Kileanna |
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Found a torta!. This is a torta for me, apparently just in my town because I couldn't find it by the name of torta.
And I also found another 2 types of tortas which are popular in Galicia and that are respectively a sponge cake and a cake similar to a brioche.
My best take about tortas at this time is that they can be any kind of food that has been baked from a dough and has a somewhat circular and flat shape.

GM_Beernorg |
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Bison is delicious...
Stupid forefathers ruined a great thing by shooting 95% of them in the 19th century (cause railroads BAH!), and wasted the meat, taking only tongues and hides...fracking fools!
Of course, there was a more insidious reason for the slaughter of the American bison, had to do with folks that were already here when Pasty McColonist arrived...
/end rant...
OK...I want some torta, that looks amazing!

quibblemuch |

Kileanna |

Kjeldorn |
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Kileanna wrote:Sorry. That was very ANTagonistic of me. A courteous person always waits for others to b-roach the puns first. Hive really made a mess of things.You stole my entomologist joke...
I shouldn't have waited to post it. My fault xD
Stop it, I beg you, everyone of those sentences felt like someone was taking a hammer and chisel, to the back of my skull.
I mean its not Punny...
Oh my God, I'm infected...

quibblemuch |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

quibblemuch wrote:Kileanna wrote:Sorry. That was very ANTagonistic of me. A courteous person always waits for others to b-roach the puns first. Hive really made a mess of things.You stole my entomologist joke...
I shouldn't have waited to post it. My fault xDStop it, I beg you, everyone of those sentences felt like someone was taking a hammer and chisel, to the back of my skull.
I mean its not Punny...
Oh my God, I'm infected...
Infected or insected?
I should bee ashamed.

![]() |
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Kjeldorn wrote:quibblemuch wrote:Kileanna wrote:Sorry. That was very ANTagonistic of me. A courteous person always waits for others to b-roach the puns first. Hive really made a mess of things.You stole my entomologist joke...
I shouldn't have waited to post it. My fault xDStop it, I beg you, everyone of those sentences felt like someone was taking a hammer and chisel, to the back of my skull.
I mean its not Punny...
Oh my God, I'm infected...
Infected or insected?
I should bee ashamed.
Oh, man. That stings.

John Napier 698 |
I'm just here for the burritos. Feliz Cinco de Mayo, everyone!
(Also, I have trouble calling wheat flatbreads "tortillas" although they are stretchy and glutinous enough to become large sizes and make large burritos without falling apart.)
By wheat flatbreads, do you mean something like the Greek Pita? You can make pockets out of flatbreads, say, for a Gyro. You can't do that with a wheat tortilla.

Philo Pharynx |
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GM_Beernorg wrote:That's okay. It's just that I had an understanding why puns are painful, as a theory.Maybe we should ease off the terrible bug puns before John's head explodes...as I understand it, he needs that for stuff.
Sorry man!
Oh, I worked for four years in developing a theory about bug puns. But in the end, I failed. I'm aphid that it may gnat be possible to cricket.

GM_Beernorg |
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I think we have pretty well derailed this thread...
So, against my normal instincts, I am going back on the rails.
The most table shaking laughter I have seen as a GM was caused by one of my players. Bud was about as RL Chaotic Neutral as a human can be, so this was just Bud being Bud, but it was priceless.
As I recall, the party was trying to get into a town which was not welcoming to them. They manage to do so, and the party decides they need horses, but lack the funds for them.
So, Bane (hey, not my place to judge PC names generally) Bud's PC says he has a plan to get horses.
So, what does he do, he tells the rest of the PC's to be ready to wrangle a horse, heads over to the stables near the main gate, and in the growing twilight grabs a torch, acts like he is doing something stable related, waits for a unobserved moment...and throws the torch into a pile of hay just inside the stable door.
Bane the mask wearing disturbing PC proceeds to start shouting "Fire...Fire" to incite confusion, and jumps on the first horse to run from the stable in a panic over the growing fire.
Everyone at the table (including me the GM) sat silent for a moment, and then spent 10 minutes ROTFL.
It was priceless, not a good plan at all, and had a bunch of unintended consequences, but priceless for hilarity purposes.

DungeonmasterCal |
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Most unexpected thing I ever had happen at a game that made me laugh so hard I was nearly sick was when the Jester (this was a 2e kit for the bard) and the rest of the party was invited to have dinner with the king for their services to the kingdom. As they entered the dining hall, the king said, "Please take your seats". Without a pause the Jester just says "I drop my pants and sit in the pudding." I was so caught off guard I couldn't stop laughing for five minutes, and then still giggled from time to time throughout the rest of the game.

quibblemuch |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Most unexpected thing I ever had happen at a game that made me laugh so hard I was nearly sick was when the Jester (this was a 2e kit for the bard) and the rest of the party was invited to have dinner with the king for their services to the kingdom. As they entered the dining hall, the king said, "Please take your seats". Without a pause the Jester just says "I drop my pants and sit in the pudding." I was so caught off guard I couldn't stop laughing for five minutes, and then still giggled from time to time throughout the rest of the game.
I guess it's like the old adage says: "The proof of the pudding is in the taint."

Philo Pharynx |
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One word totally broke up one of my gamemates. We were facing some bad guys and he did not hear the description. So another player says, "Basically they are Sleestak." And for some reason that set him off. We could reliably roach* Paul for months by just saying "Sleestak".
*to roach: To have somebody laugh so hard that all they can do is lie of their backs with legs and arms twitching like a dying roach.

quibblemuch |
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GM: The wall before you is covered in strange sigils and glyphs. And since I doubt any of you can read Ancient Osiriani--
ROGUE: I can.
GM: Really?
ROGUE (points to character sheet): Yup.
GM: Alright, I guess you can read that [relays extensive and very useful information].
BARBARIAN (to Rogue): You're the best wizard EVER!
ROGUE: Uh, I'm not a--

phantom1592 |
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We were searching the grounds of a mansion and found a gazebo just sitting there.
Inquisitor: I'm gonna check the Gazebo.
Wizard: Why?
Inquisitor: I just like to be safe... heard about a party that fought one before...
Wizard: ReallY?
INquisitor: Yeah... turned out to be a huge misunderstanding.
Goes to check inside the gazebo and is instantly attacked and smothered by something living inside it. Knocked to unconsciousness before his first initiative.
Inquisitor's last gurgled scream: THE LEGENDS WERE TRUE!!!!!