Hobbun Goblin Squad Member |
I was reading over the Goblinworks blog in regards to merit badges and I just wanted to see if how I am reading it is how everyone else understands it.
Ryan Dancey wrote:
In the tabletop Pathfinder RPG, you earn the benefits of a level all at once as you hit an experience point threshold. In Pathfinder Online, we've turned the system on its head: instead of using experience points as a prerequisite for improving in a skill, improving skills are part of the prerequisite for gaining new abilities. Your character must earn all the things needed to qualify for a new "level," and then you're rewarded with a special bonus. If you want to be a better rogue, you do roguish things and train roguish skills, and at a certain point, you receive a special merit badge recognizing a development milestone, rewarding you with a benefit for your persistence. Like class levels in the tabletop game, there will be 20 of these rewards available for each class type, creating a way to simulate a 20-level progression within our uniqusystem.
From how I read that is there will be a total of 20 merit badges, and that's it, but when speaking with friend on the subject, he feels there will be merit badges when you develop far enough in a skill, AND a merit badge for each ‘class’ level on top of that.
I do hope it is more along lines of my friend said, as we will receive more rewards/merit badges that way, but I am not so sure it will work like that.What do the rest of you think?
Nihimon Goblin Squad Member |
My understanding is that there will be a great many Merit Badges, only some of which are tied to your Archetype.
This understanding is based on quotes like this, from Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick Makers:
You'll be searching for the training needed to master skills and earn merit badges associated with each type of product you wish to produce.
Hobbun Goblin Squad Member |