Calypsopoxta |
I'm looking for a stable Pathfinder Society or even a regular Pathfinder group in the Austin area. I haven't had much opportunity to play Pathfinder, but I have plenty of experience with 3.5 and have spent a great deal of time pouring over the books itching to play.
I have a flexible schedule and hope to find a weekly group, but I'm not picky about it. As long as it's Pathfinder I'll be happy.
Dragnmoon |
I'm looking for a stable Pathfinder Society or even a regular Pathfinder group in the Austin area. I haven't had much opportunity to play Pathfinder, but I have plenty of experience with 3.5 and have spent a great deal of time pouring over the books itching to play.
I have a flexible schedule and hope to find a weekly group, but I'm not picky about it. As long as it's Pathfinder I'll be happy.
Dave will most likely be around, but there is a Monthly PFS game in Austin.
North Austin Pathfinder Society
You can also email the Venture-Captain David Woodfin at texasvcwoodfin(at)gmail(dot)com
There is also a Bi-Weekly PFS game in San Antonio, That works with Austin to try not to schedule their games the same weekend.
Pathfinder Society San Antonio
I am the coordinator there and can be contacted at dragnmoon(at)gmail(dot)com
Dragnmoon |
Thanks for the info! Anyone else know of any groups?
That is it for Pathfinder Society, you may want to post in this section, Gamer Connection, for a Non pathfinder Society game.
Calypsopoxta |
Calypsopoxta wrote:Thanks for the info! Anyone else know of any groups?That is it for Pathfinder Society, you may want to post in this section, Gamer Connection, for a Non pathfinder Society game.
Ah! Thanks, I was looking for that earlier!
Dragnmoon |
There doesn't seem to be anything for events in Austin on
Dragnmoon |
Ah, I found that one before. I didn't realize it was Warhorn. It had to be the one Saturday I can't make it. Oh well, next time.
Well if you want to drive down to San Antonio, Are next game is the 22nd.
The store we play at is called Dragon's Lair
7959 Fredericksburg Rd Suite #129
San Antonio TX 78229
Also you may be interested in Joining the Texas PFS Obsidian Portal page, it is where we keep in touch with all the Texas players