God particle found?

Off-Topic Discussions

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Sovereign Court

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Umbral Reaver wrote:

I can't remember where I saw it, but someone described it thus:

Proving the existence of the Higg's Boson is like Copernicus declaring the Earth revolves around the Sun. It's scientifically interesting and provides a stepping stone toward further discoveries about the universe, but won't see any practical use for another four hundred years.


But a lot of the technology developed for the search could be huge. MRIs came about from taking last generation particle detector technology and looking inside a person. The internet came from the predecessor to the LHC needing to process massive amounts of data. GPS only works because of general relativistic corrections which came about due to Einstein thinking about whether a person falling would feel their own weight.

Don't forget that a hundred years ago people wanted to understand the spectral lines of hydrogen. Utterly impractical knowledge, except that it led to quantum mechanics which led to electronics. And electronics rarely use hydrogen! :p So it's very difficult to say what the long term implications of any given result will be. Some lead nowhere while others are huge. Taken as a whole the return on investment is pretty good. Heck, the Director General of CERN often ends up having to quote results about the return on investment in CERN. New technologies, companies getting to work at the forefront of technology and developing their own expertise, etc. So it's hardly money wasted. Compare the ~$10 billion on the LHC to the Iraq War. It's a drop in the bucket in comparsion, plus it was paid for by many countries so the cost to each is actually smaller than that.

The Exchange

The internet came from many different reasons. Including a student just wanting to know if the coke machine across the campus still had a coke in it or not.

MSSM = Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

Which would have been nice and simple yet reality does not work this way. Simple that is.

Oh, no. I'm not saying it's insignificant at all.

Just don't start expecting time travel and antigravity within your lifetime.

Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

What are the potential future goals for the Super Collider once the Higgs Boson is found or proven not to exist? I'm wondering what else do physicists have in store for such an amazing machine.

Also, when will the discovery of the Higgs Boson open way for new varieties of ice-cream? I must know this.

LHCb sees where the antimatter’s gone
ALICE looks at collisions of lead ions
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
They’re looking for whatever new particles they can find.
The LHC accelerates the protons and the lead
And the things that it discovers will rock you in the head.

The Exchange

Don't see how they can find something that is at superposition to themselves...oh no wait. There are two super-positions - the one encompassing occurred change in possibility and the one that is potential change in possibility.

Umbral Reaver wrote:

Oh, no. I'm not saying it's insignificant at all.

Just don't start expecting time travel and antigravity within your lifetime.

Way to squash my dreams.

/kicks stone

I was promised flying cars by 2010.

<taps foot impatiently>

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Flying cars would be cool. It's the flying drivers and the poorly maintained falling cars that aren't cool. :D

4 people marked this as a favorite.

If hundreds of physicists saw the Higgs-Boson,
does that make it a mass sighting?

Scarab Sages

Philosoraptor wrote:

If hundreds of physicists saw the Higgs-Boson,

does that make it a mass sighting?

Good show, old bean! And my, aren't you devilishly handsome?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Actually the only question is:
If we found God's Particle, can someone give me its alignment so I can choose my cleric wisely?

Frencois on Paizo wrote:

Actually the only question is:

If we found God's Particle, can someone give me its alignment so I can choose my cleric wisely?

It was chaotic elusve, but now it is massively lawful.

Shadow Lodge

Umbral Reaver wrote:

Oh, no. I'm not saying it's insignificant at all.

Just don't start expecting time travel and antigravity within your lifetime.

It's the 2nd half of 2012. Where the F*!$ is my flying car?

I know, right!?!

Kthulhu wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:

Oh, no. I'm not saying it's insignificant at all.

Just don't start expecting time travel and antigravity within your lifetime.

It's the 2nd half of 2012. Where the F+*+ is my flying car?

We don't even have hoverboards yet! But there are already several flying cars to choose from: the PAL-V, the Terrafugia Transition, and (maybe) the Moller SkyCar. Just beware the 501st NyanCat Airborne NecroBorg Troopers.

Kryzbyn wrote:
I know, right!?!

You're welcome

None of those are flying cars. Charlatan.

We shouldn't be arguing about the Higgy Baby anyway. Let's talk about baseball instead.

I am intrigued. Go on.

The Exchange

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
We shouldn't be arguing about the Higgy Baby anyway. Let's talk about baseball instead.

You should have shown that one to Aeglos when he was asking about Baseball rules.

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