Grimm... the television series


The Exchange

Just saw the first two episodes on Hulu. Not too bad, it's interesting enough. Mix modern day cop drama with the supernatural stuff mainly from the Grimm's fairy tale and such along with a dash of buffy-esque elements. The Grimms are folks who have the ability to pierce the veil to recognize the supernatural folks who have infiltrated society, and task themselves to save people from the bad elements. At least one of the writers has worked on Buffy/Angel. Anybody else seen this show?

I have, and I've really enjoyed the two episodes so far. Monroe is my favorite character. :)

So far I'm not very impressed with it. Right now it feels like a Supernatural type show, albeit with the Grimm fairytale angle.

I've watched a couple of episodes. It's interesting enough for the moment. I prefer my heroe's with superpowers other than just "the sight." Dresden comes to mind in regard to closest Genre.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I'm giving it one more episode. I find the writing very ham-handed. The Asian uniformed cop has not uttered a single line of dialogue yet that wasn't specifically to convey exposition. In fact, this is true of almost every character except the main guy. Watch the episodes with this in mind, and it will drive you nuts.

It bugs me that the main guy's wife is a non-entity. It's like things are happening in this show, but no one is really reacting to anything with any amount of emotion.

I'm almost done with it, barring major unexpected improvements.

She's not the wife. She's not even the fiancee, although he did buy a ring for her because he was planning to propose to her at the beginning of the first episode, but then Aunt Marie showed up and ruined it all. And now he's debating whether to break up with the girlfriend 'for her own good.' (Yes, please, she really is totally vapid.)

I dunno, I'll admit it's still a bit stiff, but I really like it. I think it will definitely get better as they start to really find their footing. Presuming it doesn't meet the fate of most shows I really like and get cancelled.

I've been mildly pleased with Grimm after its first two episodes. I enjoy Supernatural MUCH more though. Additionally, as far as fairy tale themed shows go, I enjoy Once Upon a Time more than Grimm as well.

I do hope Grimm finds its footing though, as I think it has some really good potential.

Sovereign Court

I and my BF both love the show. It's the ONLY... yes ONLY Cop show you will find us watching as everything else sucks. This one is more of an X-Files type of feel but admirably not as good as X-Files the first couple of years. Heck even the 1st year of the X-Files was a struggle.

Monroe is awesome I do love him and I love the german name references. Blut botten = Blood Bath and Jagarbar (Umloted A's) = is Bear Hunter

It is a fun show. Hope it lasts

OH and not to mention we have a Local brewery called Grimms that names the beer after the fairy tales and the most awesome Logo and art for their beer. Won top honors in the Great American beer Fest

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I like it way more than the zero-production-value, Disneyfied Once Upon a Time, but I don't think we'll see a lot of longevity in Grimm. I get the same sense from it that I did with early Heroes, which is that it has a lot of potential, but that it will quickly run its course and die the death of early cancelation after two or three seasons tops.

I'd love to see it improve, but for now I'm watching it simply because it beats most of the alternatives. Except Castle and Prime Suspect. Those are better cop shows, and likely because they don't include the overdone fairy tale mythology.

Liberty's Edge

Supernatural just set the bar too high for me in these types of shows to look at this with anything but passing interest. I'll only watch it online and only after I'm done watching everything else ... and even then its going to be a mood thing.

I'll take the Winchesters, thank you very much.

Erik Mona wrote:

It bugs me that the main guy's wife is a non-entity. It's like things are happening in this show, but no one is really reacting to anything with any amount of emotion.

I'm almost done with it, barring major unexpected improvements.

I see what your talking about for the people around him but something made me wonder: did you notice his wife is almost always wearing red ?

It's ok, the part I like is the different mythology that's in the show.

It has the potential to be cheesy (it doesn't seem like they want to be completely gritty or realistic), but it's only been 2 episodes so far, so we'll see.

It's just another monster of the week show. How many monsters live in Portland anyway? Wouldn't the strongest monsters with the greatest territorial sense push the rest out?

One of my biggest questions is why is the the wolfman helping him? There isn't any reason for him to help in fact he has a compelling reason to gut the hero in the forest and let nature have it's way. Nothing in the first 2 shows explains why the wolfman is willing to help at all.

Scarab Sages

I just found this thread... Maybe should be in TV...

Since getting a full season this show is getting better and better. The latest ep with Reapers was brilliant!

Next time send your best... Love it!

It's not bad, but the writing could be a lot better. I watch it on occasion when there's nothing else on. What annoys me is how the city cops keep ending up in areas that are outside of the city. That's what the State police are for. I also second the question of why there are so many of them in the Portland area.

Asian guy = AWESOME

I keep trying to watch this show. (wrestling on sci-fi friday nights, el barf ola).. but I keep not being interested at all.

The underlying story and idea is neat and all that but.. well, I can't put my finger on it. It just doesn't keep my attention.

I miss the good show line up on friday night. This one looks like it could be one.. it just doesn't seem to be.



Scarab Sages

It is back and it is good!

Not sure if this counts as thread-necromancy, but yeah, me & mine still watch Grimm, and I think the show improved *a lot* over the first season, and now into the second. They still mostly keep their case/monster-of-the-week A-plot (it *is* a cop show), but the B-plot world-building & character development is what keeps things going.

Monroe is my #1 fave, followed closely by Capt. Renard - definitely the hottest guy on the show. The 2nd season developments w/ the girlfriend Juliet & the partner Hank have just made my day.

Hank's in on it!! Yeah! Hoping Juliet fades the rest of the way away as a setup for Nick leaving town...

Looking forward to see where they go with Team Nick vs the Royal Families...

I watch the show, but can't say I would be terribly hurt if it was cancelled. Sort of watch it more out of habit and because of some of the side characters are interesting.

One thing I wish they would move away from were monsters of the week that were basically just "combine this animal with person". I think there might be something like 4 or 5 Vessen based on canines alone. It would be nice to see some monsters that weren't just humanoid animals. Stuff more like the Hexenbeast.

Show is still awesome, AFAIC.

Stories are okay, it's weird that Portland seems to be 'monster-central' (but may have to do with a bastard prince living there), but it's all about the characters. Excellent characters who are NOT obnoxious in any way, and are enjoyable to watch (unlike at least one, newer, show I can mention...).

One thing that grabbed my attention about the show were the names of the creatures. Blutbaten rather than "werewolf." It translates from the German basically as "bloodbather," which is evocative and kind of cool. However, after the first few episodes they seemed to give up on coming up with cool names and went with the lowest common denominators once again. ("Oh, look, the name for the bee-people basically means...bee-people.")

It did spawn a pretty good episode of "Face Off" though, where the contestants had to investigate murder scenes and then create a creature based on how evidence found at the scene that might be found on the show.

Shadowborn wrote:

One thing that grabbed my attention about the show were the names of the creatures. Blutbaten rather than "werewolf." It translates from the German basically as "bloodbather," which is evocative and kind of cool. However, after the first few episodes they seemed to give up on coming up with cool names and went with the lowest common denominators once again. ("Oh, look, the name for the bee-people basically means...bee-people.")

Eh. Those pseudo German names for the critter is what ticks me off. I like the show, but since German is my mother tongue, I can't get over it. A "Fuchsbau" is not a creature, it's a place, literally the den of a fox.

Just call a werewolf a werewolf, and a kitsune a kitsune, please.

Looks like a Krampus christmas episode on Grimm tonight.

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So why can Grimm use Mindflayers but Paizo can't? =p

Rynjin wrote:
So why can Grimm use Mindflayers but Paizo can't? =p

I am glad I am not the only person who thought that watching tonight's ep...

MMCJawa wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
So why can Grimm use Mindflayers but Paizo can't? =p
I am glad I am not the only person who thought that watching tonight's ep...

We were making wisecracks about this critter all through the episode. But we loved it. Especially since it wasn't trying to eat OUR brains!

Is anyone else still watching this and rejoicing that Juliet has finally traded in her title of Resident Damsel in Distress for that of Super Hexenbeist? She wiped the floor with Adelind and she's not even fully aware of her abilities yet. I can only imagine that Juliet and Nick's children are going to put Adelind's kid to shame.

That and finally bringing Wu into the loop, and this show is just rolling right now.

Yep...I found Juliet boring, and making her into a Hexenbeist was an awesome idea. The Adalind vs Juliet fight was one of the few legitimate HELL YEAH moments the show has offered.

But um this season has been way better than past seasons. I tend to think Grimm works better as an ensemble show, especially since I fine Nick to actually be the most boring character.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, good season, and I like Juliet as a Hexenbiest.

Though I never found her to be "Resident Damsel in Distress". That implies a certain archetype of the utterly helples, insipid whiny chick that keeps getting kidnapped and such.

Juliet was often in danger, but she also kept a cool head and made concerted, intelligent efforts to free herself from the situation or aid others who came to help.

So, not a "damsel". =)

It's why her being a badass so suddenly doesn't bother me like it would on some shows. The only thing really holding her back was a ack of the nearly ubiquitous super strength present among Wesen.

yeah...she really wasn't a damsel in distress, but certainly Nick kind of considered her that way. Juliet being in danger because Nick was a Grimm was certainly a big concern of Nick in earlier seasons.

Also I love that Wu now knows what is going on, and would probably make a better Grimm than Nick if he only had his abilities :)

You're right, Rynjin, she wasn't really in the whiny/helpless Damsel archetype; maybe what I was thinking came more from the fact that, as one of the only primary characters without either supernatural abilities/talents (Rosalee/Monroe) or civil authority (Hank/Wu), her character seemed to be in jeopardy more often than the others. She did handle it well.

Do you think the show writers will let Juliet keep her abilities (assuming she and Nick can come to terms with it)?

Not sure. I hope so, though. I like Juliet as a character, so her taking a more prominent role would be cool.

Plus, she can fill a needed niche. They often need a Hexenbiest's help, or have to jury rig a roundabout solution due to a lack of one. Since the ones on the show are either directly antagonistic, or impossible to get a hold of, this would stave off boredom from the inevitable "We need a Hexenbiest but can't find one. To the Rosalee mobile!" plot.

Grand Lodge

It's killing me to wait for Season 4 to be finished and be included in my Prime for free. Love Monroe, Season 3 has a nice cliffhanger, and I don't want to spoil anything for myself more than I already have.

Liberty's Edge

I'm glad they made Juliette a Hexenbeast. It avoided what I call the Lois Lane Syndrome. Where being married to Superman and being a popular character. Somehow makes her immune to villain attacks and retribution. Nick is not always around and makes sure that if anyone is dumb enough to strike at The Grimm through his love interest. There is going to be hell to pay. My only complaint is how they dragged out the Wu storyline.

Dude, that Nick needs some vacations.

Don't care about Juliette being a hexenbiest, but love her being a badass.

But hey... I watch for Sgt. Wu, Monroe, and Rosalee.

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