Crazy reviews of Paizo products on

Paizo General Discussion

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well ... looks like some total off-the-rockers wing-nut is putting up 1-star reviews of Paizo products on, Core Rulebook included.

Apparently, his problem amounts to Paizo products being ... un-Christian ... because ... the company is called Paizo ... which isn't a Greek term ... but Biblical ... and ... no, words fail me.

Perhaps there's some way of notyfing Amazon of a review-troll?


That sounds suspiciously familiar.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Jesus Christ, what a psycho.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, he was on these boards a few weeks ago spouting the same nonsense. He got 3-dayed for bypassing the profanity filters, then did it again. I suspect he got banned.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks guys for reminding me why I never, ever, ever visit OT forums.

Also, Vic? Ross? Any chance to hook up with Amazon Thought Police? Because at this rate he will go thru all Paizo products. Not so much of a problem with CRB or other popular stuff that has dozens of reviews, but all those poor little books like Companions or Modules will end up with a single 1-star, and that doesn't look good.

I bet he wouldn't like if we all one-star'd Plato's The Republic by translator R.E.Allen

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That is sad he is going to this extreme, I have known him since Necro days, we both post over there. Sadly this killed all respect I had for him, assuming it is him of course.

Grand Lodge

Zerg-rush his reviews with Unhelpful ratings.

Really? I reccomend going straight to Report Abuse.

I mean, he isn't reviewing the books at all.

Scarab Sages

I logged on to my Amazon account and reported abuse on his core rulebook review. Dark Mistress, with the writing styles and the structure of his "argument" I'd be comfortable wagering a sizable amount it's the same guy. Zealot or schizophrenic, I think he needs professional help.

Scarab Sages

Uninvited Ghost wrote:

Really? I reccomend going straight to Report Abuse.

I mean, he isn't reviewing the books at all.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
Zerg-rush his reviews with Unhelpful ratings.

Did that too.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I did the same thing reported it for abuse, I don't want to read religious comments about a companies name for a review of their product. I consider that a abuse myself.

james I agree I am fairly certain it is him as well. Just honestly makes me sad and slightly disgusted by this crusade of his about the name. As I said assuming it is him, which I agree it most likely is.

Dark_Mistress wrote:

I did the same thing reported it for abuse, I don't want to read religious comments about a companies name for a review of their product. I consider that a abuse myself.

james I agree I am fairly certain it is him as well. Just honestly makes me sad and slightly disgusted by this crusade of his about the name. As I said assuming it is him, which I agree it most likely is.

Thanks for the heads up, I will do the same thing. I mean I don't care if someone honestly hates a product and puts up a bad review as a result. But this vendetta because he was banned for breaking forum rules is petty to the extreme.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Dark Sasha wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:

I did the same thing reported it for abuse, I don't want to read religious comments about a companies name for a review of their product. I consider that a abuse myself.

james I agree I am fairly certain it is him as well. Just honestly makes me sad and slightly disgusted by this crusade of his about the name. As I said assuming it is him, which I agree it most likely is.

Thanks for the heads up, I will do the same thing. I mean I don't care if someone honestly hates a product and puts up a bad review as a result. But this vendetta because he was banned for breaking forum rules is petty to the extreme.

Yeah I posted about it in the Necro forums. I thought much better of him than this honestly. But maybe it's not him, I have my doubts. But thats why I asked in the Necro forums if it was him.

Another triumph for the internetocracy!

Grand Lodge

Anonymous strikes again.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Anonymous strikes again.


Sovereign Court

Evil Lincoln wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Anonymous strikes again.

First Base!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Brandon Hodge wrote:

That sounds suspiciously familiar.

Wow. I think I have a contact high just from reading that.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Since his rant about Paizo's name is the first time I've heard that rant in Paizo's nearly ten years of existence, and since these reviews have started popping up so soon after he ran into trouble here with his creative but inappropriate dodge of our profanity filters that got him in trouble, I HIGHLY suspect it's the same guy. It's unfortunate for him that he chose to wait until after we slapped him a bit for breaking our forum rules to suddenly launch this crusade, since it saps from his side any bits of righteousness and high moral ground, in my opinion... but whatever.

The best way to handle this is how you awesome folks have been; report his reviews and, even better, post your own more well-balanced reviews. They don't have to be good reviews, of course! :-)

It looks like Amazon has taken down his reviews since I looked earlier today. Either that or I *really* need new glasses.

-- david

Scarab Sages

Papa-DRB wrote:

It looks like Amazon has taken down his reviews since I looked earlier today. Either that or I *really* need new glasses.

-- david

Looking at his review page they are all gone but his "sane" one.

Well done, all.

Paizo Employee CEO

Yep, thanks to everyone for helping us get these down over the weekend. The Paizo community rocks!


I'm actually kinda worried about him, whoever he is. I've seen internet rants that seem to only occasionally match up to reality, but this guy/girl seems legitimately disturbed. His rambling post here sounded like something that went through a free translator a couple of times, had random insertions of the word Christian into places that made little or no sense, and had entire sentences repeated back to back with no reason for it.

Oh well, here's hoping he gets help or, if he's just trolling for kicks, he grows out of it. Good to see the reviews on are back to being coherent!

Does that mean we deserve another sneak-preview art piece? :D

Sovereign Court

I think I just lost some SAN points just by reading this.

Scarab Sages

""the company is called Paizo ... which isn't a Greek term ... but Biblical"" it ain't...LOL..i even wasted some time searching the net - which translation/version of the bible is this guy reading? He/she gives us rp'ing christians a bad name

EDIT: go here..yes it's a biblical/greek word, but so is Messiah/Christ LOL

Liberty's Edge

AntediluvianXIII wrote:

""the company is called Paizo ... which isn't a Greek term ... but Biblical"" it ain't...LOL..i even wasted some time searching the net - which translation/version of the bible is this guy reading? He/she gives us rp'ing christians a bad name

EDIT: go here..yes it's a biblical/greek word, but so is Messiah/Christ LOL

Than he needs our prayers and not our lack of compasion. not saying you lack this in your post. I read some of the other thread. Also THANKS for the website address, i have bookmarked it.

Scarab Sages

@jjaamm: as in hate the sin, but love the sinner LOL. i agree. we all get peeved every now and then but to take it to that sort of level indicates some sort of problem...

It is humorous in this context, but this guy needs help. And it's mental illness, not religion OR a lack of it that he needs help with.

He needs help from a mental health professional. Now that the insult to Paizo is dealt with, maybe we can all have some sympathy for this guy with his involuntary, apocalyptic delusions. It has to be scary to live in a world where a game you play can suddenly transform into an agent of biblical-scale evil.

A little pity might be appropriate.

Liberty's Edge

Evil Lincoln wrote:

It is humorous in this context, but this guy needs help. And it's mental illness, not religion OR a lack of it that he needs help with.

He needs help from a mental health professional. Now that the insult to Paizo is dealt with, maybe we can all have some sympathy for this guy with his involuntary, apocalyptic delusions. It has to be scary to live in a world where a game you play can suddenly transform into an agent of biblical-scale evil.

A little pity might be appropriate.


I am continually thankful for the good sense that prevails on these boards. Despite the continued use of the word "Christian" in his posts, these comments haven't deteriorated into a slagging match about his *faith* (I hesitate to use that term because it's kinda vague whether there's a coherent belief system in there...)

As an aside, I'm and English teacher (although currently doing Masters in creative writing) and I've written essays on passages of James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake" which make more sense than what this dude has written. LOL.

Attn Paizo: Hire that guy immediately!

After trying to read the forum post pointed out by the same guy, I've come to realize that this person should begin work on "Book of the Old Ones".

I felt like I had to make a sanity check after reading his stuff, and that is definitely something that you'd have to do after reading texts of the old ones.

That is all.

Geeky Frignit wrote:

Attn Paizo: Hire that guy immediately!

After trying to read the forum post pointed out by the same guy, I've come to realize that this person should begin work on "Book of the Old Ones".

I felt like I had to make a sanity check after reading his stuff, and that is definitely something that you'd have to do after reading texts of the old ones.

That is all.

Nah. A good book on the Old Ones needs to be written by someone who still has a little bit of a SAN score. Six is a good number. Maybe 8. That way he still comprehends the immense horror of what he's writing and can communicate that horror to the reader.

Otherwise it just reads as a pointless rant.

Blakeus wrote:
As an aside, I'm and English teacher (although currently doing Masters in creative writing) and I've written essays on passages of James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake" which make more sense than what this dude has written. LOL.

Homi Bhabha should totally write on Finnegan's Wake, and have his book reviewed by Luce Irigaray.

Dark Archive

I was reading some of his posts and as I didn't understand any sentences I thought my english was very poor (Well I'm a Frog and therefore English is not my mother tongue), but I'm glad that even the English/american do not seem to understand his writings.

For a while I had lost some SAN points.

Blakeus wrote:
I'm and English teacher

Because of the English teacher thing, I just HAVE to point out the silly "and" thing there. :P

And since I'm a nice guy, I won't point it out to your pupils. Also, I don't know how to contact them.

I have never seen anyone working so hard on his resume for Chick Publications. If that doesn't pan out, he should ask the Time Cube guy if he needs any help.

Chewbacca wrote:

I was reading some of his posts and as I didn't understand any sentences I thought my english was very poor (Well I'm a Frog and therefore English is not my mother tongue), but I'm glad that even the English/american do not seem to understand his writings.

For a while I had lost some SAN points.

That wasn't English. He is fluent in b*+$%%#%, and while the words might resemble English ones, they don't have to mean the same.

KaeYoss wrote:
Also, I don't know how to contact them.

Also, the restraining order.

Evil Lincoln wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Also, I don't know how to contact them.
Also, the restraining order.

It was all one big misunderstanding. This is not my native language, you know. I don't know all the words. Sometimes, they don't really make sense.

I really got that really nice suit when I turned 29. Great fabric, you wouldn't believe how soft and smooth it is and still it looks fantastic. And that girl said she was into textiles and wants to learn how to design clothes.

So I really didn't mean anything naughty when I told her that I'll show up in my birthday suit the next day and show her something I think she'll really like and won't be able to keep her fingers away from!

Sovereign Court

Did it and YAY! Happy I checked this out. Wow is all I have to say in response. Hope that guy gets stuff taken care of on his end b/c it sounds like he needs it.

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Also, I don't know how to contact them.
Also, the restraining order.

It was all one big misunderstanding. This is not my native language, you know. I don't know all the words. Sometimes, they don't really make sense.

I really got that really nice suit when I turned 29. Great fabric, you wouldn't believe how soft and smooth it is and still it looks fantastic. And that girl said she was into textiles and wants to learn how to design clothes.

So I really didn't mean anything naughty when I told her that I'll show up in my birthday suit the next day and show her something I think she'll really like and won't be able to keep her fingers away from!


Dark Archive

So what does the word "Paizo" mean anyway. I assume it has its roots in hebrew. Which is where the Jewish Golom/Protector has its roots.


Evil Genius Prime wrote:
So what does the word "Paizo" mean anyway. I assume it has its roots in hebrew. Which is where the Jewish Golom/Protector has its roots.

From the FAQ:

Paizo cofounder Johnny Wilson suggested the name, which comes from a biblical Greek word meaning "to play." (The original Greek word is "paiðzw.")

We pronounce it to rhyme with "pie dough."

Grand Lodge

Brandon Hodge wrote:
Evil Genius Prime wrote:
So what does the word "Paizo" mean anyway. I assume it has its roots in hebrew. Which is where the Jewish Golom/Protector has its roots.

From the FAQ:

Paizo cofounder Johnny Wilson suggested the name, which comes from a biblical Greek word meaning "to play." (The original Greek word is "paiðzw.")

We pronounce it to rhyme with "pie dough."

Wow! good to know!

Dark Archive

Brandon Hodge wrote:
Evil Genius Prime wrote:
So what does the word "Paizo" mean anyway. I assume it has its roots in hebrew. Which is where the Jewish Golom/Protector has its roots.

From the FAQ:

Paizo cofounder Johnny Wilson suggested the name, which comes from a biblical Greek word meaning "to play." (The original Greek word is "paiðzw.")

We pronounce it to rhyme with "pie dough."

Thats awesome! Thanks for the brief and very helpful history lesson.

Dark Archive

Brandon Hodge wrote:

We pronounce it to rhyme with "pie dough."

Yeah. I know a few idiots that pronounce it pah-ZEE-oh. Its like they can't understand that the "i" comes before the "z".

One of my players pronounces it Piazzo... Of course he also spells rogue incorrectly.

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