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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:

Hang in there. Kicking yourself may make you feel better in the short term, but it can be overdone and get in the way of helping others. Even if they are jerk face bosses.

I have to remind myself frequently in my job that there is no pride of authorship - at the end of the day, it is about serving the clients.

Make a note, do better next time and put it behind you.

I probably can pull out a few more cliches, but these seem relevant.

Things could be worse, you could be a varsity collegiate swimmer who has to do laps in a 28 foot pool.

But swimming is fun! If it weren't for the sun I would never leave the beach/pool, and would be so much less fat.

Damn you, you exploding hydrogen bastard.

Hm. You are allergic to the sun, yet you love swimming.

Hm. Hmm. Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Ah! Hah! Ahah! Despite your protests, you are, in fact, a Floridian!

Bwahahahahahahahah! I got your number now, TVE~!


(Note: I don't, in fact, have your number.)

I learned to swim when I was about 4 or 5. I was thin as a rail until I hit about 13 and my family moved where we didn't have a pool, so I couldn't swim at night anymore. Now, instead of having a Spiderman build, I've got Avengers 4 Thor.

Seriously, allergic to the sun is about right. I've gotten sun poisoning. Google the phrase "hell's itch". I have gotten that.

It hurt more than MRSA did.

ACK - I'm exposed! Get the sunblock!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Brooklyn is mostly staying home. But living where I do it can be hard to determine what that means as I live on one of the exits on the belt parkway(and an infamous one, we are one of the ends of the 'Gun Run' down to VA and other more gun happy places). I can say there are much less people on the street. If I was not with someone that day, I would have taken pictures of downtown Brooklyn when I went to pick up the laptop I am now using to work from home on alternating days from our head office. The streets were almost bare- homeless people/street salesmen outnumbered pedestrians by a large, large margin. To how show important and rare that is, the immediate area I was in is where we have our courts for almost all levels of justice in Brooklyn(one of the streets is literally named "Court Street". Parking was a true dream come true, spots were everywhere.

Queens has a lot of cases, and people have been attacking asians in that borough, which is something I cannot abide.

The Bronx has had a massive slowdown in public services, specifically mail. But they seem to be taking it in stride there.

No idea what is going on in Staten Island.

Manhattan is an ghost town in many areas. I am sure you can find pictures of it online. Baronaremhashevaum may be able to tell you more.

Also, there are free meals available all throughout nyc.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Someday, when I meet my creator, he and I are going to have a serious conversation about designing a primary light source and vitamin D producer that is constantly trying to kill me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
This Monday will mark two weeks since I may or may not have been unofficially exposed. No symptoms thus far.

Then it seems you may have pulled through, or never had it in the first place?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hate swimming.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello, all!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Damn kids, they got the Oscar-Mayer theme song stuck in my head.

Of course you realize, this means war.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Howdy FaWtLanteans! Finally managed to catch up on all the posts. My heart goes out to all my fellows here having hard times at the moment. I hope things can improve for everyone soon. Potentially doubtful given the current pandemic, but I'll still be hoping for the best for ye all. *internet-hugs*

Thank you. The internet hugs do help.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

For us, we're now entering the, "Oh, holy carp! You're so well-prepared you need to help other people," phase.

As I mentioned, GothBard's mother has been unable to get toilet paper. Her neighbors have dropped some off, but we may have to make an emergency trip to Half Moon Bay to drop off more.

Of even greater concern is Shiro. His cancer has moved into his lungs, so he is at the highest-possible risk for the virus; it would very likely kill him. Thus, he can't leave the house at all. And he is neither a shopper nor a storer; he's one of those people who always eats out. (He made a funny comment about accumulating way too much money in his bank account because he's not buying hundreds of dollars of restaurant food a week any more.)
So we're likely going to have to make a significant shopping trip for him, do the whole, "Disinfect every item" spiel (and gee, I have a bunch of disinfectant because I haven't been using it), drive down to Fremont, and drop off "emergency food supplies for a friend".

Ah, well, it least it'll give the car some mileage; we haven't driven since the lockdown began, so I suspect the cars could use it.

Ow damn.

Wish him a lot of strength from me.
Lung cancer is bad.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Last week, Eve and I were talking, and she mentioned renaming Gabriel Garcia Marquez titles: Love in the Time of Coronavirus and One Hundred Years of Social Distancing.

Which, of course, brought to mind Tom Servo's song from MST3K:
One hundred years of solitude,
One hundred years of solitude,
Take one down, pass it around,
Ninety-nine years of solitude.

So I changed the lyrics from "solitude" to "social distancing" and sang it to Eve, and now Hermione and Teensy Valeros can't stop repeating it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Not just them! Everybody sing!

Ninety-nine years of social distancing
Ninety-nine years of social distancing
Take one down, pass it around,
Ninety-eight years of social distancing

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

For us, we're now entering the, "Oh, holy carp! You're so well-prepared you need to help other people," phase.

As I mentioned, GothBard's mother has been unable to get toilet paper. Her neighbors have dropped some off, but we may have to make an emergency trip to Half Moon Bay to drop off more.

Of even greater concern is Shiro. His cancer has moved into his lungs, so he is at the highest-possible risk for the virus; it would very likely kill him. Thus, he can't leave the house at all. And he is neither a shopper nor a storer; he's one of those people who always eats out. (He made a funny comment about accumulating way too much money in his bank account because he's not buying hundreds of dollars of restaurant food a week any more.)
So we're likely going to have to make a significant shopping trip for him, do the whole, "Disinfect every item" spiel (and gee, I have a bunch of disinfectant because I haven't been using it), drive down to Fremont, and drop off "emergency food supplies for a friend".

Ah, well, it least it'll give the car some mileage; we haven't driven since the lockdown began, so I suspect the cars could use it.

Ow damn.

Wish him a lot of strength from me.
Lung cancer is bad.

Well, he just changed doctors and his new doctor is much more optimistic, but yeah, our goal right now is for him to make it to the 2024 Eclipse trip.

But I dragged my cancer-ridden father to Ashland, I can do the same for Shiro and the Eclipse trip.

It's apparently what I do.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

For us, we're now entering the, "Oh, holy carp! You're so well-prepared you need to help other people," phase.

As I mentioned, GothBard's mother has been unable to get toilet paper. Her neighbors have dropped some off, but we may have to make an emergency trip to Half Moon Bay to drop off more.

Of even greater concern is Shiro. His cancer has moved into his lungs, so he is at the highest-possible risk for the virus; it would very likely kill him. Thus, he can't leave the house at all. And he is neither a shopper nor a storer; he's one of those people who always eats out. (He made a funny comment about accumulating way too much money in his bank account because he's not buying hundreds of dollars of restaurant food a week any more.)
So we're likely going to have to make a significant shopping trip for him, do the whole, "Disinfect every item" spiel (and gee, I have a bunch of disinfectant because I haven't been using it), drive down to Fremont, and drop off "emergency food supplies for a friend".

Ah, well, it least it'll give the car some mileage; we haven't driven since the lockdown began, so I suspect the cars could use it.

I tried for a while to pretend I didn't see this so it wouldn't exist, but I can't.

And, obviously, you can't hug him for me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

For us, we're now entering the, "Oh, holy carp! You're so well-prepared you need to help other people," phase.

As I mentioned, GothBard's mother has been unable to get toilet paper. Her neighbors have dropped some off, but we may have to make an emergency trip to Half Moon Bay to drop off more.

Of even greater concern is Shiro. His cancer has moved into his lungs, so he is at the highest-possible risk for the virus; it would very likely kill him. Thus, he can't leave the house at all. And he is neither a shopper nor a storer; he's one of those people who always eats out. (He made a funny comment about accumulating way too much money in his bank account because he's not buying hundreds of dollars of restaurant food a week any more.)
So we're likely going to have to make a significant shopping trip for him, do the whole, "Disinfect every item" spiel (and gee, I have a bunch of disinfectant because I haven't been using it), drive down to Fremont, and drop off "emergency food supplies for a friend".

Ah, well, it least it'll give the car some mileage; we haven't driven since the lockdown began, so I suspect the cars could use it.

Ow damn.

Wish him a lot of strength from me.
Lung cancer is bad.

Well, he just changed doctors and his new doctor is much more optimistic, but yeah, our goal right now is for him to make it to the 2024 Eclipse trip.

But I dragged my cancer-ridden father to Ashland, I can do the same for Shiro and the Eclipse trip.

It's apparently what I do.

would that I could make the drive for you, as I am younger and am less susceptible(?) to this thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:


I've read many, many, many articles on face masks, and the general scientific consensus is that properly-worn masks can prevent you from passing the disease on to others, but are nearly useless in protecting you, especially because they cause you to touch your face more, not less. The only time they help is when an infected person coughs or sneezes near you.

There was also a statement that loose-fitting cloth masks are "useless".

And so now we have a county-wide recommendation that we wear cloths such as bandanas over our faces when we go outside because it "can't hurt".

Uh, did you read all the health experts' concerns about people touching their faces more often because they're wearing uncomfortable, ineffective cloth masks?

Yes, it can hurt!

Please don't make recommendations that make things worse. Please!

Addendum: If you have a beard (like me), you are unlikely to fit the mask properly anyway.

Bonus: Friend of mine who is an MD just shared a facebook post from fellow ambulance drivers asking people to be even more careful when letting them through because when they carry a suspected COVID patient, they have to wear full protective suit that seriously hampers their field of vision, with picture attached how does the full protective suit looks like on a driver in the ambulance's cabin.

Oh, I forgot. A week or two ago, another MD friend, had posted his selfies of before, during, and after shave—because of the demands of fitting the protective gear. Damn, he looked old after shaving (he's two months older than me...)
I may have to shave myself.

Show photos before and after!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
This Monday will mark two weeks since I may or may not have been unofficially exposed. No symptoms thus far.
Then it seems you may have pulled through, or never had it in the first place?

Or is a symptom-less carrier.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I learned to swim when I was about 4 or 5. I was thin as a rail until I hit about 13 and my family moved where we didn't have a pool, so I couldn't swim at night anymore. Now, instead of having a Spiderman build, I've got Avengers 4 Thor.

Seriously, allergic to the sun is about right. I've gotten sun poisoning. Google the phrase "hell's itch". I have gotten that.

I don't know if you know how Florida this makes you sound, but it makes you sounds so incredibly Florida^.

And, yes, Ninja-Assassin, daggummit, I know what I just did - and not only was it on-purpose, but I'd do it again! (And, yes, I'm being snippy with one of my own avatars: what of it!?)

^ (Th-The thing about the Beach Ball, not the thing about the jumping guy. Aaaaaaaalso, you are almost definitely in the superior shape compared to me, so. :D)

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
It hurt more than MRSA did.

I'm so sorry you had to experience that. :/

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
ACK - I'm exposed! Get the sunblock!

Too much Florida! DIAL BACK ON THE FLORIDA!!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

And this month's humble choice repertoire consists of...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
This Monday will mark two weeks since I may or may not have been unofficially exposed. No symptoms thus far.
You doing better migraine-wise?

After even more sleep today, it's finally let up this afternoon.

I can actually look at a screen without wincing.

Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
This Monday will mark two weeks since I may or may not have been unofficially exposed. No symptoms thus far.
Then it seems you may have pulled through, or never had it in the first place?
Or is a symptom-less carrier.



-okay, so, we all know this is only a joke, and, more than anything else, I don't like for bad things to happen so, I'm just ending it there. Why? For one, 'cause abrupt breaks are sometimes funny; but even more because when you feel worried, nervous, or stressed things can come off more painful than they should be or even seemingly-inoculous things can turn dark, emotionally, and make you feel somehow like you should be outcast; and I also want to be perfectly clear that, despite the humorous statements, I am, in fact, on your side: we're all on your side. Who's side? Everyone's. This is important to remember, and to say, and to reinforce. Heart you guys. And Vany, I'm with you, in particular, in this case. Be well, my friend, and keep us updated!

Drejk wrote:
a symptom-less carrier

ò_O? Hm?

õ_õ Hm.

ಠ_ಠ Hmmmmmmmmm...

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hm'mMm
I- it's because I'm in Florida and... and FL's the Sunshine State... y-... yeah

3 people marked this as a favorite.



Add game... add game... add game...

Wait, it takes how much to install?!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Have I mentioned that I have too many games and play not enough of them?

*adds eight games to Steam, with two choices hanging for later*

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We have lines to get into stores now.

Dont see this going well.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
This Monday will mark two weeks since I may or may not have been unofficially exposed. No symptoms thus far.
Then it seems you may have pulled through, or never had it in the first place?
Or is a symptom-less carrier.

That thought has crossed my mind more than once. My mother wants me to go to her place "for just an hour" to help her with her cell phone. She's closing in on 72-years-old. I really think that's a bad plan right now.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
This Monday will mark two weeks since I may or may not have been unofficially exposed. No symptoms thus far.
Then it seems you may have pulled through, or never had it in the first place?
Or is a symptom-less carrier.
That thought has crossed my mind more than once. My mother wants me to go to her place "for just an hour" to help her with her cell phone. She's closing in on 72-years-old. I really think that's a bad plan right now.


I keep my distance from mom myself, and leave her groceries at her door.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freakazoid wrote:

Not just them! Everybody sing!

Ninety-nine years of social distancing
Ninety-nine years of social distancing
Take one down, pass it around,
Ninety-eight years of social distancing

I'm very good at enforcing social distancing.

All I need is some more rope.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
The Emerald Isles are in full lockdown currently, advised not to leave the house unless for essential services. The pubs have all been closed, which should give some indication of how seriously we're taking this. :P The family are all bunkered down in place, and while I am currently under the weather, the symptoms thankfully bear no resemblance to the covid-19 ones. Working from home currently, which isn't really working all that well, but it's better than having to go to the office, or being laid off.

The US is, as per usual, a patchwork of responses. CA where NH lives has been in lockdown for a couple weeks, as has KS where Scint is. Meanwhile GA where Sharoth is only just closed up officially this week and TN where I am is locking down Saturday morning.

Also I don't get to benefit from that as I am considered essential personnel as I work in taxes and finance, and my company doesn't have any method of doing work-from-home as we need access to the physical paperwork of our clients

Add my parents going on a cross-country plane trip just before everything closes down and I fully expect a decent chance of getting the disease next week or so.

You are the only Diablo Shrimp Trainer we have. Please be careful.

I'm trying, but I am incredibly nervous about my parents coming home tomorrow/Sunday after a week abroad with four plane flights involved. Any advice for how to handle this would be greatly appreciated, as I'm at my wits end here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
The Emerald Isles are in full lockdown currently, advised not to leave the house unless for essential services. The pubs have all been closed, which should give some indication of how seriously we're taking this. :P The family are all bunkered down in place, and while I am currently under the weather, the symptoms thankfully bear no resemblance to the covid-19 ones. Working from home currently, which isn't really working all that well, but it's better than having to go to the office, or being laid off.

The US is, as per usual, a patchwork of responses. CA where NH lives has been in lockdown for a couple weeks, as has KS where Scint is. Meanwhile GA where Sharoth is only just closed up officially this week and TN where I am is locking down Saturday morning.

Also I don't get to benefit from that as I am considered essential personnel as I work in taxes and finance, and my company doesn't have any method of doing work-from-home as we need access to the physical paperwork of our clients

Add my parents going on a cross-country plane trip just before everything closes down and I fully expect a decent chance of getting the disease next week or so.

You are the only Diablo Shrimp Trainer we have. Please be careful.
I'm trying, but I am incredibly nervous about my parents coming home tomorrow/Sunday after a week abroad with four plane flights involved. Any advice for how to handle this would be greatly appreciated, as I'm at my wits end here.

Ask them to spray/wipe down all their luggage, then take good long showers, then give them welcome hugs?

Shadow Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

Forget it TS, it’s Paizotown.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

Forget it TS, it’s Paizotown.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

Forget it TS, it’s Paizotown.



4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

They destroyed the Forgotten Realms for 4th edition.

That was unforgivable for me.

No worries, I've moved on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

Forget it TS, it’s Paizotown.





1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Dark Seer wrote:
AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

Forget it TS, it’s Paizotown.





captain yesterday wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

They destroyed the Forgotten Realms for 4th edition.

That was unforgivable for me.

No worries, I've moved on.



3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh and while me and mine are not there yet, I did discover that coffee filters make for passable toilet paper. (So long as you trash rather than flush them, oc.) Just an idea for y'all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
In fact, nearly everything you complain about with Pathfinder Classic is fixed in 2nd edition.

I can't count the number of times I've read a paizo post or elsewhere, where I wanted to reply "4e fixed that, it solves all of your complaints!"

But everyone has their own priorities.

Forget it TS, it’s Paizotown.

Way down Paizotown

Deekin FaithfulKoboldCompanion wrote:
The Dark Seer wrote:
AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:





captain yesterday, angry nerd rage demon, and deekin, faithful kobold companion wrote:






non-dyslexic Valeros wrote:
Deekin FaithfulKoboldCompanion wrote:
The Dark Seer wrote:
AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:





captain yesterday, angry nerd rage demon, and deekin, faithful kobold companion wrote:






Ugh, you killed it, you insuffera- hahah, I mean, good job, ol' buddy ol' pal~!

You and that... Dee'EYE-blow Shur'himp (and, admittedly, the P'yer-son who started it all...

Thanks, li'l buddy! I knew keeping my branding was a good idea!

I do sometimes wonder about my life's choices. Sigh.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Oh and while me and mine are not there yet, I did discover that coffee filters make for passable toilet paper. (So long as you trash rather than flush them, oc.) Just an idea for y'all.

Huh. That could be very good to know!

(We, uh... we don't drink coffee, but! It might be easier to come by than TP!)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Re: "PF2/4E Fixed that!"

I think what it comes down to is people don't want to switch to a completely new system to fix a few glitches, they want a patch to the extant mechanism to make it work better and fix the individual problems. Basically, what PF Classic did for 3.5.

Thankfully, it's not too hard to port some of those properties into another system if you know what you're doing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just so we're all clear though, Starfinder is the best Finder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

For us, we're now entering the, "Oh, holy carp! You're so well-prepared you need to help other people," phase.

As I mentioned, GothBard's mother has been unable to get toilet paper. Her neighbors have dropped some off, but we may have to make an emergency trip to Half Moon Bay to drop off more.

Of even greater concern is Shiro. His cancer has moved into his lungs, so he is at the highest-possible risk for the virus; it would very likely kill him. Thus, he can't leave the house at all. And he is neither a shopper nor a storer; he's one of those people who always eats out. (He made a funny comment about accumulating way too much money in his bank account because he's not buying hundreds of dollars of restaurant food a week any more.)
So we're likely going to have to make a significant shopping trip for him, do the whole, "Disinfect every item" spiel (and gee, I have a bunch of disinfectant because I haven't been using it), drive down to Fremont, and drop off "emergency food supplies for a friend".

Ah, well, it least it'll give the car some mileage; we haven't driven since the lockdown began, so I suspect the cars could use it.

Ow damn.

Wish him a lot of strength from me.
Lung cancer is bad.

Well, he just changed doctors and his new doctor is much more optimistic, but yeah, our goal right now is for him to make it to the 2024 Eclipse trip.

But I dragged my cancer-ridden father to Ashland, I can do the same for Shiro and the Eclipse trip.

It's apparently what I do.

would that I could make the drive for you, as I am younger and am less susceptible(?) to this thing.

LOL. I have Impus Major. I cannot imagine a better courier. Disinfect him, tell him, "Do not get out of the car except to put stuff on Shiro's porch," and we're golden.

Honestly, we're far more likely to do a big shopping run, then pick up some takeout, drive the whole family there, and picnic on his back deck while he sits inside and we chat.

There was a great article on, "Is takeout safe?" that pointed out that the food and the interior of the container are still being prepared according to extremely strict restaurant standards, so as long as you thoroughly clean the outside of your takeout box, it's a perfectly safe meal. (They recommended using disposable gloves to pour the food into your own dishes and then throwing the containers away outside, rather than even trying to clean them.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Re: "PF2/4E Fixed that!"

I think what it comes down to is people don't want to switch to a completely new system to fix a few glitches, they want a patch to the extant mechanism to make it work better and fix the individual problems. Basically, what PF Classic did for 3.5.

Thankfully, it's not too hard to port some of those properties into another system if you know what you're doing.

Yep. I don't have huge issues with PF1. PF1 fixed most of what I wanted to change in 3.5. 4E simply missed the mark for me. 5E is ok, but not what I would like to play long-term. PF2 changes more than I feel necessary, but has good ideas that I can use to modify into PF1 house rules.

My group and I are pretty happy with where we've got it. I might dump a couple of changes I've made as too fussy, but it's a work in progress.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
This Monday will mark two weeks since I may or may not have been unofficially exposed. No symptoms thus far.
Then it seems you may have pulled through, or never had it in the first place?
Or is a symptom-less carrier.
That thought has crossed my mind more than once. My mother wants me to go to her place "for just an hour" to help her with her cell phone. She's closing in on 72-years-old. I really think that's a bad plan right now.


I keep my distance from mom myself, and leave her groceries at her door.

My father had a heart surgery (sort of, peacemaker installed, still counts I think with his heart failure), so I am keeping a distance too.

1300 km should be enough.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
The Emerald Isles are in full lockdown currently, advised not to leave the house unless for essential services. The pubs have all been closed, which should give some indication of how seriously we're taking this. :P The family are all bunkered down in place, and while I am currently under the weather, the symptoms thankfully bear no resemblance to the covid-19 ones. Working from home currently, which isn't really working all that well, but it's better than having to go to the office, or being laid off.

The US is, as per usual, a patchwork of responses. CA where NH lives has been in lockdown for a couple weeks, as has KS where Scint is. Meanwhile GA where Sharoth is only just closed up officially this week and TN where I am is locking down Saturday morning.

Also I don't get to benefit from that as I am considered essential personnel as I work in taxes and finance, and my company doesn't have any method of doing work-from-home as we need access to the physical paperwork of our clients

Add my parents going on a cross-country plane trip just before everything closes down and I fully expect a decent chance of getting the disease next week or so.

You are the only Diablo Shrimp Trainer we have. Please be careful.
I'm trying, but I am incredibly nervous about my parents coming home tomorrow/Sunday after a week abroad with four plane flights involved. Any advice for how to handle this would be greatly appreciated, as I'm at my wits end here.

Flee the state and join Scinth at her place already?

Sorry, that's the only solution I can think of :(

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
cyzzane wrote:

Reply from a conversation TOZ mentioned.

Seriously though if anyone likes mildly spooky stuff, The Magnus Archives podcast is totally great!

Also Re:Zero hurts me. Subaru is so dumb.


(It's true, he really is. Like a brick.)

I want to be clear, however - as dumb or cowardly or unpleasant or frustrating as Subaru is - and he really, really, really can be those and other things aside - this is not a knock on the show, nor is it a reason not to watch it.

Point in fact, his failures as a person, his flaws, and his weaknesses are part of his journey: and an important or even fundamental part of it.

More to the point, I couldn't guarantee that I'd not make many of the same mistakes or choices, at least at the relatively same time of my life in which he finds himself in that situation in his, because, frankly, he's a kid on the cusp of manhood ripped from modern sociological contexts and shoved into a freaky fun-house mirror of a world that, topically, seems to be everything he ever wanted, but ultimately refuses to conform to his expectations; it refuses to do so even when it plays on those exact expectations - expectations he's built up over a lifetime of having been conditioned into them by a combination of media (predominately anime/cartoons and video games, but also by various manga/comics, and even some literature).

He is dumb as a brick, yes. He is awkward, immature, and makes a number of very frustrating life choices.


He also holds up a mirror - to you, to me, to many, many people who watch it; it's also an uncomfortable mirror, at times, because you can see yourself reflected in it, even if only in parts.

Would I be Subaru? Make all the same bad choices? Exceptionally unlikely. I had a (and strive to retain, even as it fades) deep sense of proper manners instilled into me at the time. But I'd definitely make a number of the same bad choices. Because there was a time when I was a dumb immature kid who wanted to be Crono, Cecil, Locke Cole, Cloud Strife, Squall Lionheart, Ramza yes, I wanted to be Ramza, oh my word, me, what the heck, have you actually [i]played that game, ugh forrealthoapartofmestilldoes,ilovethatgame,ivaliceforeveeerrrr, Goku, that guy from Psi-Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy, Mario Luigi, Link, various comic super-heroes, and, of course, literally everyone else awesome.

(Vaguely quasi-real talk, though, I had this phase, where, like, I just, you know, got JanusMagus [smaller]that's his name, MOM, right? Like... really got him, you know? He just... he made a lot of sense. whywasisoduuuuumb Anyway, I loved dressing in all black, and practicing with my katana wakizashi outside didn't have a scythe, and katanas were cooler anyway in the back yard in the Florida summer sun, and drank grape juice from tall-stemmed dark-blue glasses (you know, like wiiiiiine). You know. And that me, oh, thank whatever forces chose someone to go that it was Subaru instead of that me, because, ugh, that world would be so... I don't even know, but it'd be bad. Ugh. That was such a stupid four-to-six months, I don't even know. ... I love my life.)

Anyway, point is, I liked the show a lot. It hurts because it only has one season. It hurts because Subaru is dumb. It hurts because you can probably find some of your own darker elements in him in places. It hurts because some of it is so daggum real.
Some of it, however, is not, and some is just dumb in other ways, but, to (not-quite-)quote someone I saw say words on the internet, Re:Zero is a Masterpiece, Actually, and you don't have to agree, but I really appreciate/like it. Warts and all. Because at least some of those are actually part of the point, and the story is better for it.

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