Any good deities (flavor-wise) for an Arcane-Hunting Inquisitor?


I've got a Dwarven Inquisitor with the Magic Resistant racial trait, the Scorn of Magic magic trait, the Spellbreaker archetype, and the Spellkiller inquisition.

I want a deity that would work well to a greater or lesser extent for flavor as an arcane hater/something along those lines. Again, I'm primarily concerned with flavor. Any region and alignment are fine, but I would prefer dwarven areas and a lawful alignment if there are any like that. I've looked on the wiki, but I couldn't find any. Right now he's planned to worship Irori, but I feel like I could do better.


Liberty's Edge

Kotschie is a CE Demon Lord and associated with Giants, but he's very anti-Witch and to some degree arcane magic in general. He's also a misogynistic prick and I wouldn't worship him for any amount of money, but he leaps to mind.

On the other extreme, Ghenshau is the LG Empyreal lord of ignorance, among other things, and a somewhat heretical splinter cult that believes that means being against all arcane magic seems very possible.

Those are all I'm coming up with off the top of my head, though.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Members of the Pharasmin Penitence from Ustalav believe arcane magic is inherently sinful, as it eases suffering in life, and they believe that one should suffer as much in possible in life so that their rewards in the afterlife are greater.

So Pharasma would work.

Liberty's Edge

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

Members of the Pharasmin Penitence from Ustalav believe arcane magic is inherently sinful, as it eases suffering in life, and they believe that one should suffer as much in possible in life so that their rewards in the afterlife are greater.

So Pharasma would work.

You're right! I totally forgot about that aspect of the penitents. Those people are wacky.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, there's an entry for the Celibacy On Golarion thread too waiting to happen with those folks.

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Ironically, Nethys would work. His dual nature is reflected in bitter conflicts between rival temples who emphasize his benevolent or malevolent side to the exclusion of the other. Such an inquisitor would be a specialist in targeting and neutralizing heretics.

Silver Crusade

Brigh might be an interesting one, if the inquisitor sees magic as anti-tech...

Grand Lodge

Rovagug wants to destroy everything, and being antimagic/caster is just his cup of tea.

blahpers wrote:
Ironically, Nethys would work. His dual nature is reflected in bitter conflicts between rival temples who emphasize his benevolent or malevolent side to the exclusion of the other. Such an inquisitor would be a specialist in targeting and neutralizing heretics.

I was just thinking Nethys. All this talk about the gods of magic not really caring what is done with their power??? OHHHHH He CARES!!! Anyone misuses magic faces the inquisitor!!!

Actually... now I'm getting a character idea myself ;)

I think Nethys and Asmodeous would work fairly well. Nethys is dual natures about most everything and would support ur disrupting magic (though not destroying magical beasts or objects unnecessarily). Asmodeous on the other hand is lawful and he like Nethys has magic domain in his portfolio. Furthermore, his power often lies in divine overpowering knowledge among some of his followers. Finally, both these deities have the option of going magic domain to use touch attacks that dispel magic.

Not perfect choices but are both themetically and mechanically respectable choices.

Lord Hulrun is a canonical Inquisitor of Iomedae in the Worldwound who has been known to engage in "witch hunts", famously kicking off a Mendevian Crusade by burninating a few dozen spellcasters. Admittedly, they were suspected demon-worshipers and witches (in former Sarkoris, a region that doesn't have a good history with arcane magic and demoniacs), but despite uncovering numerous spies and demon-lovers there were quite a few people put to the sword with little to no evidence of anything other than arcane talent. Now, Hulrun's LN and he regrets the more extreme actions he took— both because of the innocents who died and because of the shame it brought to the church— but he is notably still a fervent supporter of inquisitions and witch hunts, though there's much more process and much less indiscriminate razing now.

I think that's enough to show that with the right backstory any deity's servant might be trained against the arcane arts, even if the deity his/herself has no real opinion on the matter aside from "don't use it to do things I don't like". If there's one divine class that should take one aspect of their church's belief system to an extreme, it's the Inquisitor. Go nuts.

Liberty's Edge

agnelcow wrote:
If there's one divine class that should take one aspect of their church's belief system to an extreme, it's the Inquisitor. Go nuts.

Actually, both mechanically, and IMO thematically, they can go exactly as far as a Cleric and no further.

The rest of what you say is true, though.

I think Gorum might fit, too. Because he revels in combat not in waving your hands around without getting them dirty.
"He who defiles holy combat with his arcane rubbish has to be purged with steel".

Wow, some of these are really good ideas. I went through every page on the wiki in order but nothing really hit me, and normally I'm good at this sort of stuff. Guess it was on off-day, but this is really helpful. Thanks. The Pharasma and Ghenshau ideas were pretty good, along with some of the more general ideas with Gorum and Rovagog.

I was honestly thinking about Nethys on the same lines, but couldn't think of anything great for him. However, some of the ideas here for him were really good. I like the whole "misuse of magic" angle; I think that fits perfectly with an Inquisitor. I might have to reflavor his personality a little, but I think that on the whole it fits pretty well. A sort of schism between the divine and arcane followers of Nethys fits especially well since Nethys is all about schisms, even in his own personality, and a divine caster hunting down arcane casters to maintain the sanctity and purity of magic is right up a Lawful Neutral character's ally.

One more thing: for all of my characters I write up a quote as a sort of introductory statement that tries to capture their purpose and personality in a single statement. I haven't really thought very hard on it, and I threw it down basically so I wouldn't have to think about it until I went back and re-edited everyone's bio, but what do you guys think about this?

“By doing as little as speaking words and waving their hands wizards can detonate the world; by doing as little as standing I can stop them.”

It's supposed to have a sort of "arcane casters abusing the world" vibe and an air of superiority, along with alluding to his Inquisitor and racial abilities amounting to being able to shrug off such attacks without effort. Good, bad? Any other general ideas? I haven't thought too hard about this one, so I won't be offended if you guys don't think it's great. Thanks!

Lantern Lodge

aka, Verity
LG female archon empyreal lord of determination, investigation, and truth

I know you said good but.. Abraxas.

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There is a group of worshippers of Nethys who go around ensuring people are using magic correctly and helping those harmed by order to ensure spellcasters continue to have a good name and that magic continue to be used on Golarion. I always thought that was a good backstory for an inquisitor who hated magic.

I'm surprised you aren't looking to play one of the jungle half orcs that hate arcane magic. You know the ones that get SR against arcane magic. As for deities with anti magical aspects like others have said Pharasma or Nethys.

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