Would you be interested in this lottery event?

PaizoCon General Discussion

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

So, I plan on doing two events. One of them a standard four or five man party game. It would be unique and fun, but that isn't want I want to talk about here.

The second event will involve four man parties running an hour long dungeon rush. If I get a five hour slot that would be about four parties, as there needs to be time between the games. I might try to get two slots so I can run more of these games. If I do, that would be thirty-two total players and eight groups.

The dungeon rush will be a contest for the best Pathfinder Party. I will have a scoring system, small prizes, and trophies.

What are your thoughts and would you be interested in this event?

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

If I don't see interest in this event, I won't bother to prepare it. I don't expect to have thirty-two people say they are interested, but I hope to have a few people comment.

Liberty's Edge

That sounds pretty cool, actually! My wife and I are gonna be first timers this year and just bringing the two of us, but we'd be way into it. =)

Sovereign Court

Kevin Mickelson wrote:
That sounds pretty cool, actually! My wife and I are gonna be first timers this year and just bringing the two of us, but we'd be way into it. =)

Count me interested.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Should I keep the scoring system simple (like most XP and treasure) or more complicated (as in points for things like critical hits, gaining a surprise round, or disarming traps,) for the event?

I personally want a more simpler scoring system. I am up for suggestions however.

Sounds interesting but seems a shame to spend an entire slot for an hour of play. then again if there are interesting panels durring that time.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Okay, I am going to go ahead and start preparing for this. The setting is going to be a non-sequitur dungeon where what the party finds behind each door is going to be vastly different then the room before. Expect a wide range of monsters and situations.

I am going to require everyone come prepared with a PFS legal character of level 6. The CRs are going to vary from really easy to difficult to even deadly.

Points will be awarded by the amount of XP awarded, the GP value of treasure and loot picked up, and special point awards that will be determined later.

First place will win a trophy (custom made by me,) T-shirts, and possibly a gift card or other prize (funds permitting.)

Second place and third place will also win prizes, and there might be prizes for sub-categories (like oddest party, most creative player, and coolest miniatures.) Prizes will be determined once I know what my budget is going to be, but there is a high chance they will be really good.

I know there are going to be people who will want to participate but don't have a four man party organized. I will try and address that when we are closer to the Con. I have an idea on what I want to do for this, but I am open for ideas.

Any questions, ideas, suggestions?

Sovereign Court

CalebTGordan wrote:
I am going to require everyone come prepared with a PFS legal character of level 6.

To be read as "an existing PFS character of level 6" or "a level 6 character created using PFS rules"?

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The second one. A level 6 character created using PFS rules. I am still considering wealth and gear, but I may just stick with the Wealth by Level chart.

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