Pathfinder Sessions now up on YouTube

Campaign Journals

Hey guys, this probably should belong in a specific forum, but I wanted everyone to know that our 4th edition group on Sundays agreed to switch over to Pathfinder, and we decided what better way to celebrate than to record those sessions and put em up on YouTube. Our first Adventure Path is Rise of the Runelords (modified a bit for PFRPG) beginning with Burnt Offerings, and we're uploading the videos now. Anyway, please feel free to check out both the records of that session (will be uploading weekly) as well as our Thursday Society games at

Please subscribe and comment, and tell us how much we're screwing Paizo's precious adventures up :). Seriously, everyone's commentary is worth its weight in gold, so please pipe up.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It says the video is not available.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ok this link works for the video. Not sure why I was getting the message before with the link you had. But here is the link for the first session.

Just started watching the first one. Paused it to come back and comment.

It would be nice if you listed here on this forum. a list of who all is playing and what they play. Like

Jack - Xander - Human(Tein) Rogue

just as a example and not saying that is correct but I know one of them is from there and not sure the name.

Thanks for the advice. Not sure if about the link error, but here is the playlist link:

Have 4 videos up so far, probably gonna be 12 more for this session (about 3 hours more, 4 total). I do my best to edit all the downtime and bs'ing out.

Here's the party:

Xander - Human(Tian Xia) Monk, played by Jai(rhymes with "guy")
Archelaos - Human(Chelaxian) Evocation Mage, played by James
Athena (one of her many names) - Elven (origin tbd) bard, played by Jenny
Pyredine - Human Fighter from Absalom, played by Scott
Aerodus - Human(Chelaxian) Blackguard, played by Jeremy
Zoji - Human (Garundi) Oracle, played by Dean

And Chris (me), your humble DM. Apologies for having to listen to my nasal sounding voice . I honestly think I don't sound that horrible in person, but oh well.

Also, I should mention that Jeremy's Blackguard is simply an Anti-Paladin that I houseruled to allow being Lawful Evil (and because I think that Anti-Paladin sounds ridiculous). The concept comes from the Blackguards in the Dragonlance Campaign Setting.

I may start a wiki, and if so I'll put everyone's character sheet up.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ok cool, I just finished listening to the second one. Been getting distracted by stuff.

As a point for the future. The next time if you can find a way to put the camera higher and point it down so it can see the full map more from a player point of view would be nice too. Just offering feedback. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:

Ok cool, I just finished listening to the second one. Been getting distracted by stuff.

As a point for the future. The next time if you can find a way to put the camera higher and point it down so it can see the full map more from a player point of view would be nice too. Just offering feedback. :)

Yeah, I'll probably attach the camera to a jar pointing downward next time to give a more isometric view . Kept having to crop people's faces out of the top of the videos because we have young'uns in our group....and I'm sure there are laws somewhere about that :).

That's a wonderful idea... I hope someone else will follow your effort with other APs and that you and your group could go on with this until Xin-Shalast last battle.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


I've always wanted to see one of these in action, and RotRL seems like it would be really fun to watch.

*tunes in*

Nice to see there's enthusiasm for this endeavor. And I've read the entire AP, and I love the history and mythology behind Tassilon, so I'm stoked to run this things to the end.

As far as other AP's go, I believe RPGMP3 is doing an audiocast of Kingmaker. Provided that the group is still diggin Pathfinder at the end of this AP (highly likely), we'll go on to record the succeeding AP's (or whatever campaign we do next).

I'm happy to say that all 17 sessions are now uploaded and live. Sorry this took so long, had a lot of video editing to do...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Cool I am about half way threw them so far. Watching a couple a night when i have time.

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