Mount Carrying Capacity?

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

how do I determine a mounts carrying capacity?

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monskers wrote:
how do I determine a mounts carrying capacity?

Assuming the mount is a quadraped

Step 1: find strength on this table

Bigger and Smaller Creatures: The figures on Table: Carrying Capacity are for Medium bipedal creatures. A larger bipedal creature can carry more weight depending on its size category, as follows: Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16. A smaller creature can carry less weight depending on its size category, as follows: Small ×3/4, Tiny ×1/2, Diminutive ×1/4, Fine ×1/8.

Quadrupeds can carry heavier loads than bipeds can. Multiply the values corresponding to the creature's Strength score from Table: Carrying Capacity by the appropriate modifier, as follows: Fine ×1/4, Diminutive ×1/2, Tiny ×3/4, Small ×1, Medium ×1-1/2, Large ×3, Huge ×6, Gargantuan ×12, Colossal ×24.

monskers wrote:
how do I determine a mounts carrying capacity?

I'm assuming that it's a horse. So you take the standard carrying capacity for a character of it's strength, then multiply by 3 for being a large quadruped.

Dark Archive

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thank you both for your quick reply.

Quadruped multiplies by 1-1/2, not 3, at least if it is Medium or larger. It is not a single multiplier for smaller ones. BigNorseWolf's post has the details.

JoshBussell wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

You're wrong. The second adjustment line already include the benefit of being a quadraped at different sizes. The answer is that you multiple the amount listed in the chart by 3 for a large quadraped.

That means for a horse animal companion (base strength of 16) can carry 690 lbs as a heavy load. (230lbs*3)

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I misread the hell out of that, lol. I'm gonna delete my original post above.

Then you get into the question of how many characters can ride that horse? I can easily see a bunch of Halflings with no real encumbrance on them easily fitting under a horses light load. Though I suppose the question is will they fit.

David Neilson wrote:
Then you get into the question of how many characters can ride that horse? I can easily see a bunch of Halflings with no real encumbrance on them easily fitting under a horses light load. Though I suppose the question is will they fit.

It depends. If I put them in travel bags and lash them to the horses hinquarters I can fit near 20 halflings on my trusty steed.

You joke, but look at the Roc animal companion. If you have a party of all small characters you can have them all hope aboard. Which I personally I think is rather cool. Also there is the question about druids and other PCs shape shfting and letting themselves be used as mounts. Which I am not sure has ever been resolved.

David Neilson wrote:
You joke, but look at the Roc animal companion. If you have a party of all small characters you can have them all hope aboard. Which I personally I think is rather cool. Also there is the question about druids and other PCs shape shfting and letting themselves be used as mounts. Which I am not sure has ever been resolved.

Remember the Roc animal companion only grows to large not gargantuan. Nor is it a quadraped, but yes you could likely fit a small party (of small characters) on the Roc.

As to the druid mounts and such, I can't remember the specific issues that arose.

I do indeed remember that, which is why I specified small characters. As for party members actting as mounts mostly it was a matter of if the mounted combat feat worked, and who went on what initiative.

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