Banquet Spendier: Roast of Mona?

PaizoCon General Discussion

The banquet was always a great deal - this year the price is quite a bit higher. What's being served, Roast of Mona? :-)

Your choice of:

Crown Roast of Stevens,
Prime Roast of Mona,
Filet du Jacobs,
Southern Fried Bulmahn.

Served with a Tossed SRM,
and a Creame Brock-le.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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lynnfredricks wrote:
The banquet was always a great deal - this year the price is quite a bit higher. What's being served, Roast of Mona? :-)

The banquet is only $5 more than it was the past two years; the reason is that we've got a new (larger) venue, and their price structure is a bit different.

On the plus side, their convention room block rate is quite a bit better than the previous hotel, so assuming you always stay at the hotel where we hold the con, the total cost of room+con badge+banquet ticket will probably be a fair bit lower than the last couple years.

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