How to Get the Most Out of 1st PaizoCon?

PaizoCon General Discussion

The Exchange

This is my first PaizoCon, and I'm stoked about it! Already have badge/banquet ticket, flight (from GA,) and hotel (in the block) booked and want to make sure I'm informed on how the deal goes down so as to garner the most gaming/forum/straight chillin' activity from it all.

Specifically, PFS. My group and I have run a few scenarios (strictly adhering to the rules as if we were hosting an open game,) but I've never actually played in an Organized Play Event, much less at PaizoCon.

Do I need to sign-up for PFS slots at the Con, or am I good to just show up and hop-on a table as I please?

The same goes for forums. Is sign-up required?

See ya'll at the hoedown!

Grand Lodge

We will be setting up a PFS sign up 4-6 weeks before Paizo Con. Stay tuned to my Monday blogs for more info when we are ready to release the info of how sign ups will be handled.

And welcome. It is always good to see people from my old stomping grounds in Georgia.

The Exchange

Cool. I'll be sure to keep an eye out. Thanks.

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