Falcon’s hollow adventure in the future ideas *spoilers*



I am GMing/planning on GMing the D0, D1, E1, D1.5 and D4 Series. I am also GMing Pathfinder Society Scenario #43: The Pallid Plague and Pathfinder Society Scenario #23: Tide of Morning. I changed the setting of Tide of Morning to Darkmoon woods. I am also GMing some adventures of my own creation base around Falcon’s Hollow. My group has done D0, D1, Tide of Morning and one adventure of my own.

I have about half of the group of character/players that is interacting with the town and NPC. By the way, I am using the face cards from the GameMastery series with the town folk and I think it working great. The other half of the party/players has not interact with the town folks and one of them piped up last session and ask when are we going to leave this dumpy town. Therefore, I have decided to do a “Christmas Carol” style prophetic –vision/dream adventure.

The party’s vision is 5 years in the future. This is my current idea…

D4 Spoiler:

Tar-Baphon ‘helped’ Drazmorg to find the other seals and Tar-Baphon has gotten free. Tar-Baphon has created a new empire and Drazmorg is now one of Tar-Baphon’s lieutenants and is charge with the conquest of Andoran. The Andoran army is currently holding the Drazmorg’s army at Falcon’s Hollow.
I am going to have each of the PC individually contacted by a god/ghost delivering the same message, which is ‘without the PC in Falcon’s Hollow great evil will arise.’ Then characters ‘wake up’ by the edge of Darkmoon woods. This is where we left off last session, but the wood are like Tainted Forest description in D4. As they walk back to Falcon’s Hollow the party will get attacked my some low level undead and solders from Drazmorg’s army. The party get to a ridge that overlooks Falcon’s hollow to find it surrounded by Drazmorg’s army.

This is where I need some ideas. I want the party to meet some of the NPCs from Falcon’s Hollow to give them information and a quest. I have some ideas but nothing I have thought about says that is it. So I am asking for ideas for the community.

Have you seen this tales-of-darkmoon-vale? It's a wonderful summary of a campaign set in Darkmoon Vale...

Well the Key NPCs that the modules try to get you attatched to are the Healer from d0 (i forget her name) and the Children from d1. You could also have your future vision have one of the PC's involved with Kimi's mother.

Or if you want to have it darker have the father/ranger returned blaming them for his wife and childs death. Theres alot of good future things at the end of d1 that sadly take too long for most campaigns..

The end of d4 also implies the Healer's status in Falcons hollow changes alot based on the undead invasion.

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