Is there an easy way to see a list of all 3rd party adventures / modules?

Product Discussion

I can get to the list of Paizo modules very easily.

However, 3rd party stuff is segregated by publisher, so I have to do a lot of sorting through alternate rules, advice books, campaign settings and other wicked cool stuff that isn't what I am looking for.

What I would like is the ability to search 3rd party stuff by product type independent of publisher.

Am I missing something?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That would be cool little feature. Though perhaps posting this in web page or web site feedback forum(forget which it is called off the top of my head) might be more likely to get a response.

Good idea. I never travel "upstream" from the Pathfinder section of the message boards so I didn't know of that forum.

I have created a duplicate thread there.

Scarab Sages

Is it a search facility on this website or just general?

For general stuff I googled 'd20 3.5 OGL complete product list'

the blog owner had certainly done their home work

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