Letter to Homophobic parents (KUDOS TO ANCIENT SENSAI)

Off-Topic Discussions

Ancient Sensai you are my hero! Thank you for laying it all out and destroying the opposition. Liz Courts "big sister" shut the thread down b/c of it. Proves once again that at Paizo its bigoted or hateful only if the moderators don't agree with your views. I really wonder why she shut the thread down.

The Exchange

Dude don't do this s@#&, it doesn't help anyone.

I believe she posted exactly why she shut the thread down. Perhaps you should read it again.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Flag and move on.

Paizo is a business. As a business, there are certain things Paizo does not want going on in it's messageboards. It is a matter of image. The thread degenerated into the things Paizo does not want, therefore it got locked. This is completely reasonable. If Paizo doesn't want something going on, that is their prerogative. I can see how a religious battle is something Paizo would rather not have.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks to everyone who flagged it and moved on. This thread is also closed due to my personal desire for a holiday without grar.

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