Boon Companion Cheese

Rules Questions

Thinking about a one-level dip into Summoner for a (small) Paladin, just to get a flying mount.

What are the chances that Boon Companion works on an Eidelon?

If it doesn't (and it probably doesn't), what other options does one have for toughening up a dip-summoner Eidelon? Besides like, Toughness.

I think it only works on animal companions and familiars so an eidolon would not qualify. You can give the save based feats such as Iron Will, but there is nothing like boon companion for it.

Take a look at the synthesist archetype, for your one-level dip.

Dark Archive

Yep, doesn't work.

None really, summoner dip doesn't work really well. Cavalier dip with boon can you a war-trained warhorse. If your GM allows it, you can get a Synthasist to ride that's only two levels behind. That's how AM does it :),

Where do you get a cheese companion? And does limburger have more strength than cheddar?

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If you are permitted 3rd party material and you want a flying mount, I highly recommend the super genius games dragon rider. It can fly from level one and it can stack with divine bond from the paladin for half your paladin levels adding to your 'effective dragonrider level' for the dragon. That and who doesnt want to ride a friggan dragon?

Have a catapult ready to launch the pony?

Another wrench in that plan is that Summoners can't add the flight evolution to their eidolon until 5th level. A one level dip wouldn't get you a flying mount.

joeyfixit wrote:

Thinking about a one-level dip into Summoner for a (small) Paladin, just to get a flying mount.

What are the chances that Boon Companion works on an Eidelon?

If it doesn't (and it probably doesn't), what other options does one have for toughening up a dip-summoner Eidelon? Besides like, Toughness.

BC doesn't work for eidolons.

However, you could talk to your GM to ask if he'd make an exception/houserule to allow you to do so. We were running through an AP with a 3 man team, and the BC-ed eidolon based on a 1-level summoner dip has really increased the survivability of the party.

joeyfixit wrote:

Thinking about a one-level dip into Summoner for a (small) Paladin, just to get a flying mount.

What are the chances that Boon Companion works on an Eidelon?

If it doesn't (and it probably doesn't), what other options does one have for toughening up a dip-summoner Eidelon? Besides like, Toughness.

Well first from a power perspective I think it's a bad idea. You hit your BAB, don't advance your Pally abilities, etc.

As to the feat itself.. as written it does NOT work, mind you the author of the feat in question said he WOULD have written it differently IF the summoner had existed when he wrote it.

I don't see anything wrong with a DM allowing it to work. You're taking a hit to your main class in almost every way AND spending a feat... and THEN the critter will not level past that point...

I think you're better taking leadership for either a flying mount or a druid (or the like) at 7th level. You spend a feat but still advance everything else.


Dark Archive

Biggest problem with allowing boon companion for summoners is master summoner going into overclock mode. Also, eidilons are simply more powerful than regular companions, and advance far more for 3 levels. Druids and their ilk have far more powers.

Thalin wrote:
Biggest problem with allowing boon companion for summoners is master summoner going into overclock mode.

Boon companion wouldn't help a master summoner.. they are still full levels in master summoner.


Benjamin Trefz wrote:
Another wrench in that plan is that Summoners can't add the flight evolution to their eidolon until 5th level. A one level dip wouldn't get you a flying mount.

I noticed this a few minutes after the post (note, though, that BC effectively adds four levels to your companion).

Leadership won't work because this is for a one-off duel against another PC. Since it's not for a campaign, Leadership won't work (per the rules of the duel, and my idea). After hammering this character around for a while, I've decided to make him Summoner 7/Paladin 7. He'll be a ranged guy with maxed out Charisma. Probably Gnome, since I've never played one, though Halfling is tempting and I'm disappointed by the dearth of Illusion spells on either the Paladin or Summoner lists. Also frustrated by the fact that, upon closer reading, I actually can't Lay on Hands as a swift action to heal the Eidelon, since the personal spell thing only works on Summoner Spells (I can, however, transfer some HP via Life Conduit, and then swiftly heal myself).

Will post a build in its own thread. Stay tuned.

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