Marthian |

I would like to dedicate this thread to those that dedicate their existence to all sorts of tasks without much thought from others. (Real heroes like Soldiers, Fireman, Policeman, Batman, etc. do not count. They already are "sung" heroes and you better know it! Medals to all of them.)
At any rate, please post heroes you know, think, crave, or have some feeling of affection towards that do not get much thought, get a song sung about them, a medal, or key to the city.
I would like to dedicate this post to the Door. They are the brave wooden (or stone or steel) barricade that delays or stops people from advancing from destination A to destination B, be it the restroom, server closet, or the local refrigerator. It is also great for keeping whatever is inside "inside" (I don't want to face the ferocity that is the server closet, do you?). They also keep an air of surprise as a majority of them generously block view of the other side. Sadly, they are often hacked, burned, shot, and/or smashed down in their line of duty.

ANebulousMistress |

I sing my praises to the Pillow. That soft, inviting fabric pocket stuffed with feathers (or foam or seeds or weirder) that supports a weary head or spine. A luxury that many cannot even consider doing without, the Pillow selflessly cuddles with us in our sleep. Sadly many meet their end in battle as young adventurers practice combat techniques before bedtime, whacking each other with these noble Pillows until their feathers spill and scatter.