Dervish (Complete Warrior) Conversion?


Is there a Pathfinder conversion of the Dervish prestige class?

Ogrork the Mighty wrote:
Is there a Pathfinder conversion of the Dervish prestige class?

Well, not that I've seen, but, there are guidelines for converting PRCs. It should be easy enough for you to Do. TBH, however, it's borked . There are a handful of fighter archetypes in the APG that can fulfill the same conceptual niche, and there's a feat called Dervish Dance in the Inner Sea World Guide that focuses on using a scimitar in one hand.

Is there a specific element of the class you're looking emulate? Or is it the class itself you like?

Liberty's Edge

In 3.5, a dervish's Dervish Dance permitted them to full-attack on-the-move. (IMO, while feat-intensive, it was still "broke" in that it was essentially a combination of Spring Attack and a full-attack -- Pounce at least forced the creature attacking you to remain adjacent to you (vulnerable to your rebound full-attack). DD also didn't require actually using a scimitar, so players would build a dervish and then fight with a greatsword or a glaive...bloody sick: instead of DEX-based builds with light weapons, the PrC was being exploited by 2-hand Power Attack strength builds that could get full-attacks anytime an opponent was more than one or two squares inside their full move (and they guzzled potions of Expeditious Retreat like soda-pop).

Mike Schneider wrote:
In 3.5, a dervish's Dervish Dance permitted them to full-attack on-the-move. (IMO, while feat-intensive, it was still "broke" in that it was essentially a combination of Spring Attack and a full-attack

Yup. That's why I was wondering if they fixed it in PF.

If you wanna combine full attacks with a move- both the mobile fighter and DawnfloweDervish fighter archetypes get Rapid Attack which let's you do that. You can wield whatever weapon you want and can be TWF or 2 hander.

Ogrork the Mighty wrote:
Mike Schneider wrote:
In 3.5, a dervish's Dervish Dance permitted them to full-attack on-the-move. (IMO, while feat-intensive, it was still "broke" in that it was essentially a combination of Spring Attack and a full-attack
Yup. That's why I was wondering if they fixed it in PF.

Dervish was from Complete Warrior, which is not OGL material. Paizo can't release anything based on non-OGL material. They'd need to redesign the class from scratch, which is basically what they did with the mobile warrior archetype.

Dark Archive

I have done a conversion, but I changed many of the abilities. The dervish now has a number of rounds per day that she can dance and different types of dances. It's been playtested.

Let me know if you want me to dig it up and post it.

You might want to look at the Dawnflower Dervish of Sarenrae in Wayfinder #1 (free).

malebranche wrote:

I have done a conversion, but I changed many of the abilities. The dervish now has a number of rounds per day that she can dance and different types of dances. It's been playtested.

Let me know if you want me to dig it up and post it.

I know this is a bit of an old post but if anyone has any sort of write up or conversion I would love to see it. Thank you.

Dervish as conceived in 3E does not function in PF. Because to use the dance, you HAD to move between each attack, and that movement provoked AoOs. The class was built upon the assumption of static tumble DC's of 15, or 25 to move through someone's space, with the situational added DC, like +2 per additional creature moving past.

In PF, tumbling is much, much, MUCH harder, and the dervish would be suicidal to play. If you made their dervish dancing movement not provoke, it'd solve a lot of the problem, I guess.
Or you could just be any of the myriad of spellcasters like Magus, Paladin, and Cleric that get no-AoO movement options via spells and not be a dervish at all.

Check bard archetypes: Dawnflower Dervish and Dervish Dancer. They are the closest things to Dervish in Pathfinder.

Actually, I'd say the best bet is the Mobile Fighter archetype + Whirlwind Attack + reach weapon and Lunge feat (to avoid AoOs). At level 11, he can make a full attack on the move. If using WWA, you'd basically have to not attack the guy initially closest to you, but beyond that, you can dash around, slashing at everybody. Just get a good reach...tumble DCs are stupid hard in PF.

I think there's another fighter archetype that gets the same class feature, too.

There's also the Dimensional Dervish feat. Or a Magus using Bladed Dash spell w/ Spell Combat. Basically, any method that will let you move around and attack without having to make acrobatics checks.

Well I thought Dervish was required to create Drizzit lol

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Actually, I'd say the best bet is the Mobile Fighter archetype + Whirlwind Attack + reach weapon and Lunge feat (to avoid AoOs). At level 11, he can make a full attack on the move. If using WWA, you'd basically have to not attack the guy initially closest to you, but beyond that, you can dash around, slashing at everybody. Just get a good reach...tumble DCs are stupid hard in PF.

I think there's another fighter archetype that gets the same class feature, too.

There's also the Dimensional Dervish feat. Or a Magus using Bladed Dash spell w/ Spell Combat. Basically, any method that will let you move around and attack without having to make acrobatics checks.

You can make the acrobatics DC work if the class gives a considerable bonus to the acrobatics skill.

My attempt at a dervish archetype for the fighter, combining some earlier versions and a little bit of my own :

Dervish (fighter archetpye)

Weapons and armor proficiency :

Dervish is not proficient with heavy armor and medium armor and is not proficient with heavy and tower shields.

Skills : The dervish gains Acrobatics and perform as a class skill.

The dervish gains the dodge feat and skill focus acrobatics as a bonus feat.

Nimble (Ex)

At 2nd level, a dervish gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the dervish to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC also causes the dervish to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

This replaces bravery and the 2nd level bonus feat.

Agility (Ex)

At 3rd level, the dervish gains +2 on acrobatics checks to tumble, this bonus increases by +1 every 4 levels after to a maximum of +6 at level 19.

This replaces armor training 1.

Leap Attack (Ex)

At 5th level, when a dervish moves at least 5 feet prior to attacking, she gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th.

This ability replaces weapon training 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Dervish Stride (Ex)

At 7th level, the dervish can move through 10 feet of difficult terrain as if it were normal terrain, this stacks with benefits provided by the Acrobatic Steps and Nimble Moves feats.

This replaces armor training 2.

Rapid Attack (Ex)

At 11th level, a dervish can combine a full attack with a single move. She must forgo the attack at her highest bonus but may take the remaining attacks at any point during her movement. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

This ability replaces Armor Training 3.

Fleet Footed (Ex)

At 15th level, the dervish’s speed increases by 10 feet. He can take 10 on Acrobatics checks even while distracted or threatened, and can take 20 on an Acrobatics check once per day for every five fighter levels he possesses.

This ability replaces armor training 4.

Whirlwind Blitz (Ex)

At 20th level, a dervish can make a full-attack action as a standard action. He may also use the Whirlwind Attack feat as a standard action.

This ability replaces weapon mastery.

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