your original price cost of course which would increase Ego, etc...

I hadn't thought this through before... Thanks for asking the question, just starting to play a crafter!


Black Thom wrote:
Basically, you can't create a Glove of Magic Missile CL1, then back-door CL9 MM from an intelligent item power for 1,200gp. It would be CL1.

You misunderstand.

I create a Hat of Perception that gives a +1 competence bonus. (100gp)

This could be at CL1, or CL9, or CL12, depending upon how difficult I want it to be to dispell.

I then make it intelligent (+500gp) and a Intelligence of 11 so it can cast L1 spells (+200gp)

I then give the 'intelligent' item a L1 spell 3 time per day (+1200gp), which I believe means that I can't cast it if I wear it (as it is an NPC), and only 'it' can cast it, or perhaps only 'it' can allow me to cast it.

So this CL12 glove gains intelligence with a 17 crafting DC (5 + CL12).

It is NOT a glove of magic missile, it is a "Glove of Perception" that has a fantastic 'point defence systemn' that only works out to a range of 30' and only if the area is lit (and the weilder/owner is the same alignment) AND where the wearer has succeeded in at least one 'WILL' saving throw day to prevent themselves from being dominated.

So perhaps the pricing is fair.

(Since the hat of perception has only 'empathic' communication, it can't be particularly argumentative if it want to be where the action is.)

Clearly all those restrictions make this 'less' valuable than a Glove that allows the wearer to cast a L9 magic missile.

Chovesh wrote:

I create a Hat of Perception that gives a +1 competence bonus. (100gp)

This could be at CL1, or CL9, or CL12, depending upon how difficult I want it to be to dispell.

Well first of all this is not a standard item however easy it is to use the suggested prices to figure a suggested cost for it. That's up to the DM if they even allow such an item in the game world, and how much to price it if they do, etc.

So the question on the CL of the item is up to the DM. He may very well limit the CL for 100gp items and say it's CL 1. I see nothing prohibiting this.

The CL certainly cannot be higher than the creator of the item, as I believe that's spelled out, though I could be wrong on that.


James, the CL can be higher than the creator of the item.

The CL of an item adds to the DC, and is used for calculating a dispell on that itm, but it is not a requirement that the caster be that level.

Pearls of power are diffucult to make, but do not require epic level casters to make.

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