Legacy: Dragon Empires will be my adaptation of Jade Regent. The campaign begins in 4715 AR.
1) “I am _____ Amatatsu, I am Sakura Shiroi!”:
You are a sea dragon associated with clan Amatatsu. This imperial family has a reputation for producing traders, explorers, and reformers. One member of this family, Amatatsu Aganhei, forged the trade route between Minkai and Avistan thousands of years ago, but his triumph was suppressed by the Teikoku family and he himself executed by the Teikoku shogun. When the Five Storms began slaughtering the imperial families, the Amatatsus fled the Empire disappearing from history.
2) “I am _____ Higashiyama, I am Sakura Shiroi!”:
You are a sky dragon associated with clan Higashiyama. Members of this family were respected scholars and pious worshipers of the goddess Shizuru. This family ruled Minkai for much of the last 100 years since the fall of Lung Wa. The current emperor Shigure Higashiyama is of your clan, but has been usurped by the Jade Regent, and his status is unclear.
3) “I am _____ Shojinawa, I am Sakura Shiroi!”:
You are a forest dragon associated with clan Shojinawa. Although the oldest rulers from this family have reputations for revering ancestral spirits, raising fantastic shrines, and creating grand public works, the memory of the Shojinawas’ great works was soured by later generations’ decadence and madness. Some claim the family was even cursed by the moon for dabbling in dark magic and bloody sacrifices under its gaze—and doubt one could tell the difference between an oni and a Shojinawa heir if forced to say which was which. The Shojinawa family was supposedly destroyed when their palace was consumed by a conflagration of freezing black fire.
4) “I am _____ Sugimatu, I am Sakura Shiroi!”:
You are a sovereign dragon associated with clan Sugimatu. Historically, the Sugimatus were peacemakers and the imperial family most in touch with the needs of the people. Historians have granted members of this dynasty titles such as the Empress of Pleasant Rains, Emperor of the Sake Sea, and the Six Springs Empress. Rather than being intimidating titles, these names reflect eras that number among the most peaceful and bountiful in Minkai’s history. Most members of the Sugimatu family were poisoned over a period of years, making it the first of the five families to fall.
5) “I am _____ Teikoku, I am Sakura Shiroi!”:
You are a underworld dragon associated with clan Teikoku. A family of traditionalists and isolationists, the Teikokus were among the most militaristic of the five imperial families. This family founded the Teikoku Shogunate—the empire that predated Minkai. Its members were slain by the Oni of the Five Storms within the last half century, though it is said the fiends suffered considerable losses at the ancient family’s hands.
Character Creation Rules:
Starting Level: Level 3. We are picking up near the end of canon Book 1 in the AP.
Stats: 17 Point Buy.
Cursed Imperial Dragon
Type: Dragon
Dragons have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait.
Dragons have the low-light vision racial trait.
Dragons are immune to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects.
Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.
Size: Medium
Speed: Normal (this race has a base speed of 30 feet.)
Ability Score Modifiers: None
Languages: Common, Draconic, Tian-Min, Tien, Furthermore, members of this race with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages).
Racial Traits:
+4 natural armor bonus
Immune energy type - (Amatatsu/Sea - Cold, Higashiyama/Sky - Electricity, Shojinawa/Forest - Acid, Sugimatu/Sovereign - Sonic, Teikoku/Underworld - Fire)
Special ability of type
-Amatatsu/Sea (30 ft. swim speed, water breathing
-Higashiyama/Sky (30 ft. fly speed, +8 racial bonus to fly checks)
-Shojinawa/Forest (woodland stride)
-Sugimatu/Sovereign (Dogmatic Discordance (Su) Good or evil creatures take a -2 penalty when making saving throws against a sovereign dragon’s spells, spell-like abilities, breath weapon, and aura.)
-Teikoku/Underworld (Adamantine Claws (Ex) The claws of an underworld dragon are made of adamantine, and have the qualities of a weapon made from that material.)
Skilled - Cursed imperial dragons gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
True Form (Su) - When a cursed imperial dragon reaches 11 hit dice, it gains a supernatural ability that functions as Form of the Dragon I. The cursed dragon may use this ability three times per day. They may only turn into dragons of their true type. When the cursed dragon reaches 13 hit dice this ability functions as Form of the Dragon II. When the cursed dragon reaches 15 hit dice this ability functions as Form of the Dragon III.
All Paizo classes except (Antipaladin, Barbarian, Brawler, Cavalier, Fighter, Gunslinger, Ranger, Shifter, Vigilante, Vampire Hunter, Slayer, Summoner, Swashbuckler, and Unchained Barbarian)
HP: Max HP for Level 1. Half + 1 for every Level afterward. This standard applies for PCs. Class feature companions get half + 1 for all hit dice.
Drawbacks: I will be allowing Drawbacks.
Traits: Two. We won’t be using campaign traits this time. With a drawback, you have the potential for three traits total.
Wealth: 1,500 gp
No third party traits, feats or magic items outside Spheres of Might
House Rules:
Background skills
Alternate Bonus Progression
Any character with at least one level in a full BAB class gets Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot as bonus feats. If the character meets the prerequisite ability scores, they also receive Combat Expertise, Dodge, and Power Attack as bonus feats as soon as they meet those feats’ other prerequisites.