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7 people marked this as a favorite.

Overheard in the Classroom

"Who wants to be a dead body?"
-30 seconds pass-
"I have no dignity left."
"Can we get a -better- dead body?"
"Yeah, I can."
-30 seconds pass-
"I have been fired from being a dead body."
"They're so picky! How am I supposed to act like I'm stuck in a tree without a tree?"
"Could stand on a chair."
"Ooooor a stack of chairs!"
"No, that's a good way to get a -real- dead body."
"Well, maybe THAT would be good enough for them!"

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Sabaton started off in the 104-108 decibel range, with the peak at 109.5, but as the set went on dropped back to the 99-101 range of the opening band.

All in all a great concert, and it was fun getting to watch the sound technicians at work throughout the show. But it was also a stark reminder of just how bad the farmer's market is in controlling sound levels.

Scintillae wrote:

Overheard in the Classroom

"Who wants to be a dead body?"

That sounds like Rainbow Of Failure


-30 seconds pass-

"I have no dignity left."
"Can we get a -better- dead body?"
"Yeah, I can."
-30 seconds pass-
"I have been fired from being a dead body."
"They're so picky! How am I supposed to act like I'm stuck in a tree without a tree?"
"Could stand on a chair."
"Ooooor a stack of chairs!"
"No, that's a good way to get a -real- dead body."
"Well, maybe THAT would be good enough for them!"


Definitely Rainbow Of Failure.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for a Drains Update, so here it is:

There is still something up with them at work, and it will take more than L. Longears with a pair of rubber gloves and a plunger to sort it out.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Sabaton started off in the 104-108 decibel range, with the peak at 109.5, but as the set went on dropped back to the 99-101 range of the opening band.

All in all a great concert, and it was fun getting to watch the sound technicians at work throughout the show. But it was also a stark reminder of just how bad the farmer's market is in controlling sound levels.

I used to think I didn't like music at all. It's still largely true, but it turns out my enjoyable listening volume for me is "are you sure the radio is on?" to anyone else

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for a Drains Update, so here it is:

There is still something up with them at work, and it will take more than L. Longears with a pair of rubber gloves and a plunger to sort it out.

Cleaning the drains was probably one of my favorite activities at the park. You're unsupervised, out in the middle of nowhere, you've got a job you do it you move on.

We get a new employee, i'm supposed to take her out and show her the drains. Alright. Hop in drain. Dig dig dig. Hop in drain dig dig dig. Swim in drain dig dig dig. Get into argument with muskrat dig dig dig.

Supervisor complains at the end of the day.

"yeah.. she won't even get in the truck now. What happened?"

" You've seen me clean drains before. I don't just stand on the road poking it an hoping it drains. She's not cleared to drive yet so... mud all over the place.

"And were you yelling at a beaver?


"was it a muskrat?

"Yes. And it was a polite conversation

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It's funny -- as we approach Impus Minor's dread El Cerrito DMV driving test next week, I'm getting more and more confident that he'll pass. And I think back and wonder, "Why did Impus Major fail even though I thought he was ready?"

Well, first and foremost, Impus Major failed due to a cheesy auto-fail at the very start of his test: After pulling over, the instructor told him to pull out. He checked his mirror but not his blind spot and since there were no other cars on the road in either direction he didn't signal, and that was an instant fail. Leading me to wonder, "How many people ever check their blind spots when pulling away from the curb?"

But anyway...

Because we were trying to get Impus Major licensed in time to be able to commute to school, he tested with only around 35 sessions under his belt. He's also very impatient and reactive; one of my constant refrains was, "Don't accelerate towards red lights, even if they're a couple of blocks away." He'd always accelerate until he HAD to brake, then stop. As Dancing Wind pointed out, that's likely the source of his terrible gas mileage in the Prius.

Impus Minor is a far more patient, far more careful individual, and it shows in his driving. Plus, after Impus Major's fail, I've had plenty of time to warn him about the various auto-fails he might run into. We looked up the DMV course and have been running it every day for a couple of weeks now. AND he'll have had 49 sessions as opposed to 35. I think that's where my confidence springs from. We'll know in a little over a week whether it is well-placed.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Political statement giggles, part bazillion and six.

General: "If Russia attacks Warsaw with tactical nukes, NATO will have to respond in the same way!"

Comment: "F**k, hit Warsaw twice? What it did to you?!"
FB Comment: "NATO will be afraid that Russian screwed up."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, and in rather silly news of Bay Area concerts and prices, we ended up with sixteen tickets to the Sabaton concert for the four of us:
(1) GothBard ordered 4 reserved seating tickets.
(2) Shiro ordered 4 GA tickets, figuring at least some of us (GothBard and Impus Major) were going to be on the rail for the whole concert, and the reserved seating didn't include GA access for some reason.
(3) After finding out about the Telegraph Room, GothBard and Shiro decided to get tickets. They didn't talk to each other, so we ended up with 8 tickets instead of 4. And even though on the sales site it said, "These aren't admission tickets," they included admission to the GA area plus a special reserved area, so we never ended up using the reserved seating.

All told we spent $640 total on the Sabaton concert. Which doesn't even equal TWO tickets to any band whose name you'd recognize. Evanescence? Two tickets were more. Bob Seger? Forget it. Even Trans Siberian Orchestra is $200 per ticket around here.

So somehow spending $640 on tickets for the four of us didn't seem THAT dumb. Which is dumb.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, and in rather silly news of Bay Area concerts and prices, we ended up with sixteen tickets to the Sabaton concert for the four of us:

(1) GothBard ordered 4 reserved seating tickets.
(2) Shiro ordered 4 GA tickets, figuring at least some of us (GothBard and Impus Major) were going to be on the rail for the whole concert, and the reserved seating didn't include GA access for some reason.
(3) After finding out about the Telegraph Room, GothBard and Shiro decided to get tickets. They didn't talk to each other, so we ended up with 8 tickets instead of 4. And even though on the sales site it said, "These aren't admission tickets," they included admission to the GA area plus a special reserved area, so we never ended up using the reserved seating.

All told we spent $640 total on the Sabaton concert. Which doesn't even equal TWO tickets to any band whose name you'd recognize. Evanescence? Two tickets were more. Bob Seger? Forget it. Even Trans Siberian Orchestra is $200 per ticket around here.

So somehow spending $640 on tickets for the four of us didn't seem THAT dumb. Which is dumb.

Damn. Now, for a fleeting moment, I wish I were still in Cali. I'm not usually into metal, but Sabaton is awesome.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, and in rather silly news of Bay Area concerts and prices, we ended up with sixteen tickets to the Sabaton concert for the four of us:

(1) GothBard ordered 4 reserved seating tickets.
(2) Shiro ordered 4 GA tickets, figuring at least some of us (GothBard and Impus Major) were going to be on the rail for the whole concert, and the reserved seating didn't include GA access for some reason.
(3) After finding out about the Telegraph Room, GothBard and Shiro decided to get tickets. They didn't talk to each other, so we ended up with 8 tickets instead of 4. And even though on the sales site it said, "These aren't admission tickets," they included admission to the GA area plus a special reserved area, so we never ended up using the reserved seating.

All told we spent $640 total on the Sabaton concert. Which doesn't even equal TWO tickets to any band whose name you'd recognize. Evanescence? Two tickets were more. Bob Seger? Forget it. Even Trans Siberian Orchestra is $200 per ticket around here.

So somehow spending $640 on tickets for the four of us didn't seem THAT dumb. Which is dumb.

Damn. Now, for a fleeting moment, I wish I were still in Cali. I'm not usually into metal, but Sabaton is awesome.

What's even better is that for some reason they love Oakland. They had breakfast at Skates. They did their one U.S. meet-n-greet in Oakland. Joaquim constantly laughs at the crowd during the show and asks, "How can you guys be so energetic on a Wednesday night?"

Apparently Oakland fans are da best. But *I* wouldn't hang out in downtown Oakland for a day of meeting fans. I'd find somewhere nearby and nicer. Maybe the middle of the U.C. Berkeley campus or something. But whatever. I'm glad they love it here.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, and in rather silly news of Bay Area concerts and prices, we ended up with sixteen tickets to the Sabaton concert for the four of us:

(1) GothBard ordered 4 reserved seating tickets.
(2) Shiro ordered 4 GA tickets, figuring at least some of us (GothBard and Impus Major) were going to be on the rail for the whole concert, and the reserved seating didn't include GA access for some reason.
(3) After finding out about the Telegraph Room, GothBard and Shiro decided to get tickets. They didn't talk to each other, so we ended up with 8 tickets instead of 4. And even though on the sales site it said, "These aren't admission tickets," they included admission to the GA area plus a special reserved area, so we never ended up using the reserved seating.

All told we spent $640 total on the Sabaton concert. Which doesn't even equal TWO tickets to any band whose name you'd recognize. Evanescence? Two tickets were more. Bob Seger? Forget it. Even Trans Siberian Orchestra is $200 per ticket around here.

So somehow spending $640 on tickets for the four of us didn't seem THAT dumb. Which is dumb.

I saw that Dinosaur Jr was playing a small show in our area so I checked on the price out of curiosity and the cheapest one was 180 each. Needless to say I passed.

We are going to go see Modest Mouse but that's only 120 total for 2. And it's at a much nicer venue.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

For my birthday, WW got us tickets to the Postmodern Jukebox show here in November.
Not exactly close to my birthday, but still something to look forward to.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why I Love Living Here:
Impus Major: I'm going for a walk.
NobodysHome: OK. Impus Minor and I will likely be gone by the time you get back. (Thinking). I've decided to leave the family and I'm taking him with me.
IM: So I'll never see either of you again?
NH: Yep.
IM: Cool. Well, goodbye, then!

*people's Drejk's randomly irrational wants*

I saw a nice pocket knife some time ago and I am feeling unreasonable want to buy it (I have two pocket knives and I barely use any of them at all). At the same time I feel strong aversion to spending money on non-essentials - I only bought the second pocket knife when it occurred to me that it costs one-and-a-half take out meal that I occasionally buy so balancing that purchase is just a matter of keeping away from take out places for some time. This new shiny knife costs more like two take out meals, but I bought a polar fleece blouse last week (it was 1/3rd off and its warm soft and light), and a pair of cargo pants identical to the ones I bought in February this week (they were 1/5th off, yay for sales), together coming to a total of 120 złoty or a bit over twice the cost of the knife in question.

I was considering getting a waterproofish jacket for the same price as the pants, in the very same shop but when I went there today, the sale was already over.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Freehold, you have a message.

Drejk wrote:

*people's Drejk's randomly irrational wants*

I saw a nice pocket knife some time ago and I am feeling unreasonable want to buy it (I have two pocket knives and I barely use any of them at all). At the same time I feel strong aversion to spending money on non-essentials - I only bought the second pocket knife when it occurred to me that it costs one-and-a-half take out meal that I occasionally buy so balancing that purchase is just a matter of keeping away from take out places for some time. This new shiny knife costs more like two take out meals, but I bought a polar fleece blouse last week (it was 1/3rd off and its warm soft and light), and a pair of cargo pants identical to the ones I bought in February this week (they were 1/5th off, yay for sales), together coming to a total of 120 złoty or a bit over twice the cost of the knife in question.

I was considering getting a waterproofish jacket for the same price as the pants, in the very same shop but when I went there today, the sale was already over.

Buy the knives, Drejk!

Is it an Opinel?

Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:

*people's Drejk's randomly irrational wants*

I saw a nice pocket knife some time ago and I am feeling unreasonable want to buy it (I have two pocket knives and I barely use any of them at all). At the same time I feel strong aversion to spending money on non-essentials - I only bought the second pocket knife when it occurred to me that it costs one-and-a-half take out meal that I occasionally buy so balancing that purchase is just a matter of keeping away from take out places for some time. This new shiny knife costs more like two take out meals, but I bought a polar fleece blouse last week (it was 1/3rd off and its warm soft and light), and a pair of cargo pants identical to the ones I bought in February this week (they were 1/5th off, yay for sales), together coming to a total of 120 złoty or a bit over twice the cost of the knife in question.

I was considering getting a waterproofish jacket for the same price as the pants, in the very same shop but when I went there today, the sale was already over.

Buy the knives, Drejk!

Not helping. You were supposed to praise my strong will for resisting temptation. Or something.

Is it an Opinel?

*googles Opinel*

Nope (most Opinel models seem to be more expensive, at least those Google shows me). That one is made by Neo Tools. The picture doesn't show it but there is a small fabric pocket to be attached to the belt to hold it on the other side of the blister.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now pink gnomes are trying to hook me on their own addiction...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Now pink gnomes are trying to hook me on their own addiction...

In the rudest manner possible.

I swear. GothBard and Shiro got fed up with FFXIV and decided to go back to Valheim and re-do the whole thing. Sounds like in about 5 minutes we're doing the final boss fight.

But when I signed in, the first thing Steam said was, "Hey, Drejk has this game on his wish list!"

So I got it for him. And of course, being a nice guy, he asked, "What's the name of your world?"

Answering, "It's the world of, 'Shiro's done online gaming for so long that if you don't know him personally you're not getting in and it's his world," world feels downright rotten.

But yeah, Shiro's an incredibly nice guy... until you try to join his online games...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Aaaand... about 700 arrows later, the final boss is dead.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Now pink gnomes are trying to hook me on their own addiction...

In the rudest manner possible.

I swear. GothBard and Shiro got fed up with FFXIV and decided to go back to Valheim and re-do the whole thing. Sounds like in about 5 minutes we're doing the final boss fight.

But when I signed in, the first thing Steam said was, "Hey, Drejk has this game on his wish list!"

So I got it for him. And of course, being a nice guy, he asked, "What's the name of your world?"

Answering, "It's the world of, 'Shiro's done online gaming for so long that if you don't know him personally you're not getting in and it's his world," world feels downright rotten.

But yeah, Shiro's an incredibly nice guy... until you try to join his online games...

Well, you can come see my world, and laugh at my feeble attempts at survival.

It's Blargh2... I think I might set the password to "fawtl" or maybe "FAWTL". Assuming I haven't accidentally set it to be local game. Or mistyped the password.

I am unlikely to be there now, because I am going to sleep. *something-something-timezones-yawn*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Aaaand... about 700 arrows later, the final boss is dead.

I can't get enough scraps to make a basic bow, never mind 700 arrows...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Aaaand... about 700 arrows later, the final boss is dead.

Speaking of 700, Albert Pujols hit his 700th career home run tonight.

I know, no sports, but I saw your post just after seeing that he had, and the coincidence was too much to pass by.

Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Now pink gnomes are trying to hook me on their own addiction...

In the rudest manner possible.

I swear. GothBard and Shiro got fed up with FFXIV and decided to go back to Valheim and re-do the whole thing. Sounds like in about 5 minutes we're doing the final boss fight.

But when I signed in, the first thing Steam said was, "Hey, Drejk has this game on his wish list!"

So I got it for him. And of course, being a nice guy, he asked, "What's the name of your world?"

Answering, "It's the world of, 'Shiro's done online gaming for so long that if you don't know him personally you're not getting in and it's his world," world feels downright rotten.

But yeah, Shiro's an incredibly nice guy... until you try to join his online games...

Well, you can come see my world, and laugh at my feeble attempts at survival.

** spoiler omitted **

I am unlikely to be there now, because I am going to sleep. *something-something-timezones-yawn*

GothBard and Shiro are welcome to visit, too, assuming it's actually accessible to anyone besides me.

If you manage to log in, let me know.


If you fail let me know either.

Drejk wrote:
Freehold, you have a message.

I have replied.

Thank you.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Drejk vs Eikthyr 1:0

Managed to kill that lightning belching bastard on the first try (barely). Most of the fight I was just running away trying to balance sprinting with stamina recovery so I can fire that damned bow once or twice while cursing the slow health recovery rate - I was below 10-15 hit points all the time because whenever I managed to recover a few points, I was near-hit with a lightning or the beast managed to catch up and throw me up in the air with its horns.

Drejk wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:

*people's Drejk's randomly irrational wants*

I saw a nice pocket knife some time ago and I am feeling unreasonable want to buy it (I have two pocket knives and I barely use any of them at all). At the same time I feel strong aversion to spending money on non-essentials - I only bought the second pocket knife when it occurred to me that it costs one-and-a-half take out meal that I occasionally buy so balancing that purchase is just a matter of keeping away from take out places for some time. This new shiny knife costs more like two take out meals, but I bought a polar fleece blouse last week (it was 1/3rd off and its warm soft and light), and a pair of cargo pants identical to the ones I bought in February this week (they were 1/5th off, yay for sales), together coming to a total of 120 złoty or a bit over twice the cost of the knife in question.

I was considering getting a waterproofish jacket for the same price as the pants, in the very same shop but when I went there today, the sale was already over.

Buy the knives, Drejk!

Not helping. You were supposed to praise my strong will for resisting temptation. Or something.

Is it an Opinel?

*googles Opinel*

Nope (most Opinel models seem to be more expensive, at least those Google shows me). That one is made by Neo Tools. The picture doesn't show it but there is a small fabric pocket to be attached to the belt to hold it on the other side of the blister.

That looks like a handy little thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Drejk vs Eikthyr 1:0

Managed to kill that lightning belching bastard on the first try (barely). Most of the fight I was just running away trying to balance sprinting with stamina recovery so I can fire that damned bow once or twice while cursing the slow health recovery rate - I was below 10-15 hit points all the time because whenever I managed to recover a few points, I was near-hit with a lightning or the beast managed to catch up and throw me up in the air with its horns.

Oh, and it took 60 flint arrows fired from crude bow (upgraded twice, I think). Definitely a step down from those 700 arrows (of much higher quality, I presume) for the final boss.

Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:

*people's Drejk's randomly irrational wants*

I saw a nice pocket knife some time ago and I am feeling unreasonable want to buy it (I have two pocket knives and I barely use any of them at all). At the same time I feel strong aversion to spending money on non-essentials - I only bought the second pocket knife when it occurred to me that it costs one-and-a-half take out meal that I occasionally buy so balancing that purchase is just a matter of keeping away from take out places for some time. This new shiny knife costs more like two take out meals, but I bought a polar fleece blouse last week (it was 1/3rd off and its warm soft and light), and a pair of cargo pants identical to the ones I bought in February this week (they were 1/5th off, yay for sales), together coming to a total of 120 złoty or a bit over twice the cost of the knife in question.

I was considering getting a waterproofish jacket for the same price as the pants, in the very same shop but when I went there today, the sale was already over.

Buy the knives, Drejk!

Not helping. You were supposed to praise my strong will for resisting temptation. Or something.

Is it an Opinel?

*googles Opinel*

Nope (most Opinel models seem to be more expensive, at least those Google shows me). That one is made by Neo Tools. The picture doesn't show it but there is a small fabric pocket to be attached to the belt to hold it on the other side of the blister.

That looks like a handy little thing.

Still not helping.

Drejk wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:

*people's Drejk's randomly irrational wants*

I saw a nice pocket knife some time ago and I am feeling unreasonable want to buy it (I have two pocket knives and I barely use any of them at all). At the same time I feel strong aversion to spending money on non-essentials - I only bought the second pocket knife when it occurred to me that it costs one-and-a-half take out meal that I occasionally buy so balancing that purchase is just a matter of keeping away from take out places for some time. This new shiny knife costs more like two take out meals, but I bought a polar fleece blouse last week (it was 1/3rd off and its warm soft and light), and a pair of cargo pants identical to the ones I bought in February this week (they were 1/5th off, yay for sales), together coming to a total of 120 złoty or a bit over twice the cost of the knife in question.

I was considering getting a waterproofish jacket for the same price as the pants, in the very same shop but when I went there today, the sale was already over.

Buy the knives, Drejk!

Not helping. You were supposed to praise my strong will for resisting temptation. Or something.

Is it an Opinel?

*googles Opinel*

Nope (most Opinel models seem to be more expensive, at least those Google shows me). That one is made by Neo Tools. The picture doesn't show it but there is a small fabric pocket to be attached to the belt to hold it on the other side of the blister.

That looks like a handy little thing.
Still not helping.

Just think of how knife it would be to own such cutting-edge technology. Especially if there's a sale - slash those prices! But I'll get right to the point - I'm sure you'll make your own decision, and you will play that to the hilt when you do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Drejk vs Eikthyr 1:0

Managed to kill that lightning belching bastard on the first try (barely). Most of the fight I was just running away trying to balance sprinting with stamina recovery so I can fire that damned bow once or twice while cursing the slow health recovery rate - I was below 10-15 hit points all the time because whenever I managed to recover a few points, I was near-hit with a lightning or the beast managed to catch up and throw me up in the air with its horns.

Your next boss is the Elder. I recommend finding the YouTube video where someone demonstrates how to win all of Valheim using nothing but campfires. It's utterly hilarious, and even if you decide not to go the campfire route, it shows some good strategies for dealing with that tree b*****d.

Drejk wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Drejk vs Eikthyr 1:0

Managed to kill that lightning belching bastard on the first try (barely). Most of the fight I was just running away trying to balance sprinting with stamina recovery so I can fire that damned bow once or twice while cursing the slow health recovery rate - I was below 10-15 hit points all the time because whenever I managed to recover a few points, I was near-hit with a lightning or the beast managed to catch up and throw me up in the air with its horns.

Oh, and it took 60 flint arrows fired from crude bow (upgraded twice, I think). Definitely a step down from those 700 arrows (of much higher quality, I presume) for the final boss.

The game scales its difficulty for the number of players. There were 4 of us. So Shiro went through 300 arrows, GothBard and Lara Croft guy were at around 200 each, and I was at 150. So more like 850. I hadn't done the math before.

This is that newish game everyone's making the r34 stuff for, right?

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Fantasy NPC: The Old Baron Of Leshiskovo.

The good old, deceased baron, still taking care of his beloved clocks.

r34 stuff?

Ugh. And Now I died within a burial chamber surrounded by skeletons... So all my useful gear is stuck between enemies that I can't defeat without decent gear.

Let's give tower shield a try.

Tin ore weights how much per unit?!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Our first AARPG game day since May.
Jason found and brought a bottle of Asmodeus wine.
Freehold told me I can't have any because I'm the Paladin.

Freehold can bite me.

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Paladins taste good according to the book of erotic fantasy.

Also wrath of the righteous. I think.

After being swarmed by completely overwhelming raid of a dozen or two of greydwarves, I might give up on Valheim. Facing challenges is one thing, but a pure masochism of dealing with completely unfun tedious cycle of die, try to get your gear, die again, repeat, nope.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

How much money do you think a movie studio could make by claiming to have made a sequel to "Groundhog Day", and then just rereleasing the original?

Big day today!

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I ended up playing Far Cry 6 most of the weekend.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

"Is he throwing trash all over the yard?"
"Yeah. He's mad at her."
"Let's check." *click, click, clicky* "Ahh, he's a loner and she made him socialize."
"...That's actually pretty accurate."

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"Catgirl this, catgirl that. Why aren't there any anime with doggirls?.
"I know one with a doggirl."
"Really? Which one?"
"Fullmetal Alchemist."
*long pause* "I hate you."

captain yesterday wrote:
Big day today!

How true. It's rare that Situational Awareness Day AND World Contraception Day coincide.

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