Devourling Diary

Campaign Journals

Liberty's Edge

Greetings, all!

I am currently running a campaign every other Monday with some interesting rules. I have mentioned them before on these forums (though quite some time ago), as well as elsewhere. The general response was always "What?! They'll be as strong as Gods by the second session!" or words to that effect. I'm happy to report that the result has been far, far from it.

The campaign began on 9/26/2011 with four players. We are approximately halfway through, though one player dropped after the second session.

I nabbed the rules, and the story idea from an online game on 4chan's /tg/ board.

Each character began with the following:
*No equipment
*10 in every ability score
*A single d8 racial hit die, giving them 8HP.
*A single ability: Devour, which allows them to consume a recently dead creature, and take a single ability from that creature.

They are Devourlings.

This is their story.

Liberty's Edge

This session's diary is written from memory. Please forgive any mistakes or vagueness.

{September 26th, 2011 - Session 1}

Each of them woke up in a dark alley filled with trash. The ground underneath them seemed to have been burned, though their bodies (each generic, and quite similar to the others) had escaped any noticeable damage.

As they came to, they found language difficult, yet they managed primitive vocal communication. Such curious sounds peaked the interest of Harek, a local drunk not a minute out of the bar.

He grumbles something in the Common tongue, and is enraged when the group does not respond in a likewise fashion. He charges the closest, tripping and stumbling the whole way, and manages relatively decent punch. However, even weak, frail, and inexperienced, our four main characters take out this bum after a brief quarrel.

Looking to each other, they realize their growing hunger. Pulsating deep in their stomachs is the desire to consume this fresh meal.

The body is split, and the one now known as Reaver gets the head and main body.

Reaver gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat!

Realizing this strange new world holds danger, the others grab improvised weaponry from the trash: broken bottles, and scrap metal. In rummaging through the trash, three rats are provoked and swiftly defeated.

Rip gains a bite attack!
Spirit gains a 17 Dexterity!

With primitive combat abilities, the group is ready to explore this world. They turn the corner, which Harek came around, to discover the door to a bar. They peek in to see that it is fairly empty: a bartender, a waitress, and a single patron.

The peeker relays this to the group, and a plan quickly comes together. The group enters the establishment, locks the door behind them, and Devours each of the inhabitants.

Reaver gains Language: Common from the bartender!
Spirit gains Simple Weapon Proficiency from the customer!

Cleaning up the mess, the group takes positions in the bar itself, and reopens the door. In the hours following, they serve patrons, and when the opportunity presents itself, prey on the weaker ones.

Reaver gains Channel Energy 1d6 from a priest!
Spirit gains 15 Strength from a former slave!
Reaver gains Sneak Attack +1d6 from the male half of a teen couple.

Once the town guard stops by to inquire about the disappearances, the group makes the wise decision to move out of their establishment. However, before they leave, three thugs show up to collect "the weekly payment for the Boss". The group has barely any funds so they agree to pay it the next day at an increased cost, and skip out of town.

Once beyond the city lights, they enter the forest. Spotting three wolves prowling the undergrowth, they charge into battle. The wolves prove more than a fight. With only one out of three wolves down, the group is looking quite bad. A Large-sized wolf comes out behind them, and when all hope seems lost, it changes into the form of a Human male.

"Perhaps we can work this out." he says in Common.

Liberty's Edge

This session's diary is written from memory. Please forgive any mistakes or vagueness. The fourth player drops out after this session, so I will not include his actions in this post. In addition, the player of Spirit was not present for this session.

I should also mention that the bar's customers last time alluded to somewhat of a cold war between the town and the shapeshifters in the forest.

{October 10th, 2011 - Session 2}

"Well now, what, exactly, are you doing in our woods? You don't seem to be with the disgusting town guard." the shapeshifter continues.

The party replies they are not with the town guard and answers that they were wondering through the forest, looking for a place to rest, when they saw the wolves. They thought they should attack first, as they didn't expect the wolves to allow them to pass by unharmed.

"I suppose that makes sense. So, if you are not with those bastards of the guard, then who are you?"

Noticing his distaste for the guard, they reply that they are hiding from the guard, actually, and are looking for a way to get back at them as well as the rest of the town.

"Are you now?! Well then, I suppose that makes us allies somewhat. Enemy of my enemy and all that. My name's Thrain, and I lead the wolves around here."

The party introduces themselves, and asks if they might make use of the already-dead wolf. Thrain inquires as to what end, and the party explains briefly their ability.

"Well, sure, I suppose. He's already dead, not going to be any use to us now. Let this cement out new alliance against the town!"

Reaver gains +2 Natural Armor from the wolf!

When the wolves left, the party took a moment to discuss things between themselves: do they trust Thrain? should they keep quiet about their ability, or share it with their allies?

Before anything had been decided, four arrows come out from the bushes towards town, and they catch sight of two men in black clothing heading back that way.

The party gives chase, and catches up to them, interrogating them a bit before devouring them: "Boss Micar ordered us to take you out! He said you didn't pay this week's money and were trying to get away!"

Reaver gains evasion from the scout!

As the main town seemed to hot for activity currently, the group decides to head to Lowtown, the poor district. Upon arriving, the sorry state of things here is immediately apparent: few houses, mostly shacks or tents in the mud. They pick out some opportunity targets to devour.

Rip gains simple weapon proficiency from a farmer!
Rip gains 15 Dexterity from a pickpocket!
Reaver gains 1 rank in Perception and 12 Constitution from two bums!

While scouting out their next target, they come to find that he is the leader of a small ring of pickpocketing children.

Reaver gains 14 Dexterity from pickpocketing leader!

Once he's out of the way, the group takes up residence at his rare house in this area. Before too long, a knock at the door is discovered to have come from one of the kids. The group tells them that the former leader was removed, they're in charge now, and the kids can keep half of what they earn pickpocketing (a major increase from the 10% the former leader allowed them) as long as they find other people and bring them back to the house under the pretense that the group is looking to help the citizens of Lowtown, starting the next day.

The group heads out in search of some of the many rats that inhabit Lowtown.

Rip gains 15' Swim speed, 15' Climb speed, and +4 racial to Stealth from rats!
Reaver gains Weapon Finesse, +4 racial to Stealth, and 15' Swim speed from rats!

They then decide to experiment a little. They venture west, into the lands ruled by undead. They find and defeat a group of zombies, devouring them, to find out they are unable to gain any abilities from them!

A swim in the river is next on the list.

Rip gains +1 Natural Armor from a fish!
Reaver gains a bite attack from a fish!
Reaver gains 40' Swim speed from a barracuda!

Since it's getting dark by this time, they venture back into town, and assault a stable.

Reaver gains 17 Wisdom from Kisha, the stable's owner!
Reaver gains 50' base speed from a horse!
Rip gains 50' base speed and 16 Strength from a horse!

It's getting about time for bars to close, so they decide to prey on the drunkards heading home. They poise themselves outside a bar, and soon a short male in odd looking clothes exits. They pounce on him, and he looks incredibly shocked... then seems to notice something:

"Are... are you who we're waiting for? It is, isn't it! That's why all those people have been disappearing!"

The party asks exactly what he's talking about, and he replies that he and his associates have been waiting for the town to be "blessed". However, he needs to see them in action to make sure they are who he is looking for. All together, they assault the bar and its patrons.

Rip gains evasion and iron will from two patrons!
Reaver gains Detect Magic as a 0-level Sorcerer spell from a patron!

When they devour their most recent prey, the man says, "Yes, yes you are definitely who we have been searching for! Follow me to your destiny!"

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