I'm new here and would like to join a campaign!


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Hmm. That WOULD be a problem, that's for sure. Maybe we could set the expected post allowance to one every two days, or something. Make it a more casual game, ya get me? It would solve much...

Try to do longer, more descriptive posts but less often? That could work. Although my revamp of Night Below is moving slowly as it is.

I can see it now:

"We-be-halflings! Ringtail's pint-sized CoT Chapter 1: Smaller than a bread box- the miniature fight against oppression!"


Longer, more descriptive posts are the way to go. -Nods- It will work!

Come on buddy... ya know ya wanna! :P Hahaha

Great name. Go for it! lol

If I do, I will probably end up keeping the name "We-be-halflings." I actually rather like it. I may, but would need to read up on CoT again. I have the books, but I've only ever run the first one.

I was about to suggest a small group of 4 players with the idea that everyone try to post at least twice a week. Then I giggled like a little girl at the term "small group."

Glancing through the CoT player's guide, it does say that there are some freed halflings in Westcrown. I guess that's so that players won't have to currently be slaves, which would be awkward.

Well lets start with the one you have run and move from there. It will take us awhile, only posting twice a week, so you'll have plenty of time to read up! :)

Haha! Small group indeed! Small but feisty.

Hmm... I think I'd like to play a Halfling Alchemist! That'd be fuuunn! :)

Gordon - Oooh. Thank god for that!

An all halfling party...?

*screen goes all blurry with imagination sequence*

GM: You're attacked by orcs! Initiative.
Halfling 1: 37! I hide!
Halfling 2: 34! I hide!
Halfling 3: 33! I hide!
Halfling 4: Aww...only 30? I hide.
GM: *blink blink* So...the orcs on 12- look around stupified. Next round?
Halfling 1: SNEAK ATTACK!
Halfling 2: SNEAK ATTACK!
Halfling 3: SNEAK ATTACK!
Halfling 4: SNEAK ATTACK!
GM: *sighs* They're dead, Jim.

EXACTLY!! And YOU could be that lucky GM! :D

Ringtail wrote:
However, I have run a campaign for an all dwarf party. Dwarf fighter, wizard, rogue, and cleric. It was the single most formidable party I've ever gamed with.

Ah, how I miss them days...

Liberty's Edge

Now I want to join the fun! I can even ask Silver if you can take little rides around on him!


Durgrin Shadowstone wrote:
Ringtail wrote:
However, I have run a campaign for an all dwarf party. Dwarf fighter, wizard, rogue, and cleric. It was the single most formidable party I've ever gamed with.
Ah, how I miss them days...

The villain of the first story arc was a wizard (it was a campaign I had written the bones of before the group decided to be all that remained of a destroyed clan). Oh how the group exploded in mocking laughter at the BBEG's every attack. It wasn't long before they had him on the run, throwing up fogs and walls to cover his retreat.

Hahaha! That is awesome! :D

Soo... Hypothetically... Would we be using 15 point buy or 20? :P Or rolls?


That's 3 of 4. You tempt me.

Hypothetically; I do 15 points as the standard for my games, but (hypothetically) if I ran CoT for a small group (pun totally intended), if all of the players preferred a different method, be it a different point buy value or rolling scheme, I wouldn't be adverse to whatever the party found the most fun. Hypothetically.

Liberty's Edge

Does Silver count as the 4th? :)

Hahaha! Hmm... Lets see if we can find a fourth then, to tempt you further!

Well 15 point might be a little under powered, considering we all have the same Racial minuses. Hmm... I would suggest 20. 25 is too much I think. 20 is about right. I'm gonna build 20 and have a see. I think I wont go Alchemist. Maybe Barbarian. Hmm. We'll see.


Have you ever wanted to have an eidolon take Leadership and get a summoner cohort? "I'm sorry boss- we're going another direction. You've been replaced. Clean out your adventurer's pack by the end of the hour and security will escort you out."

*Summoner being dragged off by extraplanar critters:*
"Why did I make my imaginary friend such a jerk!?"

We could have a group of Alchemist, Summoner, Oracle, and Cavelier. Who uses the CRB anyway?


Liberty's Edge

Ringtail wrote:
Have you ever wanted to have an eidolon take Leadership and get a summoner cohort.

That's just wrong...

I would definitely be a 4th. I even have a halfling oracle (heavens) built, though I think she's currently 15-point.

Hahaha! Man... That would be awesome.

Hmm. I like that. Dibs on Cavalier. Would you be cool with using the Hound Master? Even though he is not an actual Archetype?

Lyle "SkyCaller" Highhill wrote:
Ringtail wrote:
Have you ever wanted to have an eidolon take Leadership and get a summoner cohort?
That's just wrong...

I mean that in a completely humorous way, of course. Not; I took leadership and my eidolon took leadership and both cohorts are summoners with leadership who have eidolons with leadership and so on.


Liberty's Edge

I want my own custom summoning list now, I've got all the things I would need to make it!

Flitter Whistle wrote:

Hahaha! Man... That would be awesome.

Hmm. I like that. Dibs on Cavalier. Would you be cool with using the Hound Master? Even though he is not an actual Archetype?

I firmly believe that Hound Master was by far the best thing to come out of the last round of RPG SS. I was actually going to be playing oen in MrDnL's homebrew game before I bowed out of consideration in the recruitment thread since I was aware that I may not be able to keep pace. So I am absolutely okay with Hound Master.


Gordon the Whale wrote:
I would definitely be a 4th. I even have a halfling oracle (heavens) built, though I think she's currently 15-point.

That is 4, isn't it? Provided that Halflingtime is still looking to join games.

This may take a while to set up; I want to reread the Player's Guide, the Cheliax Companion, and the Bastards of Erebus before I start anything. And spend a little bit weighing whether or not I have the time to dedicate to another game. I've stretched myself too far before and it isn't a mistake I'm keen on making again. If everyone is okay with me saying upfront that it will be a very slow, casual pace of maybe only 2-3 posts per week a piece being expected (individuals could post more often as they prefer, I suppose) it may not be too bad though. But going into this I want to be very clear that I will not be able to do the daily posting thing for this game.

I am totally fine with it being a slow paced casual game! -Nods- Is gonna be awesome. Hypothetically of course! :)

And I too believe that the Hound Master was one of the best things to come out of it and am saddened to see it not be legally recognized.

Hypothetically, since there's no rogue in the party, I will take the Seeker archetype.

Hypothetically I think that would be a great idea! :)

Liberty's Edge

Half the size = twice the patience!


Shall the game be called "Ringtail's Hypothetical We-Be-Halflings" then?

Or "We-Hypothetically-Be-Halflings?"

Or "We-Be-Hypothetical-Halflings?"

I am totally okay, if you called this game, which is getting less hypothetical day by day, "Hypothetical We-Be-Halflings"! Hahaha

Liberty's Edge

Hey, looks like I missed most of the discussion, but I'm not DM for anything right now (really strange for me) and I wouldn't mind running an all-halfling game if Ringtail is already loaded. I think it'd be a riot - I love haflings. I'd lean more towards Kingmaker, and have all the books for it.

Houserules I was considering using for the campaign.

Are there any objections to the above or anything that should be considered to be added to the list?

Also; which statistic generation method would you prefer to use? My only rule is that whatever method the players use the major villains use. For example, all of the players in my table RotRL game use a communally rolled array of 17, 16, 15, 14, 11, 11 (dice were friendly), but so do the bosses of each chapter (other enemies use whichever array is appropriate standard or elite).


Liberty's Edge

Hm, Halfkingmaker or Council of Us?

House Rules look great to me Ringtail. How about 20 Point buy?

Also... I would totally be up for TWO Halfling Campaigns! :D

The Count and I could conspire to launch games on the same day and flood the boards with halfling love.

I may want to rephrase that.

Liberty's Edge

I could call my cousin.

Creepy halfling witch that looks like a human child, talks to her doll, has tea parties each morning to get her spells back...

Ringtail - Halfling love day sounds awesome! I would love to be a part of it.

Lyle - That is a damn awesome concept. I love it.

Shadow Lodge

It requires the creepiest spells possible(like vomit swarm, the Gravewalker Archtype, and Intimidate.

Oh no... had an awful, wonderful, terrible idea! Take improved familiar and get a stitched quasit or imp. I'd call him Mr. Fluffinstuff.

Liberty's Edge

Haha. I suppose if we want to run two games I think there's enough room on the boards. And that halfling witch sounds AWESOME.

For Kingmaker, I'd run 20 pt buy, 2 traits (one campaign) and I'd disallow gunslingers and possibly summoners. Eastern classes (Samurai, ninja) would be approved on a case-by-case basis.

Lyle wrote:
Creepy halfling witch that looks like a human child, talks to her doll, has tea parties each morning to get her spells back...

I was going for the creepy little girl thing with my oracle, too, but you took it to a whole new level. Kudos.

Ringtail wrote:
Houserules I was considering using for the campaign.

Free Weapon Finesse in an all-halfling campaign? You are too kind!

Two games now! That's more than I can commit to. Instead I suppose I have to pick?

Liberty's Edge

I'm gonna go ahead and post a recruitment thread for mine. Hope to see you guys there.

I figured mine would be by invite, since the group is pretty much full with who has expressed interest here; I'd hate to open a whole recruitment thread needing to find only a single participant and have to turn away several people. Hypothetically.

Hehe! I am having too much fun with this character build.

Shadow Lodge

Gordon the Whale wrote:
Lyle wrote:
Creepy halfling witch that looks like a human child, talks to her doll, has tea parties each morning to get her spells back...
I was going for the creepy little girl thing with my oracle, too, but you took it to a whole new level. Kudos.

I saw a picture in a How to Draw book my friend had, of this creepy little girl in a spooky hallway, doll hanging from hand.

All I did was figure out how to make a character that fit the picture. Original build had 2 levels of Rogue for the Honeyed Words rogue talent.

EDIT: Our halflings could be sister and we could recreate a part of The Shining!

Presenting, for your amusement Ringtail, Dizzy Whistle, the Hound Master Cavalier.

For those interested in Council of Thieves, the Hypothetical Halfling Edition (or CoTtHHE for short-get it? Short? Ha!); just bouncing ideas around, but since CoT assumes that the players have a reasons to hate the oppresive government, how would everyone feel about doing a "Chapter 0" (or "Chapter 1/2," if you will) where everyone starts off with a level of the commoner class and we go for a page or two roleplaying out their backstories before skipping ahead months/years and starting the game at its regular point?

Dizzy Whistle wrote:
Presenting, for your amusement Ringtail, Dizzy Whistle, the Hound Master Cavalier.

Curve-blade, eh? They make 'em child size? ;P

I would totally be up for the Intro, as it were! :D

And yes, yes they do! Smart ass! Hahaha

Ringtail wrote:

That is 4, isn't it? Provided that Halflingtime is still looking to join games.

This may take a while to set up; I want to reread the Player's Guide, the Cheliax Companion, and the Bastards of Erebus before I start anything. And spend a little bit weighing whether or not I have the time to dedicate to another game. I've stretched myself too far before and it isn't a mistake I'm keen on making again. If everyone is okay with me saying upfront that it will be a very slow, casual pace of maybe only 2-3 posts per week a piece being expected (individuals could post more often as they prefer, I suppose) it may not be too bad though. But going into this I want to be very clear that I will not be able to do the daily posting thing for this game.

-wide grin of bigtime joy- Oh, yes, I would be in.

Bergi Kauflebaum wrote:
Ringtail wrote:

That is 4, isn't it? Provided that Halflingtime is still looking to join games.

This may take a while to set up; I want to reread the Player's Guide, the Cheliax Companion, and the Bastards of Erebus before I start anything. And spend a little bit weighing whether or not I have the time to dedicate to another game. I've stretched myself too far before and it isn't a mistake I'm keen on making again. If everyone is okay with me saying upfront that it will be a very slow, casual pace of maybe only 2-3 posts per week a piece being expected (individuals could post more often as they prefer, I suppose) it may not be too bad though. But going into this I want to be very clear that I will not be able to do the daily posting thing for this game.

-wide grin of bigtime joy- Oh, yes, I would be in.

I hope you don't mind that we've inadvertantly turned your thread into "Halfling Chatterbox." Although there is technically recruitment going on in this thread so I don't think anyone is going to move it for being out of place or off topic. *shifty eyes*

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