Automated money making :: Allow PC to be NPCs

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

This idea originated with the following thought from another thread about open construction:

[/quote=KitNyx]Make structures require x time resources to build, dedicating NPCs or PCs to the task (point and click, assist construction) consumes these units and progresses the construction). This makes people actually find the support necessary for building things and allows PCs to make money while logged out (as a laborer).

Initially I was thinking about ways to limit construction (versus having the ability to throw up a castle tied solely to having enough mats). I also thought time and labor should be a cost and of course the more labor you have, the less time it would take. This would help build a sense of community as the whole town is involved when something is built.

From there I realized this could remove part of the money grind if players could automated assist in large construction projects. It did not technically even require you to log out, you could be logged in and set to assist...then you can react if something does happen.

Then, after more thought, realized that this might be a better way to harvest some things. We have mentioned ways for guilds to control things such as mines. What is the ore/stone is the product of labor and time at the mine? Then random invaders could steal ore already mined, but not actually use the mine without owning it. Maintain the mine well and there may not be much to steal (do shipments to secure locations often). PCs then can volunteer to either mine or work as a guard at friendly mines. The owners of the mines would determine wages and the workers can accept...all based upon how much the owners make off the sale of the mine's product. Mining then, actually becomes a real business and there is real reason to contest ownership. This was just an example, but I see how this could work for many types of harvesting that in RL require many people to do...other types such as hunting for bone, sinew, meat, leather, whatever...or even picking herbs would not require an organization to do and could be done solo.

And, this adds another consequence to rep and will known murderers find a job? I would not hire them. And new jobs might become available based upon fame within a faction. Being a guard to a king would probably require quite a bit of rep (for example). People with negative rep will not be able to find many jobs like this.

This adds an entirely new aspect to the game that would be unique to PFO. It adds services to the economy...instead of just commodities.

Goblin Squad Member adds a new layer of persistence to the world...=P

Goblin Squad Member

Oops, this is the quote I intended for the OP.

KitNyx wrote:
Make structures require x time resources to build, dedicating NPCs or PCs to the task (point and click, assist construction) consumes these units and progresses the construction). This makes people actually find the support necessary for building things and allows PCs to make money while logged out (as a laborer).

Thinking further on this idea, it would reduce the cash discrepancy between hardcore and not (as they hope the EVE like skill system will do for "leveling"). And...most importantly, it does not necessarily outright punish griefing, but it does reward positive social play.

People (PCs who hire) tend not to hire asshats...and people with higher rep/fame would be eligible for higher paying positions (with NPC factions).

Goblin Squad Member

(Just posted this same question in two other threads, but it's applicable.)

Does it make sense for all characters to always be "in-game", even when the player is logged off?

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

(Just posted this same question in two other threads, but it's applicable.)

Does it make sense for all characters to always be "in-game", even when the player is logged off?

I think it makes total sense. The character is a part of the world. other than jumping into a pocket dimension, why would the character ever be able to leave it? The player is akin to the characters consciousness. When the player and character are not connected, you get sleep or other automated behavior.

I think this is a huge idea that has huge means you need next to zero NPCs because players who are logged out can take the roles and jobs played by those NPCs. It means you can start having real social ramification to ones' behavior. It also means you can implement the idea of labor into the game...adding a new, entirely player created "resource". This has never been possible before because players don't have the patience to perform rote labor in game.

I imagine in the past devs ran into the same problem the devs of PFO will see with this idea, resource management. I question though whether technology has progressed enough that a way to implement such a system could be found, with increases in interlink bandwidth, PC speed, and/or server power.

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