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Limeylongears wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Finished lord of chaos. Whew. intense. Now to take a brek from the wheel of time for some skyward.
For a second I thought you were calling Limeylongears a "Finnish lord of chaos". But that just isn't possible. He's Welsh.

I'm not Welsh. No no no.

As for being a Lord of Chaos, 'BLOOD AND SOULS FOR MY LORD LONGEARS' sounds a bit odd, and I'm not sure what I'd do with a load of blood and souls if I did get 'em.

I gave Pa Longears a book of cello pieces, Ma Longears a yoga block, recieving another sword-fighting manual in return. Sister is in Australia, so that'll have to wait, and brother is coming over tomorrow to exchange gifts

I'm pretty sure you're Welsh. That or Australian.

Just ignore the lack of pants.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The primary purpose of the human eyelash is to prevent things from getting into the eye. It works so well, that the most common thing that gets into my eye is, in fact, an eyelash. I find this to be most eyeronic.

The Exchange

Vankyre - made a Lasting Power of Attorney or equivalent yet? We can't prevent alzheimers or dementia perfectly but at least we can try to set our affairs in order, while we still can...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hope you all had a good time during Christmas.

Today, I will hopefully get my phone screen fixed, since that broke a few months back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can prevent dementia! I think, maybe, possibly. Wait, what does this have to do with Vince Lombardi's underpants!!

What's the best Zelda game for a 14 year old for the 3DS Galaxy.

I was thinking Ocarina of Time, but mostly because that's the only one I played significantly.

Just a Mort wrote:
Vankyre - made a Lasting Power of Attorney or equivalent yet? We can't prevent alzheimers or dementia perfectly but at least we can try to set our affairs in order, while we still can...

Nope. We've been meaning to do that, but it's always a little further down the priority list than things like home repairs and paying off Aiymi's hospital bills.

Vanykrye wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Vankyre - made a Lasting Power of Attorney or equivalent yet? We can't prevent alzheimers or dementia perfectly but at least we can try to set our affairs in order, while we still can...
Nope. We've been meaning to do that, but it's always a little further down the priority list than things like home repairs and paying off Aiymi's hospital bills.

as someone who works in the mental health field, it's always better to do this in advance. If you dont want to do the paperwork(and it is a lot of paperwork), then just have a conversation, and make sure your spouse is aware of your wishes in most emergencies.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

What's the best Zelda game for a 14 year old for the 3DS Galaxy.

I was thinking Ocarina of Time, but mostly because that's the only one I played significantly.

Go for it. The water temple is like a rite of passage.

Scarab Sages

Not replying to everything as im still at my dad's place, and still on my phone.

I got a set of polydice, many socks, and slippers for christmas. So a good haul for me.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Also my dad's house has the best shower. Big window. Exelent water preasure. So I crack the window wide open.
Set shower to "asmodeus private hot tub" temperature.
Bask in the hot water and resulting steam.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi, everyone!

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Mary Poppins Returns Spoiler-Free Review
Against my better judgement, I accompanied GothBard and Impus Major to the Cerrito to see Mary Poppins Returns. I wasn't expecting much; in fact, I was expecting yet another poorly-written, overacted, chock-full-of-cultural-references-that-will-be-obsolete-in-10-years piece of corporate schlock that I'd be sorry I paid good money to have to suffer through. Which is pretty much Disney's standard fare these days.

Then the movie actually started. And from the opening credits, you could tell that this entire project was imagined and implemented by someone who loved the original. From the cheesy opening credits with the abstract art of scenes you'd see in the movie, to the schmaltzy music, you knew you were in for a 1960s retread.

So, the good news: They were really loyal to the original, so if you loved Mary Poppins you'll find this movie perfectly tolerable. Emily Blunt is remarkable in that she isn't a complete embarrassment as Mary Poppins; she does a surprisingly formidable job of trying to fill Julie Andrews' shoes. There's plenty of music, live action intermixed with animation, and all the stuff that made the original magical. As usual, the child actors are quite good (why can the British seem to get so many good child actors, whereas every U.S. child is like a wooden stake driven into the eye of the moviegoer?).

The bad news isn't particularly bad, but isn't particularly good, either. The movie is perfectly tolerable, but nothing more than that. I don't regret seeing it, but not a single musical number set my toes to tapping; in fact, all three of us agreed that there wasn't a single "good" song in the entire set. They were all just, "OK" retreads of Poppins-style songs. So yeah, they were schmaltzy and sounded like they wouldn't have been out of place in the original, but my goodness, there was no Step in Time, nor Feed the Birds, nor even Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (which I don't care for as much as most). The songs were just "meh", and GothBard felt there were too many of them; they were so busy bursting into song it was hard for them to progress the plot along.

And I'm sorry, Lin-Manuel Miranda, I know people love you, but you're no Dick Van Dyke. He was absolutely fine. But he wasn't the towering presence Van Dyke was as Bert. And Meryl Streep's entire scene was an embarrassment, and should have been left on the cutting room floor.

And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"
Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies.

Anyway, all in all, perfectly tolerable, but nothing memorable. 3 beers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Mary Poppins Returns Spoiler-Free Review

Against my better judgement, I accompanied GothBard and Impus Major to the Cerrito to see Mary Poppins Returns. I wasn't expecting much; in fact, I was expecting yet another poorly-written, overacted, chock-full-of-cultural-references-that-will-be-obsolete-in-10-years piece of corporate schlock that I'd be sorry I paid good money to have to suffer through. Which is pretty much Disney's standard fare these days.

Then the movie actually started. And from the opening credits, you could tell that this entire project was imagined and implemented by someone who loved the original. From the cheesy opening credits with the abstract art of scenes you'd see in the movie, to the schmaltzy music, you knew you were in for a 1960s retread.

So, the good news: They were really loyal to the original, so if you loved Mary Poppins you'll find this movie perfectly tolerable. Emily Blunt is remarkable in that she isn't a complete embarrassment as Mary Poppins; she does a surprisingly formidable job of trying to fill Julie Andrews' shoes. There's plenty of music, live action intermixed with animation, and all the stuff that made the original magical. As usual, the child actors are quite good (why can the British seem to get so many good child actors, whereas every U.S. child is like a wooden stake driven into the eye of the moviegoer?).

The bad news isn't particularly bad, but isn't particularly good, either. The movie is perfectly tolerable, but nothing more than that. I don't regret seeing it, but not a single musical number set my toes to tapping; in fact, all three of us agreed that there wasn't a single "good" song in the entire set. They were all just, "OK" retreads of Poppins-style songs. So yeah, they were schmaltzy and sounded like they wouldn't have been out of place in the original, but my goodness, there was no Step in Time, nor Feed the Birds, nor even Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (which I don't care for as much...

strange. Everyone I know who likes Mary Poppins finds Bert to be an embarrassment, as an American badly, badly overdoing a cockney(?) accent. They readily forgive him, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"

Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies.

So the one thing that interests me in the movie is the one thing you hated?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"

Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies.
So the one thing that interests me in the movie is the one thing you hated?

You of all people should be used to that sort of reaction by now. ;)

captain yesterday wrote:

What's the best Zelda game for a 14 year old for the 3DS Galaxy.

I was thinking Ocarina of Time, but mostly because that's the only one I played significantly.

My recommendation for first Zelda game will always be either Link to the Past or Link's Awakening. That said, I'm not 100% familiar with 3DS Galaxy so I don't know what's available.

I love Link Between Worlds but you really need to play LTTP first to appreciate it in full IMO.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
strange. Everyone I know who likes Mary Poppins finds Bert to be an embarrassment, as an American badly, badly overdoing a cockney(?) accent. They readily forgive him, though.

It's only forgivable because Step In Time is bloody amazing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"

Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies.
So the one thing that interests me in the movie is the one thing you hated?

I love gymnastics floor routines. I could watch them all day.

Yet if I were watching a James Bond movie, and someone said, "James! The world-destroying laser is about to go off! We need to get to the control room NOW!!!" and he proceeded to do a series of flips, tumbles, and a little dance-and-spike instead of just running his sorry a$$ to the control room I'd be irritated rather than entertained.

So yeah, the whole, "We need to get to xxx ASAP!" responded to with, "Oh, time to do some rail jumps!" is just plain out-of-place, whether you like that kind of stuff or not.

And I'll be honest: I've seen good bike stunts. These weren't them.


Drejk wrote:

Good morning, Drejk!

How are you feeling?

Hey, Drejk! How are things with you?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"

Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies.
So the one thing that interests me in the movie is the one thing you hated?

I love gymnastics floor routines. I could watch them all day.

Yet if I were watching a James Bond movie, and someone said, "James! The world-destroying laser is about to go off! We need to get to the control room NOW!!!" and he proceeded to do a series of flips, tumbles, and a little dance-and-spike instead of just running his sorry a$$ to the control room I'd be irritated rather than entertained.

So yeah, the whole, "We need to get to xxx ASAP!" responded to with, "Oh, time to do some rail jumps!" is just plain out-of-place, whether you like that kind of stuff or not.

And I'll be honest: I've seen good bike stunts. These weren't them.

mm. I will take that under advisement, then.

I didn't like the original Mary Poppins. So much of it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It was acid tripping weird, and not in a good way like Alice in Wonderland.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
I didn't like the original Mary Poppins. So much of it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It was acid tripping weird, and not in a good way like Alice in Wonderland.

It's all very straightforward: If your kids misbehave, confuse the living **** out of them. It will turn them into model citizens.

It's just good 1960s parenting techniques.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
I didn't like the original Mary Poppins. So much of it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It was acid tripping weird, and not in a good way like Alice in Wonderland.

It's all very straightforward: If your kids misbehave, confuse the living **** out of them. It will turn them into model citizens.

It's just good 1960s parenting techniques.

Also, meds are candy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

After listening to the people using voice commands in Fortnite I've determined everyone playing Fortnite are 7-12 year olds, and Drake.

That tends to be the stereotype, yes, that all FN players are very young children. I can't think of anyone who's an adult who plays it except for some YouTubers and Twitch streamers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


*drops his bags*

Back home from yule-ing with my parents, brother and loosely affiliated family.
Had some fun, got some okay gifts and got to play/nuzzle/nap/ride with all the animals back home.

Only problem...I have to go to work tomorrow (and the next few days until new years eve)…

Too many posts "recently" on too many subject to comment on them all. Though I did read most of them with some interest.

And yes, put me in the "try before you buy" camp...
Sexual compatibility is a thing and for some people at least as important as any other measure of compatibility between two people. Especially when we get into the types of sexuality that are from each other. It becomes a step to manage the sexual expectation and commitments in order to prevent disappointments or unfulfilled desires* further down the relationship.

* As someone with sexual peculiarities of a rather deviant sort, its something that really clings to you. Its often only when you're incredibly comfortable with a partner that theses things get aired, and even then, its for me important not to present them as an expectation or demand of any partner...but this might say more about me and my own hang-ups then anything in general.


Tired and moody…

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I play it occasionally to show the kids how to lose with class. :-)

It's alright, as far the genre goes, not anything I'd play often but Tiny T-Rex loves it and Crookshanks has a blast being the old timey airplane pilot.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"

Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies.
So the one thing that interests me in the movie is the one thing you hated?

I love gymnastics floor routines. I could watch them all day.

Yet if I were watching a James Bond movie, and someone said, "James! The world-destroying laser is about to go off! We need to get to the control room NOW!!!" and he proceeded to do a series of flips, tumbles, and a little dance-and-spike instead of just running his sorry a$$ to the control room I'd be irritated rather than entertained.

So yeah, the whole, "We need to get to xxx ASAP!" responded to with, "Oh, time to do some rail jumps!" is just plain out-of-place, whether you like that kind of stuff or not.

And I'll be honest: I've seen good bike stunts. These weren't them.

mm. I will take that under advisement, then.

This makes me think Freehold had a gymanstics leotard all ready and was going to backflip to the computer to reply...but then saw Nobody's post and just hung his head, dejected. Sad violin music plays...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
I didn't like the original Mary Poppins. So much of it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It was acid tripping weird, and not in a good way like Alice in Wonderland.

It's all very straightforward: If your kids misbehave, confuse the living **** out of them. It will turn them into model citizens.

It's just good 1960s parenting techniques.

TIL half my classroom management is 1960s parenting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
That tends to be the stereotype, yes, that all FN players are very young children. I can't think of anyone who's an adult who plays it except for some YouTubers and Twitch streamers.

Given the level of obsession I see at work? Yes. I can believe it.

I lived through the initial wave of Pokemon fever. That was nothing compared to how seriously some of these kids take Fortnite.

I liked the single-player and co-op version you have to pay for of Fortnite. It's a tower defense zombie game with on-the-fly weapon construction, traps, and mining almost anything you find for materials. You can set NPCs in key positions to help defend, and build custom forts (thus the name) for funneling the zombies into your traps, and do rescue missions, and more...

The free one is hot garbage. Just another boring ass shooter with some wannabee minecraft construction built in.

Yeah but it's a battle royale style game and that's apparently what's In right now. -_-

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"

Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies.
So the one thing that interests me in the movie is the one thing you hated?

I love gymnastics floor routines. I could watch them all day.

Yet if I were watching a James Bond movie, and someone said, "James! The world-destroying laser is about to go off! We need to get to the control room NOW!!!" and he proceeded to do a series of flips, tumbles, and a little dance-and-spike instead of just running his sorry a$$ to the control room I'd be irritated rather than entertained.

So yeah, the whole, "We need to get to xxx ASAP!" responded to with, "Oh, time to do some rail jumps!" is just plain out-of-place, whether you like that kind of stuff or not.

And I'll be honest: I've seen good bike stunts. These weren't them.

mm. I will take that under advisement, then.
This makes me think Freehold had a gymanstics leotard all ready and was going to backflip to the computer to reply...but then saw Nobody's post and just hung his head, dejected. Sad violin music plays...

returns leotard to store

I dont know what you are talking about.



Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Christmas did leave me very proud of my brother. His girlfriend is pregnant. She's due in februari. He has now completely stopped smoking. He never smoked in the house anyway, but he's quit altogether now. I'm proud of him.

Aiymi is apparently coming home in a different car than she left the house in.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope she's ok, and that the original car is ok if possible.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I hope she's ok, and that the original car is ok if possible.

I'm told she accidentally bought a new car.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los nekkid wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Finished lord of chaos. Whew. intense. Now to take a brek from the wheel of time for some skyward.
For a second I thought you were calling Limeylongears a "Finnish lord of chaos". But that just isn't possible. He's Welsh.

I'm not Welsh. No no no.

As for being a Lord of Chaos, 'BLOOD AND SOULS FOR MY LORD LONGEARS' sounds a bit odd, and I'm not sure what I'd do with a load of blood and souls if I did get 'em.

I gave Pa Longears a book of cello pieces, Ma Longears a yoga block, recieving another sword-fighting manual in return. Sister is in Australia, so that'll have to wait, and brother is coming over tomorrow to exchange gifts

I'm pretty sure you're Welsh. That or Australian.

Just ignore the lack of pants.

As I am neither Welsh nor Australian, I'm not sure I can.

Today, brother & sister-in-law and nephews 1 and 2 came over. We went to the duck race, had lunch, opened presents (my parents adopted a shiver of sharks for nephew 1 (aka Sharkmaster), which he was absolutely delighted about), then went for a walk. Nephew 1 threw a Vesuvian tantrum when we stopped him fishing for trout with a tree branch, but after we'd got home and he'd calmed down, he and I enacted a sort of drama involving two sharks, a walrus, a giant octopus, an Ankylosaurus and the Bear of the Sea concerning what (or who) would make up the Christmas Feast, once the chocolate sardines and Stilton ran out.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I hope she's ok, and that the original car is ok if possible.
I'm told she accidentally bought a new car. do you accidentally buy a car?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I hope she's ok, and that the original car is ok if possible.
I'm told she accidentally bought a new car. do you accidentally buy a car?

The same way you download one?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I hope she's ok, and that the original car is ok if possible.
I'm told she accidentally bought a new car. do you accidentally buy a car?

She angrily threw a wallet at some guy who happened to be a car-seller and threw a car at her?

The Exchange

Kjeldorn, I'm definitely not in the try before you buy camp. Even preventive methods are not 100% and what if you accidentally get the girl pregnant? Are you making her go for an abortion? I've heard from people that an abortion causes lasting guilt and there is strong stigma against unwed mothers here.

And you're supposed to stay a virgin till your wedding night.

Basically when it comes to experimenting with sex, the girl gets the short end of the stick the guy gets to get away Scott free(other then the girls family chasing after him). And in some cultures the guys family would pride him on his manliness in deflowering many girls.

The Exchange

Woran wrote:
Christmas did leave me very proud of my brother. His girlfriend is pregnant. She's due in februari. He has now completely stopped smoking. He never smoked in the house anyway, but he's quit altogether now. I'm proud of him.

Grats on your brother! Tell him not to relapse because the urge to pick up a cigarette gets stronger everytime he gets stressed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I hope she's ok, and that the original car is ok if possible.
I'm told she accidentally bought a new car. do you accidentally buy a car?

If I had spent skill points on meme/gif creation, what you would see here is a link to a clip of Toby Ziegler on The West Wing saying, "I don't understand; did you trip?"

Vanykrye wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I hope she's ok, and that the original car is ok if possible.
I'm told she accidentally bought a new car.


Just a Mort wrote:

Kjeldorn, I'm definitely not in the try before you buy camp. Even preventive methods are not 100% and what if you accidentally get the girl pregnant? Are you making her go for an abortion? I've heard from people that an abortion causes lasting guilt and there is strong stigma against unwed mothers here.

And you're supposed to stay a virgin till your wedding night.

Basically when it comes to experimenting with sex, the girl gets the short end of the stick the guy gets to get away Scott free(other then the girls family chasing after him). And in some cultures the guys family would pride him on his manliness in deflowering many girls.

The crux of the anti-virgin-til-marriage argument is that all of that is wrong and bad and that any culture that still abides by those expectations is sexist and outdated at best and needs to change.

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