Mass Effect Movie!


Last night at New York Comic Con I got a Mass Effect shirt. It was not from Bioware, it was from Legendary pictures.

Currently the movie is in the story board phase, and should be ready by 2013, as per the Legendary Pictures representative.

Great news!

I hope there won't be any lawsuits to slow down the filming (like for plagiarism)


Only bad thing... Shepard won't look right. :(

So long as Tali looks right, I'm good :) And screwing up Garrus or Wrex would annoy me too, but most especially Tali.

Lathiira wrote:
So long as Tali looks right, I'm good :) And screwing up Garrus or Wrex would annoy me too, but most especially Tali.


Silver Crusade

Simcha wrote:


Only bad thing... Shepard won't look right. :(

Oh man, there is absolutely no way they'll make everyone happy there. The male/female divide say nothing of the paragon/renegade divide.

Still, if they can find a friendly medium....whatever that might be...

(that's the thing about Mass Effect, every time a player sees pictures or videos of someone else's Shepard, it just looks so bizarre and wrong)

Be even weirder if he looked like one persons character exactly...even down to the unhealthy skin noone else picks cos they think it looks lame...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I assume they won't be making the Commander Shepherd movie.

Silver Crusade

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I assume they won't be making the Commander Shepherd movie.

To be honest I think I'd prefer that they didn't. That universe is ripe for other stories beyond telling the game's story over again.

Mikaze wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I assume they won't be making the Commander Shepherd movie.
To be honest I think I'd prefer that they didn't. That universe is ripe for other stories beyond telling the game's story over again.

I am REALLY attached to Mass Effect. Bioware scored something great there.

I am not necessarily attached to Shepherd. I love the character, but Mass Effect really IS more than the character. I am hoping for the Mass Effect Franchise to continue after ME3, but I would like to see it involve other characters. the feeling I get is that Mass Effect is loved for its universe, contrasted with Metal Gear Solid which seems loved for its character.

In any case, there is no way the anticipation of a ME movie could match the anticipation I have for Mass Effect 3 right now. I am really hoping my saving the Rachni Queen paid off.

Carl Cascone wrote:

In any case, there is no way the anticipation of a ME movie could match the anticipation I have for Mass Effect 3 right now. I am really hoping my saving the Rachni Queen paid off.

Me, I'm hoping that courting Tali will have some "extra" payoffs. Besides the fun in bed, of course :)

Silver Crusade

Carl Cascone wrote:

In any case, there is no way the anticipation of a ME movie could match the anticipation I have for Mass Effect 3 right now. I am really hoping my saving the Rachni Queen paid off.

Good Lord, full Paragon Shepards seem like they're going to be getting one Gondor Calls For Aid moment after another in ME3.

Rachnii, True Geth, Wrex's Krogan maybe, maybe something with Shiala the green Asari who had that weird awkward almost-kiss-maybe moment and some possible Thorian leftovers...

Seriously, if Conrad Verner and Blasto the Hanar Spectre join the fray in ME3, I'll never play another non-Valve game again, because nothing will ever top it.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This one knows what you are thinking, did this one fire 5 bullets or six? Perhaps one must ask oneself does this one feel lucky?

Sovereign Court

Carl Cascone wrote:

In any case, there is no way the anticipation of a ME movie could match the anticipation I have for Mass Effect 3 right now. I am really hoping my saving the Rachni Queen paid off.

I dont know maybe she joins the Reapers? No good deed.....

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