Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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I notice like every Asian dish I try to make seems to have egg in it. Easy protein I guess?

The Exchange

Eggs are considered a superfood of their own right. Besides when everyone has chickens, getting eggs is a simple matter. Have you tried frying big onions till fragrant, them dropping several beaten eggs(seasoned with a pinch of salt and light soya sauce) to make an omelette? If you haven’t, you should =)

Sure, except that I don't like the taste of eggs. So, not going to do that.

The Exchange

Someone also put a flyer advertising assault rifles in my brother's letter box.

Urgh I hate guns.

Fritzy, I'm sorry but that's how I feel about them.

flyer for assault rifle in mail box.... sigh that sounds like Merica.

The Exchange

At first I thought those guns were for hunting, since I know nothing about guns, then I was like telling my brother if you kill em, you better field gut em. Then he told me they were assault rifles and I was like Whhhaaattt?

I understand hunting, I see nothing wrong shooting that deer so you get venison, except one deer is quite a lot for a single person to eat. You'd also need a large refrigerator to store it.

The park ducks, on the other hand...are the right size ^^

You can't eat the park ducks mort!

The Exchange

But they're the right size for a meal! They're even of the Peking duck variety, which means they're perfect for the preparation of the Peking duck!

Or I could roam around the park looking for those eggs. If they're not developed yet, I get a duck egg omelette(best with a little coriander). If they're developed, I get Balut?

I think the duck eggs are gonna be off limits too. also Balut eeeewwwwwww.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

In no particular order:

Glad they've figured out what's wrong with Ayimi, Van, and hope she heals up quickly!

Good news on the house, LM. Also, 'sweet holy f***balls' is my new favourite oath.

It's raining, finally. Cue huge national sigh of relief.

Also, ducks eat slugs. Ducks are your friend. Don't eat the ducks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:

Aiymi Update:

First thank you all for your concerns. This really is a wonderful group of people, and I hate people as a general rule. Possibly even as a manifesto. But I digress. Thank you.

Aiymi's condition has been figured out. It's 4 things that came together, with one of them causing the other three in conjunction with Mars is in retrograde but it's a full moon with Saturn's dominance.

1) Sinus infection with a cough. This part is easy.
2) The cough was bad enough that she tore an intercostal muscle on the left side. That's the abdominal pain.

3) Those two things (sick body) combined with high amounts of work stress, caused her blood pressure to go up. Way up. This has caused her altered mental state.

4) The increased blood pressure also caused a TIA. For anyone who doesn't's basically a mini-stroke that no test can actually prove after the fact. The only time a scan will pick up a TIA is if it's happening in the middle of the scan, and then maybe.

This TIA has left her with little to no memory of anything after July 1 until about 7:30pm of July 11, and those memories are largely hazy and indistinct.


Muscle relaxer. Cough suppressant. Blood pressure meds. Her BP has to get down to a controllable level, and she has to pass the physical therapist tests (specifically able to climb up and down stairs on her own) before she'll be released from the hospital. There's nothing that can be done about the TIA. The memories will either come back or they won't. Once the blood pressure comes down the confusion should clear up. The sinus infection is just secondary to everything else at this point.

Ouch! I am glad that the docs figured out what was wrong. I hope that she has a speedy recovery and this does not happen again.

Limeylongears wrote:

In no particular order:

Glad they've figured out what's wrong with Ayimi, Van, and hope she heals up quickly!

Good news on the house, LM. Also, 'sweet holy f***balls' is my new favourite oath.

It's raining, finally. Cue huge national sigh of relief.

Also, ducks eat slugs. Ducks are your friend. Don't eat the ducks.


*stops letting slug eat him*

Less-Than-Adequate Duck wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

In no particular order:

Glad they've figured out what's wrong with Ayimi, Van, and hope she heals up quickly!

Good news on the house, LM. Also, 'sweet holy f***balls' is my new favourite oath.

It's raining, finally. Cue huge national sigh of relief.

Also, ducks eat slugs. Ducks are your friend. Don't eat the ducks.


*stops letting slug eat him*

You are such an inadequate duck *SMH*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gratz, LM.

Scarab Sages

captain yesterday wrote:

Tiny T-Rex is playing a Vesk (big lizard dude) Xenoseeker Xenowarden Mystic.

Or as he put it "I meet new people and shoot them, for the trees"

This is a fine sentiment

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los nekkid wrote:

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it's just a game, Find the Eye!

That's not an eye. Although it may be looking at you.

Its all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then its fun and games without depth perception.

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ducks are food, not friends.

Someone had better hide that elephant... I mean duck from Mort.

Scarab Sages

captain yesterday wrote:

The General is making a three dimensional Bill Cipher pyramid gravity falls cake for Tiny T-Rex's birthday.

One side is going to be Bill and then the other sides will be iconic places like the Mystery Shack.

I am jealous.

Scarab Sages

Just a Mort wrote:

Stroopwafel experiment complete. I can say that I am not prone to stroopwafel addiction. First the Stroopwafel was put on the rim of my hot cup of boiling tea (my cup is a little too small for the stroopwafel, really). I left it there for 3 minutes, turned to the other side, left it there for 2 minutes. The centre was slightly warm, and soft, so much that when I saw it sagging I was worried it might fall into my cup of tea. I had a bite of it, it is nice, but also a tad too sweet for my taste(guess I’m not as sweet toothy as I thought).

Kjeldorn - you need to get transition lenses.

The cheap option is to wear a cap, which is what I generally do. When it's time for me to change my glasses I may go for transition lenses.

Yeah, the sugar content of a stroopwafel is trough the roof!

The Exchange

It's actually a lot of work. *Uses bake skillz on the cake*

Bill cipher gravity falls

*Is unable to determine how it's made*

Technically you'd start by cutting the cake in the shape of a triangle/alternatively baking in a triangle mold.

But not sure how you get pyramid pattern or getting hat, hands and legs to stick.

Pyramid pattern, hazarding a guess, using yellow frosting and a gray cream in a cream squeeze to mark out the lines.

Beyond that, yeah no idea.

The Exchange

Woran wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Stroopwafel experiment complete. I can say that I am not prone to stroopwafel addiction. First the Stroopwafel was put on the rim of my hot cup of boiling tea (my cup is a little too small for the stroopwafel, really). I left it there for 3 minutes, turned to the other side, left it there for 2 minutes. The centre was slightly warm, and soft, so much that when I saw it sagging I was worried it might fall into my cup of tea. I had a bite of it, it is nice, but also a tad too sweet for my taste(guess I’m not as sweet toothy as I thought).

Kjeldorn - you need to get transition lenses.

The cheap option is to wear a cap, which is what I generally do. When it's time for me to change my glasses I may go for transition lenses.

Yeah, the sugar content of a stroopwafel is trough the roof!

Woran - I got the right stroopwafel, right?

The Exchange

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Someone had better hide that elephant... I mean duck from Mort.

Did you say elephant? Sadly no. They are protected around the world so I won't be breaking any laws trying to eat them.

Just a Mort wrote:

It's actually a lot of work. *Uses bake skillz on the cake*

Bill cipher gravity falls

*Is unable to determine how it's made*

Technically you'd start by cutting the cake in the shape of a triangle/alternatively baking in a triangle mold.

But not sure how you get pyramid pattern or getting hat, hands and legs to stick.

Pyramid pattern, hazarding a guess, using yellow frosting and a gray cream in a cream squeeze to mark out the lines.

Beyond that, yeah no idea.

You could probably find plenty of good ideas for how to on youtube or th show cake wars.

The Exchange

For me usually I like inspecting and tasting stuff, then figuring out how it's made. Being a cat, I am a decent copy cat and have had some success duplicating things I've eaten.

I was thinking mostly on how to make weird shaped cake. I don't think a perfect pallet helps to much with that. Still that is probably nice.

The Exchange

Triangle cake rings are a thing

Basically if you want to do frosting nicely you trim off the edges of the cake and discard them, before frosting what's left. Of course for me I would eat the discarded portion...

Hey it goes to waste otherwise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

It's actually a lot of work. *Uses bake skillz on the cake*

Bill cipher gravity falls

*Is unable to determine how it's made*

Technically you'd start by cutting the cake in the shape of a triangle/alternatively baking in a triangle mold.

But not sure how you get pyramid pattern or getting hat, hands and legs to stick.

Pyramid pattern, hazarding a guess, using yellow frosting and a gray cream in a cream squeeze to mark out the lines.

Beyond that, yeah no idea.

You could probably find plenty of good ideas for how to on youtube or th show cake wars.

Cake Wars is entertaining as hell, but no one, and I repeat, NO ONE should use it as a way to learn how to make a cake.

Whew your new avatar is freaking me out cpt. those eyes stare into my soul.

Must be a side effect from all the eyeball licking I did as a lizard person.

I mean I guess you got to keep your eyeballs moist. That does seem important.

Fritzy, Flaming Bike Artillery wrote:

All I heard was someone calling me pudgy.

Loads up the Hulk fat tire bikes.

slathers them with crisco

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

It's actually a lot of work. *Uses bake skillz on the cake*

Bill cipher gravity falls

*Is unable to determine how it's made*

Technically you'd start by cutting the cake in the shape of a triangle/alternatively baking in a triangle mold.

But not sure how you get pyramid pattern or getting hat, hands and legs to stick.

Pyramid pattern, hazarding a guess, using yellow frosting and a gray cream in a cream squeeze to mark out the lines.

Beyond that, yeah no idea.

You could probably find plenty of good ideas for how to on youtube or th show cake wars.
Cake Wars is entertaining as hell, but no one, and I repeat, NO ONE should use it as a way to learn how to make a cake.

Why CY? I mean you watch people cook on cooking shows and learn how to cook(that's how my aunt started stir frying pork with mirin), right?

Just a Mort wrote:

GM rant. Someone complained that about me using block init, saying it made encounters unnecessarily deadly, since there’s no way to intervene by the party when someone goes down.

Look at it this way, can you imagine rolling the init for 10 baykoks 10 times in a PBP? And keeping track of them? It’s going to be messy as fk. I may be a lot of things, but mathematically inclined is NOT one of them. As it is running 10 baykoks nearly killed me in brain processing power.

4 Baykoks, Player A, 3 Baykoks, Player B, 2 Baykoks, Player C, 1 Baykok, Player D. Can you imagine how long each combat round would take to run while waiting for the players on their various timezones, and also myself if the timezone they post is when I’m alseep? Rather then using block init, resulting in:

All Players up.
Baykoks up.
Baykoks up.
All players up.

Some games do better with block initiative. I am not convinced this is one of them, although it is easier on the DM.

The Exchange

I'm going to die if I do non block initiative. All the Maths will eat up my brain!

The Game Hamster wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Receiving a $2 bill is a great way to save $2.
True story: My great-grandfather loved the fact that two-dollar bills existed so much, that he would keep some in his shirt pocket at all times, and gave them to the kids he knew whenever he could. In fact, because of this, two dollar bills are somewhat treasured and collected in the family, with no small amount of sentimental value, since everyone loved and respected him.

I am a big believer in 2 dollar bills. Keep every one I find.

lisamarlene wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Aiymi Update:

First thank you all for your concerns. This really is a wonderful group of people, and I hate people as a general rule. Possibly even as a manifesto. But I digress. Thank you.

Aiymi's condition has been figured out. It's 4 things that came together, with one of them causing the other three in conjunction with Mars is in retrograde but it's a full moon with Saturn's dominance.

1) Sinus infection with a cough. This part is easy.
2) The cough was bad enough that she tore an intercostal muscle on the left side. That's the abdominal pain.

3) Those two things (sick body) combined with high amounts of work stress, caused her blood pressure to go up. Way up. This has caused her altered mental state.

4) The increased blood pressure also caused a TIA. For anyone who doesn't's basically a mini-stroke that no test can actually prove after the fact. The only time a scan will pick up a TIA is if it's happening in the middle of the scan, and then maybe.

This TIA has left her with little to no memory of anything after July 1 until about 7:30pm of July 11, and those memories are largely hazy and indistinct.


Muscle relaxer. Cough suppressant. Blood pressure meds. Her BP has to get down to a controllable level, and she has to pass the physical therapist tests (specifically able to climb up and down stairs on her own) before she'll be released from the hospital. There's nothing that can be done about the TIA. The memories will either come back or they won't. Once the blood pressure comes down the confusion should clear up. The sinus infection is just secondary to everything else at this point.

That is a crazy collection of things to cause that. No wonder they had trouble diagnosing.

But it wasn't lupus.

Told ya.

thank god for that!

Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Owning a cat is like owning a cactus. They both lie in the sun all day. It can hurt to pet them. They both tend not to need/want much attention. And no one wants to hear you tell stories about them for 3 hours on the first date.

That actually depends. If your date is a crazy cat lady, why not?

My BF and I actually talk about cats some, like all the cats he's had, how to approach a cat...

I didnt know your boyfriend was so salacious. Can't say I'm surprised.

Just a Mort wrote:

Again true courage is not the absence of fear, but doing what you need to do despite it.


The Exchange

Had a tandoori chicken drumstick, few pieces of broccoli and baby carrot and 2 baked eggs for dinner. It's the Krazy diet thing because I suspect I'm going to fail a will save to papadams later.

At least I'll feel less guilty when I eat them, since I have been staying mostly carb free.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

It's actually a lot of work. *Uses bake skillz on the cake*

Bill cipher gravity falls

*Is unable to determine how it's made*

Technically you'd start by cutting the cake in the shape of a triangle/alternatively baking in a triangle mold.

But not sure how you get pyramid pattern or getting hat, hands and legs to stick.

Pyramid pattern, hazarding a guess, using yellow frosting and a gray cream in a cream squeeze to mark out the lines.

Beyond that, yeah no idea.

You could probably find plenty of good ideas for how to on youtube or th show cake wars.
Cake Wars is entertaining as hell, but no one, and I repeat, NO ONE should use it as a way to learn how to make a cake.
Why CY? I mean you watch people cook on cooking shows and learn how to cook(that's how my aunt started stir frying pork with mirin), right?

I learned how to cook the old fashioned way, from my mom, and working in restaurants.

The only thing I learned from reality television is to never be on reality television.

Just a Mort wrote:

Why I'm the way I am. When I was younger I used to help clean fish and poultry, as well as assorted organs in the kitchen.

The first few times it's a little squeamish, after that it's like how do I turn that "dead animal carcass" into its edible component parts. I simply don't feel anything anymore.

Likewise I suspect I have a higher threshold for gore as a result, and I may be able to touch dead bodies without any sanity damage. I've never tested that out, though.

is this you...?

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Owning a cat is like owning a cactus. They both lie in the sun all day. It can hurt to pet them. They both tend not to need/want much attention. And no one wants to hear you tell stories about them for 3 hours on the first date.

That actually depends. If your date is a crazy cat lady, why not?

My BF and I actually talk about cats some, like all the cats he's had, how to approach a cat...

I didnt know your boyfriend was so salacious. Can't say I'm surprised.

Arrrrghh he was telling me about the cat that followed him home and that you can scratch cats on their cheek, near their whiskers!

I had to teach myself. my mom burns everything. In fact my friends use to comment on my cooking that I burned everything. I was like no that is how it is suppose to be! I've learned since.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Why I'm the way I am. When I was younger I used to help clean fish and poultry, as well as assorted organs in the kitchen.

The first few times it's a little squeamish, after that it's like how do I turn that "dead animal carcass" into its edible component parts. I simply don't feel anything anymore.

Likewise I suspect I have a higher threshold for gore as a result, and I may be able to touch dead bodies without any sanity damage. I've never tested that out, though.

is this you...?

Pretty much except I don't think I sing that well. And I'm not blonde.

The Exchange

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I had to teach myself. my mom burns everything. In fact my friends use to comment on my cooking that I burned everything. I was like no that is how it is suppose to be! I've learned since.

A little char adds to the flavor. My mom and I squabble on how long you should leave the pig fat on. She will always start frying before it even gets brown. Now how do you get the flavor out that way?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Were not talking just a char but dry chicken and overly well done steaks.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Blah. Steaks should be rare! Blood for the blood God!

Also I like the taste of blood.

I even have a little twisted pointed canine and am sensitive to light.

She won't eat a steak if it has even a bit of pink in the middle it has to be thoroughly cooked. I prefer mine medium. I don't like the blood taste.

I almost bleed out from having my tonsils removed when I was younger and all the hot irony blood pouring out of your mouth really turned me off to that taste.

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