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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Calling something "military grade" makes everything sound better, except food.

And that's some military grade nekkidness.

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Somehow, slow wifi is more infuriating than no wifi.

If Willy Wonka was actually locked in the factory for years with just the Oompa Loompas for company, I guarantee that some freaky s+~# went on.

License plates are usernames for cars.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Life is a co-op game, but too many people play it like it's competitive ranked.

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Being stuck in an awkward situation is like playing an RPG and not liking any of the dialogue options.

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Vanykrye wrote:

It's a simple act, but it meant so much. She gave me a bar of soap.

I've gotten too far ahead.

The story begins when I was a child. My parents divorced in '75, I lived with Mom, but my paternal grandparents, Granny and Granddad, lived one block away and I got to see them often. Mom got along with Dad's family better than Dad did. At that point in life, Granddad was a full-time farmer (earlier in life he was a full-time bank officer and part-time farmer). Granddad would come back home from the farm, and go straight into "his" bathroom, off the kitchen. It was a half bathroom with laundry. Granddad had "Granddaddy's soap". Granny always told me not to use it because it was so horribly rough. I loved the stuff. It was Lava. Granddad *always* had Lava. He died in Mexico in late February 1984.

For the last 35 years or so I have not been able to find Lava soap. Today when I got home from work, a package was on our porch. Inside was a bar of Lava that Aiymi found on the internet.

I used it after mowing the lawn tonight.

i too love lava.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

...aaaaaand my Mom, who is supposed to have cancer surgery this coming Tuesday, decided to go for one last horseback ride with her best friend today before she can't ride for six weeks. And one of the damned peacocks that roam wild around the ranch flapped and spooked the horses, so two seventy-something women both got thrown off. Thank goodness they both wear helmets, but my mother managed to fracture five vertebrae (T6-10).

Sharoth, hugs. I believe that "adulthood" can be defined by point at which we begin to worry about our parents more than they worry about us. And it's impossible to do anything about any of it.

please heal up, lisamom.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

...aaaaaand my Mom, who is supposed to have cancer surgery this coming Tuesday, decided to go for one last horseback ride with her best friend today before she can't ride for six weeks. And one of the damned peacocks that roam wild around the ranch flapped and spooked the horses, so two seventy-something women both got thrown off. Thank goodness they both wear helmets, but my mother managed to fracture five vertebrae (T6-10).

Sharoth, hugs. I believe that "adulthood" can be defined by point at which we begin to worry about our parents more than they worry about us. And it's impossible to do anything about any of it.

Thanks lisamarlien. I am sorry to hear that your mom has both cancer and a back injury. May she recover quickly from both.

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~sighs~ This is going to be a long six months or so. Mom had three seizures because of the tumors. Georgia law says (and I agree) that she can't drive for six months after her last seizure. Three guesses who will be doing most of the driving for mom?

On the plus side, her first radiation treatment is today at 8:30 am.

lisamarlene wrote:

...aaaaaand my Mom, who is supposed to have cancer surgery this coming Tuesday, decided to go for one last horseback ride with her best friend today before she can't ride for six weeks. And one of the damned peacocks that roam wild around the ranch flapped and spooked the horses, so two seventy-something women both got thrown off. Thank goodness they both wear helmets, but my mother managed to fracture five vertebrae (T6-10).

Sharoth, hugs. I believe that "adulthood" can be defined by point at which we begin to worry about our parents more than they worry about us. And it's impossible to do anything about any of it.

So...not that you probably know at this point...but are they going to be able to proceed with the cancer surgery next week with the thoracic fractures?

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

...aaaaaand my Mom, who is supposed to have cancer surgery this coming Tuesday, decided to go for one last horseback ride with her best friend today before she can't ride for six weeks. And one of the damned peacocks that roam wild around the ranch flapped and spooked the horses, so two seventy-something women both got thrown off. Thank goodness they both wear helmets, but my mother managed to fracture five vertebrae (T6-10).

Sharoth, hugs. I believe that "adulthood" can be defined by point at which we begin to worry about our parents more than they worry about us. And it's impossible to do anything about any of it.

So...not that you probably know at this point...but are they going to be able to proceed with the cancer surgery next week with the thoracic fractures?

She's waiting to find out today. The little wing bits on the vertebrae where the ribs attach are what snapped off, so she's in a world of hurt. I just talked with her on the phone a while ago and her voice sounded pretty ragged, but she still had a cowgirl's sense of humor. (gallows humor + could be worse + pull up yer britches and deal with it)

Praying for your mom this morning, Sharoth.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My aunt on Dad's side has that same sense of humor. She's in her 70's and rides horses too.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I've come to the inevitable conclusion that developers who insist that their application should run every time Windows starts up should all be rounded up and shot in the head. The world would be a better place.

And I'm not talking the ones whose installers say, "Would you like me to run this application whenever Windows starts?" and give you a little checkbox. That's a reasonable question, though I always answer, "No."

I'm talking the ones who give you no notice and no choice, so you install their software, suddenly every time you boot takes an extra 20-30 seconds, and you finally find out by checking the task manager and Windows registry that they added start-up code in sekret, to make their application seem better, and Windows seem worse.

The worst part? This morning's offender is one of my own company's programs!!! It ran an update over the weekend, and when I got in to work on Tuesday started auto-running every single day.

And it's an application I never use.

My aunt:

She's had 3 hip replacement surgeries. One of them was due to a recall on the ball joint. She's talking with her insurance company, getting exasperated, and I hear this from the other room: "If this were a car I'd just go to a junkyard and not even involve you. Watch the news for a stolen hip from a nursing home."

About 5-ish years ago now, my dad was hospitalized with end-stage liver failure (decades of heavy alcoholism). My aunt and I were told that he had 6 months left, on the outside. We make an appointment with a funeral home to set up his arrangements. I drive to her house to meet up with her, and we would go from there. She says, "Tell you what, I'll drive my truck, just in case we need to bring back samples."

NobodysHome wrote:

I've come to the inevitable conclusion that developers who insist that their application should run every time Windows starts up should all be rounded up and shot in the head. The world would be a better place.

And I'm not talking the ones whose installers say, "Would you like me to run this application whenever Windows starts?" and give you a little checkbox. That's a reasonable question, though I always answer, "No."

I'm talking the ones who give you no notice and no choice, so you install their software, suddenly every time you boot takes an extra 20-30 seconds, and you finally find out by checking the task manager and Windows registry that they added start-up code in sekret, to make their application seem better, and Windows seem worse.

The worst part? This morning's offender is one of my own company's programs!!! It ran an update over the weekend, and when I got in to work on Tuesday started auto-running every single day.

And it's an application I never use.

Microsoft does that by default with Skype for Business, but at least you can turn that setting off. It won't come out and ask you about it though; you have to go digging through the settings menus to find it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Welp. Handed over The Wormwood Mutiny to Rainbow GM-in-training so she can read it over. Crimson Throne only has the last dungeon remaining.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Welp. Handed over The Wormwood Mutiny to Rainbow GM-in-training so she can read it over. Crimson Throne only has the last dungeon remaining.

We *loved* Skull & Shackles.

Of course, any relation between the author's actual intent and how we played it was purely coincidental:

  • We didn't bother with the whole "ship plundering" mechanic of Book 2. The GM ran a couple of them for us, we all discussed it and decided they were too grind-y, and we dismissed them. We could just say, "OK, we're going to spend some time and loot xxx ships" and the GM would give us the plunder. Because really, by the way it's written you can't lose, so you're just burning session time to grind for money
  • The "fleet battle" rules are beyond broken; within 3 rounds of combat starting both sides have had their entire fleets abandon them. It's pretty hilarious, actually. "Let's fight! Let's fight! What? We're fighting? Naaaah! Why bother? Run away!"
  • Once my first PC died and I brought a good-aligned life oracle on board just for roleplaying yuks, the whole "pirate" thing became practically a good-aligned crew. The captain only chose missions where we were helping people or eliminating monsters, we freed slaves and captives, and when we did pirate, he let her stabilize all the victims and then released them and their ship on their own recognizance, minus their loot, of course
  • So we were pirates in only the very loosest, Disney-fied sense of the word...

    I have no idea what to expect from them, and I won't have any idea what they've done till chapter 2. Should definitely be interesting.

    Grand Lodge

    We pretty much raided anyone who wasn't Sargavan or Andoran and raided Chelaxians double.

    Oh, dear. Everything in the S&S reference threads is saying "Not for a beginner GM." My group really wants to do this, and my trainee GM really wants to try running the first chapter over the summer. This after I gave her "Hollow's Last Hope" to give a shot first.

    I am not sure this will end well.

    10 people marked this as a favorite.

    Took the kidlet in for a short term EEG this morning. Nothing major popped up during the scan. My husband rolled a 20 on his diplomacy check so we have an appointment with a pediatric neurologist on Tuesday. Trying to sort out the extended absence stuff with the kidlet’s case worker at school. The kidlet hasn’t been able to work on any of his missed work yet due to slow processing and difficulties with reading comprehension so that’s obviously not ideal. Mystery ailments are frustrating. I hope we find out what’s causing all this soon.
    Meanwhile, I finally made it to the grocery store as my husband had a couple hours where he could stay home with the kidlet. Yay! The cupboards were seriously bare and even worse, I ran out of coffee creamer! The horror! :P

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:

    Oh, dear. Everything in the S&S reference threads is saying "Not for a beginner GM." My group really wants to do this, and my trainee GM really wants to try running the first chapter over the summer. This after I gave her "Hollow's Last Hope" to give a shot first.

    I am not sure this will end well.

    If you listened to the AP crowd no adventure path is suitable for beginners, especially whichever one you're asking about.

    And yet, I'm still here, mostly.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:

    Took the kidlet in for a short term EEG this morning. Nothing major popped up during the scan. My husband rolled a 20 on his diplomacy check so we have an appointment with a pediatric neurologist on Tuesday. Trying to sort out the extended absence stuff with the kidlet’s case worker at school. The kidlet hasn’t been able to work on any of his missed work yet due to slow processing and difficulties with reading comprehension so that’s obviously not ideal. Mystery ailments are frustrating. I hope we find out what’s causing all this soon.

    Meanwhile, I finally made it to the grocery store as my husband had a couple hours where he could stay home with the kidlet. Yay! The cupboards were seriously bare and even worse, I ran out of coffee creamer! The horror! :P

    im glad to hear your son has nothing major so far. I hope an answer is nearing.

    I will make sure creamer is available in the abscondi-cave. Along with that funky twice baked cake cookie thing you like.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    I really do love the way some people misuse idioms; for example, "I could care less," to try to sound intellectual. (Really, you could? So that means you DO care, right?)

    Today's contender: "Sticks out like a sour thumb".

    Yep. I think if my thumb were sour, I would find it unusual. Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!

    EDIT: Of course, I live in California, and people who live in grass houses shouldn't get stoned...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Then they shouldn't soak their thumbs in the Lemon Juice. :D

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:

    Oh, dear. Everything in the S&S reference threads is saying "Not for a beginner GM." My group really wants to do this, and my trainee GM really wants to try running the first chapter over the summer. This after I gave her "Hollow's Last Hope" to give a shot first.

    I am not sure this will end well.

    It will be a beautiful shipwrack!

    You told them they will be obliged to write session journals and post them here, didn't you?

    8 people marked this as a favorite.

    Sorry to hear about your Mums, LisaMarlene and Sharoth.

    I think 'I could care less' is a Yiddish-speaker's (or Yinglish) thing, but I might be wrong.

    In other news, today I am 39. ALL (DE) and I met up, visited a very old library where some of the books are still chained to the shelves 'n' stuff, then had lunch. I also did some rapier practice from a new book I got given, wrote a song and washed my shorts, since it was a special occasion.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I really do love the way some people misuse idioms; for example, "I could care less," to try to sound intellectual. (Really, you could? So that means you DO care, right?)

    Today's contender: "Sticks out like a sour thumb".

    Yep. I think if my thumb were sour, I would find it unusual. Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!

    EDIT: Of course, I live in California, and people who live in grass houses shouldn't get stoned...

    And the first thing flying through my head is Word Crimes.

    I played that for my English-teacher mother and she almost hyperventilated from laughter.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Anniversary of Staying Alive, Limey!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Birthday, Limey!

    Drejk wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:

    Oh, dear. Everything in the S&S reference threads is saying "Not for a beginner GM." My group really wants to do this, and my trainee GM really wants to try running the first chapter over the summer. This after I gave her "Hollow's Last Hope" to give a shot first.

    I am not sure this will end well.

    It will be a beautiful shipwrack!

    You told them they will be obliged to write session journals and post them here, didn't you?

    I did ask for at least a recap to add into mine when I take over.

    captain yesterday wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:

    Oh, dear. Everything in the S&S reference threads is saying "Not for a beginner GM." My group really wants to do this, and my trainee GM really wants to try running the first chapter over the summer. This after I gave her "Hollow's Last Hope" to give a shot first.

    I am not sure this will end well.

    If you listened to the AP crowd no adventure path is suitable for beginners, especially whichever one you're asking about.

    And yet, I'm still here, mostly.

    Good to know. I just don't want to scare them off forever.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Vanykrye wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I really do love the way some people misuse idioms; for example, "I could care less," to try to sound intellectual. (Really, you could? So that means you DO care, right?)

    Today's contender: "Sticks out like a sour thumb".

    Yep. I think if my thumb were sour, I would find it unusual. Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!

    EDIT: Of course, I live in California, and people who live in grass houses shouldn't get stoned...

    And the first thing flying through my head is Word Crimes.

    I played that for my English-teacher mother and she almost hyperventilated from laughter.

    Hilarious. Weird Al is always good for a laugh.

    The best advice that I could give to new GMs is to take your time. There isn't a time limit.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I really do love the way some people misuse idioms; for example, "I could care less," to try to sound intellectual. (Really, you could? So that means you DO care, right?)

    Today's contender: "Sticks out like a sour thumb".

    Yep. I think if my thumb were sour, I would find it unusual. Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!

    EDIT: Of course, I live in California, and people who live in grass houses shouldn't get stoned...

    I like mixing them up. That train has sailed.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy birthday, Limey!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:

    ...aaaaaand my Mom, who is supposed to have cancer surgery this coming Tuesday, decided to go for one last horseback ride with her best friend today before she can't ride for six weeks. And one of the damned peacocks that roam wild around the ranch flapped and spooked the horses, so two seventy-something women both got thrown off. Thank goodness they both wear helmets, but my mother managed to fracture five vertebrae (T6-10).

    Sharoth, hugs. I believe that "adulthood" can be defined by point at which we begin to worry about our parents more than they worry about us. And it's impossible to do anything about any of it.

    Please heal up quickly lisamarlene's cowgirl mom! (and cowgirl friend if she too was injured).

    *Hurls threats of continued existence at peacock, including colorful scenarios involving a soup pot or a grill spit*

    *Tsk-tsks horses for letting their nervous flighty nature get the better of them*

    Edit: Forgot to *Send hug to Lisamarlene, Mom + friend and horses* not the peacock though *Shakes fist angrily*

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Birthday Limey!

    My two hour break between doing stuff is about over. If I'm not back on-line today, I wish everyone a good night.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:

    Took the kidlet in for a short term EEG this morning. Nothing major popped up during the scan. My husband rolled a 20 on his diplomacy check so we have an appointment with a pediatric neurologist on Tuesday. Trying to sort out the extended absence stuff with the kidlet’s case worker at school. The kidlet hasn’t been able to work on any of his missed work yet due to slow processing and difficulties with reading comprehension so that’s obviously not ideal. Mystery ailments are frustrating. I hope we find out what’s causing all this soon.

    Meanwhile, I finally made it to the grocery store as my husband had a couple hours where he could stay home with the kidlet. Yay! The cupboards were seriously bare and even worse, I ran out of coffee creamer! The horror! :P

    Really hope you get some clarity on kidlets exact aliment Lyn. I'm must say it sounds worrying if he's still suffering from the after-effects of his seizure/stroke/shock/whatever-it-turn-out-to-be.

    *Sends hugs to whole family*

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy birthday, Ye Old Timey Limey!

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    Why being an obsessive-compulsive's manager is both relaxing and stressful at the same time:

    I just submitted all of my vacation time requests for the rest of 2018.

    I plan a teensy bit ahead.

    And g'night, John!

    EDIT: And thanks to CY, I'm taking a total of 28.5 days of vacation this year. A massive improvement over my company's previous policy of 18 days per year. And still short of Europe's "standard" of 6 weeks a year...

    EDIT 2: My manager's quote about it this morning when I told her about it was extremely gratifying: "Look. We both know that I could lay off the rest of the department and you and I could run the whole thing without any difficulty. And I can't say that about anyone else in the department. So yeah, do whatever you need to to stay happy."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:

    Sorry to hear about your Mums, LisaMarlene and Sharoth.

    I think 'I could care less' is a Yiddish-speaker's (or Yinglish) thing, but I might be wrong.

    In other news, today I am 39. ALL (DE) and I met up, visited a very old library where some of the books are still chained to the shelves 'n' stuff, then had lunch. I also did some rapier practice from a new book I got given, wrote a song and washed my shorts, since it was a special occasion.


    John Napier 698 wrote:

    no, I think its something else...

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Why being an obsessive-compulsive's manager is both relaxing and stressful at the same time:

    I just submitted all of my vacation time requests for the rest of 2018.

    I plan a teensy bit ahead.

    And g'night, John!

    EDIT: And thanks to CY, I'm taking a total of 28.5 days of vacation this year. A massive improvement over my company's previous policy of 18 days per year. And still short of Europe's "standard" of 6 weeks a year...

    EDIT 2: My manager's quote about it this morning when I told her about it was extremely gratifying: "Look. We both know that I could lay off the rest of the department and you and I could run the whole thing without any difficulty. And I can't say that about anyone else in the department. So yeah, do whatever you need to to stay happy."

    Thanks to me we're taking our very first family vacation.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Happy birthday, Limey! :)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Happy birthday, Limey.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy BDay Limey =D

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