Crimson Jester |
Crimson Jester wrote:Wasn't Earth Prime where all the superheroes were just literary characters except the Superboy who eventually turned into a whiny douche?Aberzombie wrote:Only if you do not live on Earth Prime.Kae'Yozz the drow wrote:So, are these like, the infinite earth versions?ssoYeaK wrote:Poor. I'm a drow. We worship demons. Prepare to have your child devoured! Prepare to have your holy scriptures defiled. I'm especially looking forward to that one.ka3yo5s wrote:Kryzbyn wrote:I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I think it maybe slightly against forum rules to create an alias for the express purpose of mocking a specific poster. Just maybe.You think?Then I *must* do it.
I'm a REBEL!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yes, and that is MR. UBER WHINY DOUCHE to you.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
You think so (I'm seriously asking, no sarcasm)?
I think Paizo and WotC initially decided to target different demographics. Paizo decided to largely ignore new gamers and actively market to long-time gamers; WotC decided to largely ignore long-time gamers and actively market to new gamers. So, prior to now, Paizo and WotC have not been in direct competition for the same demographic.
The Pathfinder intro set changes that. The intro set means that Paizo is actively trying to win over the new gamers at the heart of WotC's marketing efforts. Meanwhile, intentionally or not, WotC has burned some bridges to the long-time gamer demographic. So WotC isn't currently in a position to turn the tables and actively win over the long-time gamers at the heart of Paizo's previous marketing efforts.
That, in my opinion, is at the heart of WotC's call for unity. WotC needs to rebuild the bridge between the new gamer demographic it has dominated until now and the long-time gamer demographic it has taken for granted, because Paizo now has footholds on both sides of the river.
Scott Betts |
The Pathfinder intro set changes that. The intro set means that Paizo is actively trying to win over the new gamers at the heart of WotC's marketing efforts.
I don't think it matters that much. The Pathfinder Basic Set is a start, not an entire strategy. WotC's new player acquisition strategy includes the Red Box (which is appearing in stores like Target), the entire Essentials line, three new boardgames (and counting), the D&D Encounters organized play program, their massive sponsorship of both PAX cons (and, really, anything they do with Penny Arcade), etc.
Kae'Yozz the drow |
Kae'Yozz the drow wrote:So, are these like, the infinite earth versions?Poor. I'm a drow. We worship demons. Prepare to have your child devoured! Prepare to have your holy scriptures defiled. I'm especially looking forward to that one.
Golarion's Darklands. Spiders are for icky nutcases (yes, I'm talking about you, Mazzmezz worshippers. Eat your heart out. No, wait, let me do it.)
Kettle |
I'm pooping just as fast as I can! I don't think people really appreciate that there are no magical factories off somewhere mass-producing skittles...
Hey man, Russell Brand is stealing your schtick.
Easter Bunny |
Rodent of Glory wrote:Hey man, Russell Brand is stealing your schtick.I'm pooping just as fast as I can! I don't think people really appreciate that there are no magical factories off somewhere mass-producing skittles...
Those are jelly beans!
*jelly bean buck shots Kettle*
John Kretzer |
@ProfessorCirno: So it is all based on speculation. I don't mean to discount it...but it looks really skakey to me. Though sales of nWoD probably were a little better than the end of oWoD...mostly the same reason 4th ed sold so well at the start...people wanted to see what they did. So you might be right...but I imagine sales dropped off alot faster from the nWoD.
WoD was a story based had to come to end eventualy....Torg and how they did it is personaly how they should have done it...after oWoD there should not have been any new books....but they are trying to milk it for all it was worth instead of coming up with a new story.
But you to say as we examine the sales...which as you said we can't do...because we can not get those figures.
And what some freelancers you keep pointing out with Ryan Dancey...has a vested interest in seeing WoD continue(the freelancer) can we take his words as bias?
Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
Patrick Curtin |
Patrick Curtin wrote:And you are also incorrect!Well, look at what happened to the WoD franchise. They rebooted it, changed the mechanics and then all the previous backstory was invalidated. That meant $2-3K in books obscolesced in one fell swoop for me. How'd that work out for you WW? That experience was one of the reasons I was so against moving forward into 4e. I bought the basic nWoD intro books, and a few of the first releases, but the magic was gone. I LIKED oWoD, warts and all. Just like I liked 3e, warts and all.
I guess the moral of the story is that radical reboots will alienate a large portion of your fanbase. The $64 dollar question is how much of a shrinking fanbase can you afford to alienate? In WW's case, I'd say too many were alienated. D&D has more depth of history and parent company support, so only time will tell...
Do tell? What did I say that can be inferred as stating an incorrect fact? I was relating a personal feeling about WW and what happened after their edition reboot. Reread the paragraph. No declaritives there. And I knew a lot of oWoD fans. I was still buying their books right up to Gehenna. So were a lot of people. I followed them to their new edition, and I disliked it. As did the people I personally* talked to.
*Personally as in not making sweeping declarations about sales figures or industry trends.
[oWoD sales were abysmal near the end of it's run. Fans were not flocking to buy books as you seem to be implying.
nWoD sales at the start weren't as strong as oWoD sales at the start, no - but they were significantly higher then oWoD sales were at the time, and stayed higher.
Annnnnd downstream you say:
Sales numbers in the tabletop industry are a private matter and are thus rarely if ever revealed. However, insider scuttlebutt and public remarks can paint pictures.
Indeed. Why you can paint a picture of someone who speaks from authority while dealing in only rumors! Whodathunk?
What killed nWoD was the one-two punch of a plummeting economy followed by that same Ryan Dancey everyone here is high-fiving themselves over....
Blah-de-de-blah, I hate Ryan Dancey. But thank you for your pronouncement that I am oh-so-incorrect and that you have the real truth (ie: scuttlebutt, things taken out of context, and insider gossip). It made my evening all the lulzier.
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
Jeremy Mcgillan |
Who's angry? I'm amused, as are those playing the home game.
Granted, no one in the gaming industry killed my dog, so it's pretty easy for me to laugh at the situation.
oooooh I guess I should fess up. The one who killed your dog, that was me... I'm sorry Sebastian he just ran out in front of my car.
Ambrosia Slaad |
Sebastian wrote:oooooh I guess I should fess up. The one who killed your dog was me... I'm sorry Sebastian he just ran out in front of my car.Who's angry? I'm amused, as are those playing the home game.
Granted, no one in the gaming industry killed my dog, so it's pretty easy for me to laugh at the situation.
No, it was me, in the parlor with a candlestick!
Also, I am Spartacus, Rolo Tomassi, and Keyser Soze. However, Maury says that I am not Luke's father.
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
ProfessorCirno |
@ProfessorCirno: So it is all based on speculation. I don't mean to discount it...but it looks really skakey to me. Though sales of nWoD probably were a little better than the end of oWoD...mostly the same reason 4th ed sold so well at the start...people wanted to see what they did. So you might be right...but I imagine sales dropped off alot faster from the nWoD.
No, again, look at nChangeling. nChangeling sold incredibly well to the point where the limited runs was flat out abandoned and it became an unofficial full line on it's own. None of the non-Big Three in oWoD hit that success, not a single one.
nWoD did not cancel one single book, not at any point in time. oWoD cancelled entire lines, and they did it often.
WoD was a story based had to come to end eventualy....Torg and how they did it is personaly how they should have done it...after oWoD there should not have been any new books....but they are trying to milk it for all it was worth instead of coming up with a new story.
Um, what? nWoD was a new story. Almost entirely so, with the dropping of the metaplot. Nothing was being "milked."
And just to point this out, you can't milk a tabletop game product - there's nothing to milk. We're niche. We're the niche of a niche, and nobody enters this industry for the money, because you don't make much of it. Anyone from Paizo will tell you what I'm saying now: you enter the tabletop industry because you have a passion and an honest love for the games, and for no other reason.
And what some freelancers you keep pointing out with Ryan Dancey...has a vested interest in seeing WoD continue(the freelancer) can we take his words as bias?
No, I keep pointing out the opposite; Ryan Dancey has since 2007 been stating that tabletop games were *dead.* That he makes the claim about 4e in 2009 is no different from him making the claim about 3e in 2007 - the only difference is that people have an emotional investment in 4e failing, so that they now flock to him rather then shun his opinions.
Scott Betts |
I find it hilarious that when I post responses to people without a single insult in them they are deleted, while people making alts to mock me or posts that contribute nothing but to attack me are left there.
The time is 6:48. Let's see how long until this post also gets deleted.
Yeah, color me confused by this as well.
Wet Blanket |
I find it hilarious that when I post responses to people without a single insult in them they are deleted, while people making alts to mock me or posts that contribute nothing but to attack me are left there.
The time is 6:48. Let's see how long until this post also gets deleted.
You don't use the flag system enough, evidently.
Pro tip: Put a post in the thread letting those you flagged know that you flagged them.
Now...this post is associated with yours, so you may not see it, since it will undoubtedly be swept up in the next putsch, but I can't say I didn't try.
pres man |
ProfessorCirno wrote:Yeah, color me confused by this as well.I find it hilarious that when I post responses to people without a single insult in them they are deleted, while people making alts to mock me or posts that contribute nothing but to attack me are left there.
The time is 6:48. Let's see how long until this post also gets deleted.
Well there are cliques here on these boards. They have their own special threads that they all chat in. And when they see someone that one of them dislikes, they all gang up on that person. They tell each other to go to the specific thread and all flag those posts.
Ambrosia Slaad |
Scott Betts wrote:Well there are cliques here on these boards. They have their own special threads that they all chat in. And when they see someone that one of them dislikes, they all gang up on that person. They tell each other to go to the specific thread and all flag those posts.ProfessorCirno wrote:Yeah, color me confused by this as well.I find it hilarious that when I post responses to people without a single insult in them they are deleted, while people making alts to mock me or posts that contribute nothing but to attack me are left there.
The time is 6:48. Let's see how long until this post also gets deleted.
My understanding of the flagging system is that the Paizo peeps make the call on whether something is in violation of the boards' rules. It makes no difference on the number of people who flag it.
Of course, if you believe a "sekrit kabal" hangs on your every word to Flag your every post, well that's your prerogative.
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
Scott Betts |
Scott Betts wrote:Well there are cliques here on these boards. They have their own special threads that they all chat in. And when they see someone that one of them dislikes, they all gang up on that person. They tell each other to go to the specific thread and all flag those posts.ProfessorCirno wrote:Yeah, color me confused by this as well.I find it hilarious that when I post responses to people without a single insult in them they are deleted, while people making alts to mock me or posts that contribute nothing but to attack me are left there.
The time is 6:48. Let's see how long until this post also gets deleted.
That's pretty disturbing, if true. I've long seen these forums as unhealthily insular, but this is well beyond what I thought was the case.
Scott Betts |
pres man wrote:Scott Betts wrote:Well there are cliques here on these boards. They have their own special threads that they all chat in. And when they see someone that one of them dislikes, they all gang up on that person. They tell each other to go to the specific thread and all flag those posts.ProfessorCirno wrote:Yeah, color me confused by this as well.I find it hilarious that when I post responses to people without a single insult in them they are deleted, while people making alts to mock me or posts that contribute nothing but to attack me are left there.
The time is 6:48. Let's see how long until this post also gets deleted.
My understanding of the flagging system is that the Paizo peeps make the call on whether something is in violation of the boards' rules. It makes no difference on the number of people who flag it.
Of course, if you believe a "sekrit kabal" hangs on your every word to Flag your every post, well that's your prerogative.
Paizo staff have noted that they pay close attention to threads and posts that have been flagged multiple times.
Scott Betts |
Super Pro Tip: don't be a douche and you won't get people dogpiling on you for posting like a douche. You may even earn some respect and make friends.
Or, be part of a secret clique, if that concept is the closest you can manage to understanding friendship.
Dogpiling happens on these boards for many reasons. Acting poorly is one of them, but so is disagreeing with the common consensus of the forum community.
pres man |
pres man wrote:Scott Betts wrote:Well there are cliques here on these boards. They have their own special threads that they all chat in. And when they see someone that one of them dislikes, they all gang up on that person. They tell each other to go to the specific thread and all flag those posts.ProfessorCirno wrote:Yeah, color me confused by this as well.I find it hilarious that when I post responses to people without a single insult in them they are deleted, while people making alts to mock me or posts that contribute nothing but to attack me are left there.
The time is 6:48. Let's see how long until this post also gets deleted.
My understanding of the flagging system is that the Paizo peeps make the call on whether something is in violation of the boards' rules. It makes no difference on the number of people who flag it.
Of course, if you believe a "sekrit kabal" hangs on your every word to Flag your every post, well that's your prerogative.
That may be true, but if one post gets 1 flag and another post gets 10 flags, given that the moderators can't check every single post that gets flagged, which do you think they are going to check? Suggesting that the number of people flagging has no effect on whether something gets deleted is a bit unrealistic.
Wet Blanket |
Super Pro Tip: don't be a douche and you won't get people dogpiling on you for posting like a douche. You may even earn some respect and make friends.
Or, be part of a secret clique, if that concept is the closest you can manage to understanding friendship.
We are a conspiracy wrapped in a tinfoil hat, hosted on TimeCube.
Ambrosia Slaad |
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:My understanding of the flagging system is that the Paizo peeps make the call on whether something is in violation of the boards' rules. It makes no difference on the number of people who flag it...Paizo staff have noted that they pay close attention to threads and posts that have been flagged multiple times.
Oh I imagine that more flags moves it up in the queue to be reviewed. But whether it is in violation or not, that still seems to be Paizo's call.
Wet Blanket |
Super Pro Tip: don't be a douche and you won't get people dogpiling on you for posting like a douche. You may even earn some respect and make friends.
Or, be part of a secret clique, if that concept is the closest you can manage to understanding friendship.
Also, Sebastian, for giving away club secrets, we decided to vote you out. Don't worry--we'll still follow you around and make your life miserable.
ProfessorCirno |
Super Pro Tip: don't be a douche and you won't get people dogpiling on you for posting like a douche. You may even earn some respect and make friends.
Or, be part of a secret clique, if that concept is the closest you can manage to understanding friendship.
I see, so the secret to not being deleted is to call others a douche.
Daniel Gunther 346 |
Dragonsong wrote:Interesting...I loved Shadowrun, D6 Star Wars(D64LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), Marvel Super Heroes, and White Wolf.sunshadow21 wrote:That's interesting; I guess I never pictured WoD appealing to the same crowd as DnD. Do they play both because they genuinely like both or because they have a few friends that are playing both but they themselves really are only particularly interested in one of them? I'm curious how much is genuine interest and how much is "well, my friends are playing it, so I might as well"? Neither is a bad reason to play, but the ratio can be an indicator of how likely it is to happen in a different community with different social groups.Me personally, I enjoyed both as well as Earthdawn, Shadowrun, Rifts from that era. I did not enjoy MERP, Rolemaster, the D6 based Star Wars, or Ars Magica (mechanically speaking, i did crib some ideas for Vampire/Mage from it); all of which I played because a friend was into it.
Look up Cinema 6 RPG, which is a streamlined cleaned up d6. The group doing it is called Wicked North Games.