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Realsyntax wrote:Nexus 7. As a developer -- I personally think, Everyone should be targeting the only pure android tablet -- the Nexus 7. http://www.google.com/nexus/#/7As a developer myself, I think it's a bad strategy to try and tell my potential customer base what hardware they should be using. Even if I'm right, nobody likes to be told they chose poorly.
No one here, here is my customer base. I simply develop android apps in my spare time and well, what i stated was simply an opinion from a web developer who develops android an iphone apps. Sorry if i offended.

ChrisRevocateur |

HTC Wildfire S (Android 2.3.4)
Vizio 8" Tablet (Android 3.2.1)
Though I use HeroLab, and would love to see Lone Wolf come out with a smartphone/tablet version, I think a character tracker app would be cool from you guys as well.
A spellbook app would be PHENOMENAL, one that could keep track of spells known, in which spellbook (as a Wizard can often end up with many), as well as spells memorized, spells/day and spells used, support for metamagic spells, save DC's, number of creatures, area of effect, etc. calculated for the character, and of course the description of the spell right at hand.
Battle tracker, like an initiative tracker, but also with HP, click to roll attack, damage, and saves, maybe even with a database of creatures from the bestiaries.

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I have an Asus Transformer with Keyboard, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7+ and a Samsung Galaxy S2. Toshiba Laptop.
Based on this thread alone I would have to say that the Android devices far out number the iOS devices thus far. I am glad that I use Android for the operating system alone is just way more open then iOS devices will ever be. Which is a shame considering that they started out wanting open source management far more then proprietary.
-former Apple user and husband to an Apple mac lover that dislikes iPads and iPhones for the above listed reasons.

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I would love to see a GameMastery like initiative like tracking pad that Gamemastery puts out as a hard copy in an App.
I am an Avid user of Hero Labs and would love to see it come out for Android and iOS devices alike but if I had to choose between the two of them of course I would pick Android at the current time.
I would love to see a printable mapping tool that one can transfer the Maps from a book such as one of the Adventure Paths or the PFS scenarios and be able to print them out to scale so that we can use the actual gorgeous maps that only the GM sees right now and not the players :( (If the players DO see them it is not to scale but much smaller) Which is a shame because they deserve so so much more.

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Based on this thread alone I would have to say that the Android devices far out number the iOS devices thus far.
How can you tell?
All the iOS device users have to do is click on the checkbox for their device, and press the button. It's only the Android users who are asked to post to the thread and say which of the many possible Android devices they are using. So it's not really surprising that most of the followup posts mention Android devices.

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This one's pretty easy for me: HTML5 + CSS3 w/media queries.
I don't need an actual native app. Gimme a web app with flexible width. Especially one that allows me to connect using an iOS tablet or my eReader (an IRIVER Story HD) via WiFi and read the messageboards without having to scroll to the right, allows me to report my PFS sessions without having to navigate through five pages to get there, and gives me complete access to the PRD -- again without having to scroll to the right.
EDIT: Oh, and local storage for those devices that support it, which is many of the ones listed by other commenters... but sadly not the IRIVER Story HD.

Hayato Ken |

Samsung Galaxy 3, its just incredible!
What would also be incredible is having the pdf´s in a easy accesible format for the devices. Its great for mastering, having all npc´a and foes ready at one point on your mobile. A side for a critter where you see all important fighting stats and abilities, maybe even with spells.
This could so much speed up the game!

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My gaming group is 3x iPhones, 3x Androids, and I DM with a Nexus 7 and have a laptop as backup. Basically, the best approach I see is a mobile web version of any app for the edge case windows mobile, blackberry crowd, then dedicated OSX, iOS, Android, and Windows 8 apps. Since you're doing mostly layout work, and the data can be stored as xml or json, it should be relatively quick to throw three (OSX and iOS will be so similar to count as a single app) apps together that provide basic functionality. From there, integrate advanced features as players request them, similar to how you guys crowd sourced the original pathfinder book, you should crowd source the app and you'll be left with something incredibly solid.
Sorry for reviving yet another 1+ yr old thread, but I'm looking to make dm'ing on my N7 easier, and ways for my players to stay involved in the game via their devices, and I try not to create new threads when the search turns something up.