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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm watching Justice League.

The Avengers it's not.

indeed, it is blessedly free of whedon.

Not true. Whedon took over when Zach had to quit for family.

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Gods, my kids. The one with 3 absences for the year whose school decided to excuse today's walk-out chose not to participate, and told me about it this morning. The one with 13 absences for the year, a long history of excessive absences, and a school that decided not to excuse today's walk-out decided to participate. Without telling me.

So it was pretty much:
School Secretary (on the phone): Your son is missing from campus, and we do not know where he is.
NobodysHome: Long-suffering sigh...
SS: Yes, that's what we suspect, too...

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I enjoyed these a lot so I figured you might too.

Amy Turk - J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BWV 565

Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz

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And this one too.

Estas Tonne - The Song of the Golden Dragon

Fun work stuff!:
So, today, one of the managers noticed we're behind and staying that way.

This is a manager whose brilliant strategy with a team at the window that consists of one person who can keep caught up (me), and two who can't due to the nature of their positions, is to pile all of the extra work on me and guarantee you have three people who can't catch up.

They told me we're out of alginate trays today, and those are what I clean when not checking in students. I laughed as I continued to load sterilizers in between checking in kits for students. Not one single tray got cleaned since I was told we're out.

Notably, she's done other stupid things. Like flat-out lying to one employee about telling two others to do something before piling it all on one employee; we've been comparing notes. The front section is supposed to work as a team. She has, through her incompetence and two-faced nature, guaranteed that will never happen. The only cooperation in place is what is absolutely minimally necessary to keep the boss lady off our backs.

So her strategy to solve this issue of being behind is to take breaks away from everyone. So now people are p&^$ed and too distracted to get the work done as fast as they had been.

The black people who work there have been outright comparing our situation to slavery. No one else does anything except the "that's a good point" head tilt and nod.

If we were a military unit, our bosses would probably suffer an accident on the firing range at this point. As it stands, some of them are sneakily telling students at lunch what is going on and encouraging the students to tell their friends not to come to our college. Many of the students are recalling their own bad experiences and agreeing to pass on the word.

This is how a college that costs hundreds of thousands a year to attend can manage to be going bankrupt.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Teensy Valeros is 5 today!

After school, we're going out for hot dogs and then to the pinball museum in Alameda for an evening of fun, and then home for cake. (The museum is expensive, but we got two free passes through the county library system.)

Happy birthday to Teensy!

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Well, at least it appears that my tenants are honest.

For the sole reason that it's easier to keep a corporate credit card than cancel it, I've had a corporate Amex card with some ungodly limit on it for the last 12 years or so. (Let me put it this way -- a sales rep who I knew got fired and criminally charged for running up over $100,000 in charges at a San Francisco strip club using exactly the same card.) So yeah, it's one of those scary, "Oh, gods I hope I don't misuse this" cards.

And of course American Express didn't update my address and sent a brand-spanking-new corporate card to my parents' house. Yes, it would have been a minor technical challenge to activate the card, but not really -- my name's on it, and I'm in the phone book, so spoof your phone number to match and you're golden.

But they didn't. So now at least I know my tenants aren't complete heathens.


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NobodysHome wrote:

And now I'm internally giggling and crying at the same time.

My manger e-mailed the UX guys: "I was curious that you didn't discuss having multiple windows open. When I was a customer service representative we did that all the time so that we could work on multiple service requests at once, rather than serially one at a time."

CX guy: "Well, that would clutter your desktop, and we're working on fitting chat into the same window so you never have to step out of the window you're currently working anyway..." (So you're obviously doing it WRONG.)

I just love it because if you've EVER worked in support, you KNOW that it's not, "Take ONE request. Start a chat with that ONE user. Work on that until it is complete and disconnect. Now start with the NEXT client."
Yet the UX guys have decided that that's the most efficient way to work, so they're designing the entire application around it, and if you don't like it, you're just doing your job wrong.

Have I mentioned my teensy streak of disdain for UX designers?

They sound like the dean where I work.

"Wow, these students lined up and these kits piled on the counter is unsightly. That's now banned." That lasted twelve hours before reality ensued and the policy stopped being enforced. Along with half a dozen other policies made at the same time that students and faculty simply ignored.

Occasionally one of my managers tries to enforce it, but that lasts all of one hour before it reverts back to normal.

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They're playing the long con of getting you to put them in your will.

You saw this all the time on Murder, She Wrote, and Simon & Simon.

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I showed up for the TFnDm, and stayed for the Golden Dragon. Awesome stuff, Sharoth!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

They're playing the long con of getting you to put them in your will.

You saw this all the time on Murder, She Wrote, and Simon & Simon.

This is why everyone in my will gets a penny and a swift kick to the shins.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm watching Justice League.

The Avengers it's not.

indeed, it is blessedly free of whedon.
Not true. Whedon took over when Zach had to quit for family.

i remain unsure of just how much he had to do with the film, but you are correct.

throws justice league on the pile

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Well shit, looks like I'm gonna have to go back on the job market, eventually.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

God, how I f%!%ing hate customer service surveys. Twenty seven minutes off of my Tracfone minutes. Half of which was wasted by repeating questions because I couldn't understand the heavy Hispanic accent. If this is the last customer service telephone survey I ever get, I'll be eternally grateful.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

(1) Yep. Went outside, used an industrial flashlight to push the switch a little more forcefully into the "off" position, and POP! Everything's fine. Stoopid cheap-a$$ Levitron breakers!

(2) Sorry to hear that, CY!

(3) If I'm not sitting around with nothing to do, the customer service survey starts with, "I don't have time to talk to you because I hate you too much."
"But I haven't even told you who I'm calling on behalf of."
"Doesn't matter."

EDIT: To be clear, I'm MUCH happier with a breaker that trips too easily and is a PITA to reset than vice versa. A GFCI breaker should be twitchier than a halfling at a NAMBLA convention -- it's its job to save your life, after all. The fact that it hadn't tripped in 18 months, some of which had fairly heavy rainfall, had me worried. So I'm glad it tripped. I was just fundamentally frustrated that I couldn't reset it until I finally found that ONE YouTube video with, "So, I push it to the Off position, and hear the Test button click? That tells me it's reset!"
And that was the issue.

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Or, maybe, I'll use what little German I know.

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Eh, I'll stick it out while they liquidate and then either apply at the gas station up the street, one of the other countless places around us or see if I can't landscape part time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Well s&&%, looks like I'm gonna have to go back on the job market, eventually.

Sorry, Cap. :(

6 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

A GFCI breaker should be twitchier than a halfling at a NAMBLA convention


The Exchange

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Belated happy bdae Teensy Valeros!

Yesterday was NOT a restful day. I was baking in the morning, then AP prepping for the rest of the day, then went out for dinner with BF and his family.

Unfortunately I got a headache during dinner, which might be the place being too stuffy, or just psychic strain of doing too many things in a single day. I may really need to learn to relax.

The Exchange

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Sorry to hear that, Capt.

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Actually, Mort, it's still the 14th here. So, you haven't missed it.

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Good hunting, cap! I hope you find a great position somewhere. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So, the Old Country Buffet, the only place I've gotten food poisoning from (twice, thanks to my family's insistence it was a good place to eat) is now a sushi buffet.


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There were several Old Country Buffet restaurants here in Pittsburgh. The last two were in Greensburg and Butler ( smaller cities near Pittsburgh ), but I don't know if they're still open.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

A GFCI breaker should be twitchier than a halfling at a NAMBLA convention


Prior to this post I did not know this organization existed much less its name or acronym.


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Happy Birthday Tiny Valeros!

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^ +1 ^

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I showed up for the TFnDm, and stayed for the Golden Dragon. Awesome stuff, Sharoth!!!

Thanks, but I just posted the link. This is pretty damn good too.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Teensy Valeros!

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Good luck, CY.

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Of course, I enjoy the Pretty Reckless (very, very NSFW), Yanni, and a few other things better left unspoken, so my tastes are suspect.

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I received my schedule for my game sessions for this year's Tekko. It's exactly the same as last year.

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John, switch it up a little! Take/get a date or three! Choose events at random to attend! Have a party in the foyer at three in the morning! Goad Declare yourself emperor and secede that city from the Union! Communicate only by interpretative dance!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Terrinam wrote:
John, switch it up a little! Take/get a date or three! Choose events at random to attend! Have a party in the foyer at three in the morning! Goad Declare yourself emperor and secede that city from the Union! Communicate only by interpretative dance!

What are you talking about?

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Some guys just walked through the lobby talking about their NCAA brackets. This reminded me of the first of the two times I have filled out a bracket. My brother thought it would be great fun, and insisted that our family fill out brackets to compete against each other. I didn't want to, so he whined to our Mom (he was in college at the time, and I was in high school) and she told me to fill one out because "It will be fun!" Yeah, right. Well, I made my own fun by looking at my brother's bracket and picking the first round completely the opposite of his. Then I filled out the rest at random. This succeeded in pissing him off because I "wasn't taking it seriously". No kidding, genius. Why would I take it seriously when I didn't want to do it in the first place?

He got even angrier when it turned out I did better than he did.

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And the new Hearthstone expansion has been announced. Yay! Jade will be gone soon!

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I'm really good at being lazy. In fact, my doctor even said that if I continue being this lazy I should expect atrophy.

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Owls always look like they have just seen a nekkid man/woman for the first time.

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My doctor wants me to get tested for lupus, which is frankly ridiculous. Everyone knows that werewolves aren't real.

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Why was the broom late? Because it over swept.

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To err is human, to have someone else to blame is strategic.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Well s%&*, looks like I'm gonna have to go back on the job market, eventually.

Everywhere should have a Captain, so with any luck you won't be searching for long :)

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Sharoth wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I showed up for the TFnDm, and stayed for the Golden Dragon. Awesome stuff, Sharoth!!!
Thanks, but I just posted the link. This is pretty damn good too.

And I wouldn't have had those three pieces of cheer in my day if you hadn't posted them. So: Thanks!! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I showed up for the TFnDm, and stayed for the Golden Dragon. Awesome stuff, Sharoth!!!
Thanks, but I just posted the link. This is pretty damn good too.
And I wouldn't have had those three pieces of cheer in my day if you hadn't posted them. So: Thanks!! :)

Fine! Be that way! ~grins~

The Exchange

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I should NOT be left with blueberries. Cue Company talk on the keto diet and me not having eaten lunch because I was speaking to an insurance agent.

So the refreshments given were chicken wings, chicken yakitori sticks, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, macadamia nuts and walnuts. The blueberries were very good(sweet!) and the yakitori stick too hard, chicken wings not well marinated enough... So yeah, I decided to turn my nose up at the wings and ate an entire plate of blueberries, polished off quite a lot of mulberries and raspberries as well.

So my dinner was blueberries?

I've definitely eaten more then my 2 servings of fruit for the day(considering I ate an mandarin orange) and I'm Not counting how many blueberries I ate.

I may be a unique blueberry eating cat.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Crookshanks is going on a field trip to the UW and one of the events on the itinerary is to pitch a product at the school of marketing.

Her pitch will be for Kitten Mittens.

I'm so proud!

The Exchange

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Can I parade in those mittens? I'd be happy to be in mittens!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
My doctor wants me to get tested for lupus, which is frankly ridiculous. Everyone knows that werewolves aren't real.

When Crookshanks was two she had a bug bite on her upper leg that had gotten irritated and slightly infected, so the General mentioned it at her appointment.

Immediately, the doctor said "well, we should test her for lupus! It's probably just a bug bite, but your insurance covers it!"

And then, for her bug bite, she prescribed the strongest antibiotic she could find.

We switched doctors immediately afterwards.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Crookshanks is going on a field trip to the UW and one of the events on the itinerary is to pitch a product at the school of marketing.

Her pitch will be for Kitten Mittens.

I'm so proud!

Great. Now I think crookshanks is mabel from gravity falls.

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