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8 people marked this as a favorite.

I did it!

For those of you who have forgotten Calvin's alter ego from Calvin and Hobbes, Here is a selection of panels...

and, with the caveat that the four-color boxes of premade fondant have a much darker blue than Spiff's suit, here is what I made for the top of the cake.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

I did it!

For those of you who have forgotten Calvin's alter ego from Calvin and Hobbes, Here is a selection of panels...

and, with the caveat that the four-color boxes of premade fondant have a much darker blue than Spiff's suit, here is what I made for the top of the cake.


Now, you should probably put some clothes on before the party.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Because of COURSE I sculpt fondant naked. Not.
(gets dressed).

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

waits for lisamarlene to fall into an exhausted asleep, slathers her with slowly hardening chocolate
leaves a trail of chocolates outside of morts room leading to a waiting huey
airlifts Mort to US
leaves trail of even more delicious chocolate from airport to lisamarlene house, which has front door unlocked
plays waiting game while hiding in the bushes

*follows the trail of chocolates to the waiting huey and gobbles them all up*

*follows the trail of chocolates from the airport to LM’s house, now a rather rolly-polly kitty*

*wonders what the extra large chocolate is, but takes a bite out of it, nonetheless*


The Exchange

LM - what's the difference between Fondant and Marzipan? I thought at a first glance those figures were made out of marzipan.

The Exchange

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:


*Gives LM a sad Mao. Not all of us cats are like that... *
Ahem. *points to all the claw/bite marks Mortimer has given me*

Like Jania said, you had it coming for spelling my name wrong.

The Exchange

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Started playing a Wrath of the Righteous campaign tonight. Not sure how well it's going to go. And while I don't do great accents, I really screwed mine up somehow. I was going for a Matthew McConaughey type one, and somehow hit hippy/stoner instead. Didn't feel like correcting myself, so now everyone thinks my cleric is smoking weed and not sharing.

That's OK, I had a drunk cleric who's goal in life was to get everyone wasted. Because parteh! Even went around brewing his own beer.

Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Started playing a Wrath of the Righteous campaign tonight. Not sure how well it's going to go. And while I don't do great accents, I really screwed mine up somehow. I was going for a Matthew McConaughey type one, and somehow hit hippy/stoner instead. Didn't feel like correcting myself, so now everyone thinks my cleric is smoking weed and not sharing.
That's OK, I had a drunk cleric who's goal in life was to get everyone wasted. Because parteh! Even went around brewing his own beer.

But my guy ISN'T ON ANYTHING! He just sounds like it, and the party is talking about going through my bag while I'm asleep to steal a stash that doesn't exist.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Another day of sleeping not enough (though at least it's around 5.5 hours today followed by another two hours of laying down) and getting up before the needed time...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, our lawyer just might have gotten herself fired. *SIGH*

Don't they teach these people ANYTHING about tact, sense motive, or diplomacy? You'd think it would be a must to be an attorney, but NOOOOOOO...

So, the whole "wife takes the husband's name" thing has been anathema to GothBard for her entire life. She railed about it when she was in elementary school. "Why does the girl have to stop being a person as soon as she gets married?"

A lifetime of insults, degradation, marginalization, and out-and-out open abuse of her sex has done nothing but deepened that fundamental gut feeling.

If we walk into a store or get a phone call and someone calls her, "Mrs. Home" it's over. She will NOT do business with them.

The lawyer got a taste of it when they first met. "Oh, are you Mr. Home's other half?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, are you..."
"Oh, we're still married. I am just nobody's "other half".

And here is the real source of NobodysHome nickname...


GothBard already doesn't like the lawyer because she's a smoker, and it was agony sitting in her office for 45 minutes.

And now she's sent us the documents and she labeled the trust "The Home Family Trust".

GothBard will fire her on the spot if she sees it.

Seriously. Get a clue!

Nobody's Wife?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

wow. You're old!

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go on and on and on about how awesome final fantasy 6 is compared to 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and so on...

Had you included 10 I would have argued.
Nothing wrong with being old, I'm old too, I remember that greatest of all RPGs in history, Chrono Trigger!

I've never seen Baldur's Gate II spelled that way before.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Started playing a Wrath of the Righteous campaign tonight. Not sure how well it's going to go. And while I don't do great accents, I really screwed mine up somehow. I was going for a Matthew McConaughey type one, and somehow hit hippy/stoner instead. Didn't feel like correcting myself, so now everyone thinks my cleric is smoking weed and not sharing.
That's OK, I had a drunk cleric who's goal in life was to get everyone wasted. Because parteh! Even went around brewing his own beer.
But my guy ISN'T ON ANYTHING! He just sounds like it, and the party is talking about going through my bag while I'm asleep to steal a stash that doesn't exist.

Roll with it and get an actual stash of weed in game, then get the party high. I mean it's more appropriate for elder mythos campaigns like Strange Aeons, but sometimes drugs are a coping mechanism for PCs dealing with the horrors they face.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"When I give you a policy, I want you to file it immediately!"

Dude, you give it to me at the end of tuesday, expect it scanned when I'm about to head off with my BF(yes I stayed back, got pissed off about outlook not loading) and did that. Then I have like 42 documents that I need to upload, then zip up and send to other parties, some vendor requested terms and conditions amendments, document work required for selling of asset that I haven't even had time to file my own insurance policies. Get in line, gosh!

I really do NOT have the time to do any filing.

Also sending stuff to 3rd parties? I was told by the sender to go and find the addresses myself, then after I sent the whole lot, the person who asked me to do it said, oh, my colleague only sent to one person.

Me: Couldn't you freaking have told me earlier? I did ask and you told me to find the addresses myself so I did what you told me to do and now you're saying that I did it wrongly?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now I need to contemplate the asset sale. I think I can figure out how to do it, but I'll need to unravel a loan agreement first. And quite a bit of peace and quiet because I need to check records on precedents, then work out how to apply it to the current situation. Yeah I think first you discharge the loan, then have the necessary resolutions to sell the asset direct.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Morning FaWtLy-folk! I hope everyone is doing well today, keep on keeping on, and has a great day ahead. :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
...too sweet... too sweet...

I don't think those words are able to be combined like that?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Did not have a good day. See above complaints. And now I'm going to be late for my workout session after I promised I'd help them get set up thanks to people asking me at the last minute for stuff.

Scarab Sages

lisamarlene wrote:

I did it!

For those of you who have forgotten Calvin's alter ego from Calvin and Hobbes, Here is a selection of panels...

and, with the caveat that the four-color boxes of premade fondant have a much darker blue than Spiff's suit, here is what I made for the top of the cake.

Looks good!

Dark Archive

Just a Mort wrote:
Did not have a good day. See above complaints. And now I'm going to be late for my workout session after I promised I'd help them get set up thanks to people asking me at the last minute for stuff.

Sorry to hear it Mort. :( Hope things improve soon!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

wow. You're old!

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go on and on and on about how awesome final fantasy 6 is compared to 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and so on...

Had you included 10 I would have argued.
Nothing wrong with being old, I'm old too, I remember that greatest of all RPGs in history, Chrono Trigger!
I've never seen Baldur's Gate II spelled that way before.

I really think, whatever RPG you start with, decides how you see RPG's going forward. Like, VII (what's all this number business? :P ) was the first RPG I ever played, and it was the gold-standard benchmark which all other RPGs were compared to after that. It's still my favourite RPG of all time. VI and IX are runners-up. I don't get how people like VIII or X, but each to their own, I guess?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtLy-folk! I hope everyone is doing well today, keep on keeping on, and has a great day ahead. :)

Good morning LyrdSynos!

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
LM - what's the difference between Fondant and Marzipan? I thought at a first glance those figures were made out of marzipan.

Not LM, but my two cents on the matter: One is made of pure evil, and the other is made of true good. :P

More seriously, fondant is sugar, water and corn syrup. It's just sweet and delicious.

Marzipan is sugar and almond meal, and tastes like sadness. Many cakes are ruined by its presence.

Dark Archive

Woran wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtLy-folk! I hope everyone is doing well today, keep on keeping on, and has a great day ahead. :)
Good morning LyrdSynos!

Good morning! Hope all is well with you? :)

There was an RPG for the NES where you fought battles from various Chinese dynasties.

Or something like that.

That was my favorite RPG.

My brothers had a friend that would occasionally let me play Azure Bonds but I never got anywhere and didn't really enjoy it.

The Exchange

Was romance of the three kingdoms, CY?

And to be honest, I like marzipan. Lol at the end of the day you wonder if there are things I don't eat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

There was an RPG for the NES where you fought battles from various Chinese dynasties.

Or something like that.

That was my favorite RPG.

My brothers had a friend that would occasionally let me play Azure Bonds but I never got anywhere and didn't really enjoy it.

romance of the three kingdoms, one of the oldest and most beloved strategy RPGs. Spawned NUMEROUS sequels.

The Exchange

Yeah then there was dynasty warriors also based in the same universe.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For me, it was a bootleg copy of Wizardry back in 1980, then the original Might & Magic showing how it should be done in 1986, though I could swear it came out earlier than that...
I thought I wasted countless hours in high school playing it, but I graduated in '85...

Destiny Of An Emporer was the game.

Dragon Warrior on the NES, if we're counting only video games. Otherwise my first RPG in any format was D&D in 1980.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Another favorite, Legacy of Kain.

lisamarlene wrote:

I did it!

For those of you who have forgotten Calvin's alter ego from Calvin and Hobbes, Here is a selection of panels...

and, with the caveat that the four-color boxes of premade fondant have a much darker blue than Spiff's suit, here is what I made for the top of the cake.


very nice indeed... ;-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
LM - what's the difference between Fondant and Marzipan? I thought at a first glance those figures were made out of marzipan.

Not LM, but my two cents on the matter: One is made of pure evil, and the other is made of true good. :P

More seriously, fondant is sugar, water and corn syrup. It's just sweet and delicious.

Marzipan is sugar and almond meal, and tastes like sadness. Many cakes are ruined by its presence.

Don't believe the man! He is trying to trick you!

Fondant looks and tastes almost exactly like Play-Doh. Fortunately, it also sculpts as easily as Play-Doh and comes in ready-made colors. They say it is "vanilla-flavored", but it isn't.

Marzipan is the food of the gods. Unfortunately, it only comes in beige, and although it sculpts very well, in order to make it lots of colors, you have to use gel-paste food coloring in order to do it, and if you make it too wet, it sweats.

Here are some examples:
Hagrid's hut (the hut and garden are layers of butterbeer-flavored cake with marzipan Buckbeak the Hippogriff and pumpkins, for Hermione's 7th last year) and Totoro with his leaf hat out of marzipan for Val's 3rd, three years ago. And these are some giraffes, because for that same birthday, Val said he wanted giraffes for his vegetable for dinner.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The best, and I mean BEST, thing I ever did with fondant was with homemade rolled fondant, which was quite good but for which I can no longer find the recipe.

It was for the Ersatz Russian's 40th birthday, ten years ago. Since his birthday is during Lent, he said he had always wanted a cake like the horse-head in the bed scene from The Godfather, but with a Palmer Chocolate Bunny head instead of the horse, with its vacant staring blue eye. So I obliged.

EDIT: I found the only known photo of it. The "blood" is raspberry jam. The fondant is the white quilt over the bed.

lisamarlene wrote:

Because of COURSE I sculpt fondant naked. Not.

(gets dressed).


lisamarlene wrote:

The best, and I mean BEST, thing I ever did with fondant was with homemade rolled fondant, which was quite good but for which I can no longer find the recipe.

It was for the Ersatz Russian's 40th birthday, ten years ago. Since his birthday is during Lent, he said he had always wanted a cake like the horse-head in the bed scene from The Godfather, but with a Palmer Chocolate Bunny head instead of the horse, with its vacant staring blue eye. So I obliged.

okay that is awesome!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

And another team leader has disappeared, as silently and completely as a naughty member of the CPSU's Politburo in the 1930s. One evening they were there, next day, nowhere to be seen, and not a squeak out of senior management. Odd. Very odd.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's currently 52 degrees outside.

The day has barely even started.

So, I guess the ground hog was right, technically.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
And another team leader has disappeared, as silently and completely as a naughty member of the CPSU's Politburo in the 1930s. One evening they were there, next day, nowhere to be seen, and not a squeak out of senior management. Odd. Very odd.

Yeah, I've never understood the whole, "Make 'em disappear silently" approach to management, though both my previous company and Global Megacorporation embrace it.

Either the employee was fired with cause, in which case for legal reasons you might forbid managers from saying anything beyond, "So-and-so was let go," or the employee was let go due to redundancy, cost reduction, or whatever, in which case you could also say, "So-and-so was let go."

There's this idea that publicizing that information will demoralize the rest of the employees and cause a panic because they'll all be thinking, "Am I next?"

But, "So-and-so disappeared without a word and now management refuses to even acknowledge that they ever existed" is NOT an improvement!

The Exchange

I think cake decorations is an interesting thing to look at, but probably something I won't do because... Sigh. Calories =P

And also I don't know how well fondant cakes keep. Because we usually like slicing our cake up for easier eating in the morning.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yep, Berkeley bicyclists continue to baffle me.

OK, got so long it's probably political:
If you look at this map, you'll see a street named Milvia that runs right between Shattuck and Martin Luther King. It's a dedicated bike street, complete with wide bike lanes in both directions, speed bumps, and even a couple of car blockades to ensure cars stay off of it. It's been that way (minus the speed bumps) since I first started commuting to U.C. Berkeley in 1985. I checked Google Maps, and yes, the recommended bicycle route is along Milvia.

On the other hand, Shattuck is a speedway where cars routinely top 40 mph and there are blocks where there's very little space between the speeding cars and the parked cars. Martin Luther King is even worse; I tried it on the drive in this morning and if you put the left side of your car right on the divider line, there's only around 4 feet of space between you and the parked cars. And that's in a Prius.

So of course all the bicyclists HAVE to take Martin Luther King, because inconveniencing other drivers and putting themselves at risk is what they DO. On my drive in, I had to take pains to avoid at least a dozen bicyclists; the road is that narrow, so it's pretty hard to pass them safely. On my bike ride home along Milvia, I encountered... -0- other cyclists.

It just baffles me. My only explanation is that they first get introduced to the town in a car, and then they never ponder, "Hey, maybe there's a better road that I should be taking on a bike!"
Everywhere I move, one of the first things I do is learn all the main roads and all the bike paths. They are almost never the same. (Fremont being the one exception around here, but the bike lanes are 8 feet wide so who the heck cares?)

Just... grr. I know Freehold and I disagree on this, but a large number of bad bicyclists in this area antagonize drivers by riding in inappropriate areas, running stop signs and stop lights and forcing cars to slam on their brakes, and otherwise behaving like <expletives>. And the frustrated drivers lash out in reciprocal anger at all bicyclists, which isn't fair to me.

Freehold places the blame squarely on the drivers for lashing back indiscriminately. I say that the initial <expletive> bicyclists must bear much of that burden, because if they weren't antagonizing the drivers in the first place, the drivers wouldn't be antagonized.

The whole notion of, "My bicycle is legally a vehicle, and as a bicycle I legally have the right of way in most situations, and therefore anything that I do is fine and if drivers have a problem with it that's their problem, not mine!" is not conducive to "sharing the road".

Scarab Sages

captain yesterday wrote:
Another favorite, Legacy of Kain.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

wow. You're old!

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go on and on and on about how awesome final fantasy 6 is compared to 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and so on...

Had you included 10 I would have argued.
Nothing wrong with being old, I'm old too, I remember that greatest of all RPGs in history, Chrono Trigger!
I've never seen Baldur's Gate II spelled that way before.
I really think, whatever RPG you start with, decides how you see RPG's going forward. Like, VII (what's all this number business? :P ) was the first RPG I ever played, and it was the gold-standard benchmark which all other RPGs were compared to after that. It's still my favourite RPG of all time. VI and IX are runners-up. I don't get how people like VIII or X, but each to their own, I guess?

Agreed. I played TTRPGs first, and to this day I can't really think of any digital game as a 'role playing' game 'cause they just don't have the same freedom of role playing that a TTRPG has.

Still, I love me some Diablo and Final Fantasy too -- though the only one I ever really played and beat was XII -- and I just downloaded Eternium to play with my bestie, and I have high hopes.

NobodysHome wrote:

Yep, Berkeley bicyclists continue to baffle me.

** spoiler omitted **...

Bicyclists who blow through intersections drive me nuts. I understand that killing their momentum for a stop sign is really a problem in a hilly area, but, you know, bumper decoration versus not being a bumper decoration...

NobodysHome wrote:

Yep, Berkeley bicyclists continue to baffle me.

** spoiler omitted **...

TIL some cities have dedicated bike streets. I wonder if Phoenix does...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

LOL. Don't argue with a man with funding.

I made my final call of the morning to the insulation guy. "It'll be $1500. What's the old stuff like?"
"It's ancient partially-decayed fiberglass. You're going to need to take it out."
"You sure you want that? I can't just lay it over the top or something? Because then I have to vacuum it out, make a trip to the dump, and that's a whole 'nother job."
"Well, I'm going to charge you $2900 for that."
"That's fine. Make it happen."

So yeah, he's getting grossly overpaid for a simple rip-and-haul-away job, but if it makes him happy and he's doing exactly what I want him to do, I'll pay him $1400 for a $700 job.

EDIT: And communication is busting me up. The roofer prefers phone calls. The solar guy prefers emails. The insulation guy prefers texts. How they ever communicate with each other is beyond me.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have determined, through pain staking trial and error (I hit it with a hammer), that the car's starter issues are beyond my expertise.

Starters for your car are relatively cheap, as car parts go. $50-100. Probably closer to the 50-75 range. You should be able to get a decent walk-through on YouTube to save on taking it to a mechanic, but even with a mechanic it should be under $200 total.

LordSynos wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
LM - what's the difference between Fondant and Marzipan? I thought at a first glance those figures were made out of marzipan.

Not LM, but my two cents on the matter: One is made of pure evil, and the other is made of true good. :P

More seriously, fondant is sugar, water and corn syrup. It's just sweet and delicious.

Marzipan is sugar and almond meal, and tastes like sadness. Many cakes are ruined by its presence.

I am pretty sure you confused those two - the bland tasteless oversweetness with the strong and intense sweetness of exactly the right degree to complement chocolate...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
And another team leader has disappeared, as silently and completely as a naughty member of the CPSU's Politburo in the 1930s. One evening they were there, next day, nowhere to be seen, and not a squeak out of senior management. Odd. Very odd.

Yeah, I've never understood the whole, "Make 'em disappear silently" approach to management, though both my previous company and Global Megacorporation embrace it.

Either the employee was fired with cause, in which case for legal reasons you might forbid managers from saying anything beyond, "So-and-so was let go," or the employee was let go due to redundancy, cost reduction, or whatever, in which case you could also say, "So-and-so was let go."

There's this idea that publicizing that information will demoralize the rest of the employees and cause a panic because they'll all be thinking, "Am I next?"

But, "So-and-so disappeared without a word and now management refuses to even acknowledge that they ever existed" is NOT an improvement!

Rule the minions employees through fear of unknown?

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