Robes of Arcane Heritage Upgrade...

Homebrew and House Rules

Sup y'all. I'm interested in crafting a buffed version of robes of arcane heritage:

Robes of Arcane Heritage:

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th

Slot body; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

These elegant, dark purple and royal blue robes are usually decorated with gold stitching depicting a sorcerer bloodline, though some indicate a family tree. The stitching changes to match the sorcerer bloodline of the wearer. The wearer treats her sorcerer level as 4 higher than normal for the purpose of determining what bloodline powers she can use and their effects.

Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, speak with dead, creator must be a sorcerer; Cost 8,000 gp

My goal is to take a 5 level prestige class without suffering the -1 to my effective "sorcerer level" when determining my bloodline abilities. This means that my Robes of Arcane Heritage need to give me a +5 instead of a +4.

I'm having a hard time determining the price breakdown for the robe, which is 16,000 gold. It uses CL 9 with a 3rd level spell. There is no way to get a number even close to 16,000 using those numbers. The closest thing I got was Bonus squared x 1,000 gp. While this has nothing to do with it, it gives me 16,000. If I were to make it a plus 5 to caster level, would it be logical to make the robes worth 25,000 gold? or 5^2?

Thanks for any input!

The price of the item makes it available at about level 11, give or take. This puts it granting the wearer the 15th level ability right away.

They wanted to give the purchaser some bang for their buck, and level 5 is really early for an item like that.

If I had to guess, that's how they priced the item.

Well it's complicated. My campaign is at what you might call slow progression. I earn gold faster than I level. Either way lets say I take it at level 10. What would an accurate price be? Anybody capable of breaking it down?


Any reason why? I mean mathematically? I want to propose something reasonable.

16k is for adding +4 levels.

That's 4k per level.

Add 4k to 16k to get 20k.

I wouldn't allow any higher than +5 though.

Actually, very few things scale linearly in price like that. Most things have more than one multiplier such as spell level x caster level to give a parabolic output.

I'd place it at the 25,000 gold mark and treat each effective level as bonus squared x 1,000 GP like you said.

I think it's probably a squaring thing so I would go with 25,000gp myself.

(4 squared is 16x1,000 = 16,000gp so a +5 would be 5 squared = 25x1,000=25,000gp)

Sweet, thanks all!


bonus squared x 1,000 gp.

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