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5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I always like, "Oh, don't eat THAT! It's chock full of dihydrogen monoxide!


Shadow Lodge

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I always like, "Oh, don't eat THAT! It's chock full of dihydrogen monoxide!


And you're dancing in it nekkid!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Don't do drugs, kids.

*Drinks tea and starts eating donuts in front of John* ;)

You do know caffeine and sugar are drugs, right? =)

My most-hated ones are "all natural" and "ingredients I can't pronounce".

#1 is, "I love belladonna, nightshade, arsenic, cyanide, and asbestos." (and many more)

#2 is, "I'm on the stupid diet."

I love my nightshade veggies. You likely do as well.

I think we already covered issues with pronunciation way upthread, but the priesthood mystique in general is a bad thing.

You mean tomatoes, right?
and others, eggplant and the like. Maybe onions too?

Potatoes and peppers. Onions belong to a different group, being related to garlic, chives, and some other tasty things.

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And less tasty things like leek.

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What the heck is tomatillo?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

You know you've squarely hit middle-age when you find yourself having to talk to your doctor about an air hockey injury.

To be fair to myself, I at least have a pre-existing herniated disc or three, so that', that doesn't help my argument at all...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

That parent deserves an earful.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
And less tasty things like leek.

Leeks are super tasty.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

And we go through another round of "why do we have to do so much history research stuff for English class, blaaaah" to which the answer is, of course, "so I don't have to keep stopping our reading in class to explain what a bootlegger is (and also mini-research projects like this get you more experienced with those pesky research/speaking and listening standards)."

They've been pretty good so far.

Most of the irregularities with English require a rather thorough history lesson to explain. There are massive differences between common perception and reality as far as some word origins.

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NobodysHome on FarCry 5:
"Well, I have to find a store first. So that'll be issue #1. How was I supposed to know she'd burn? The first guy I accidentally shot just jumped aside."

And that sentence explains why NobodysHome shouldn't play FPSes

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Don't do drugs, kids.

*Drinks tea and starts eating donuts in front of John* ;)

You do know caffeine and sugar are drugs, right? =)

I'm talking about the hard stuff, like Narcotics and Amphetamines. The stuff that gets people sent to prison.

You know that narcotics and amphetamines can be legally bought as over-the-counter drugs, right? Codeine is a commonly-available narcotic, and a number of weight loss drugs are amphetamines.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Don't do drugs, kids.

*Drinks tea and starts eating donuts in front of John* ;)

You do know caffeine and sugar are drugs, right? =)

My most-hated ones are "all natural" and "ingredients I can't pronounce".

#1 is, "I love belladonna, nightshade, arsenic, cyanide, and asbestos." (and many more)

#2 is, "I'm on the stupid diet."

Don't forget uranium and uncontrolled nuclear reactions. The world's largest nuclear reactor is also entirely natural.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I always like, "Oh, don't eat THAT! It's chock full of dihydrogen monoxide!

Well, dihydrogen monoxide comes with some very vicious withdrawal symptoms and everyone who takes it dies. Overdosing on it can be quite lethal, and inhaling it has some seriously negative effects on your health and can result in death.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*

Is now a bad time to point out the legally-prescribed methamphetamine is named Desoxyn?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*

No. I'm not happy. 'Cause I keep accidentally shooting shopkeeps.

At least no wolverines have attached themselves to my crotch. I've heard that's an issue in the game.

Best line so far: NobodysWife, on joining my game:
"(Long Pause) Er, OK. I did not expect you to be playing as an old black woman..."
"Why not?"

She just had no answer for that one...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Terrinam wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*
Is now a bad time to point out the legally-prescribed methamphetamine is named Desoxyn?

*Starts pulling out hair. Walks away from thread in disgust* Good day!

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I'm never happy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*
Is now a bad time to point out the legally-prescribed methamphetamine is named Desoxyn?
*Starts pulling out hair. Walks away from thread in disgust* Good day!

Do you say good day to me, sir?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Terrinam wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*
Is now a bad time to point out the legally-prescribed methamphetamine is named Desoxyn?
*Starts pulling out hair. Walks away from thread in disgust* Good day!
Do you say good day to me, sir?

*spocked eyebrow*


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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*
Is now a bad time to point out the legally-prescribed methamphetamine is named Desoxyn?
*Starts pulling out hair. Walks away from thread in disgust* Good day!
Do you say good day to me, sir?

*spocked eyebrow*


Welp, that was one free set-up for a slightly humorous exchange ruined.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome on FarCry 5:

"Well, I have to find a store first. So that'll be issue #1. How was I supposed to know she'd burn? The first guy I accidentally shot just jumped aside."

And that sentence explains why NobodysHome shouldn't play FPSes

How is it? I enjoyed Far Cry 3 and 4 greatly (Pagan Min is one of the finest computer game villains ever, at least on par with Handsome Jack), but I don't have space in my gaming budget for 5 yet. I have doubts it will go well enough on my laptop anyway, unless it didn't changed much since 4 (which worked fine expect for some scenes that involved too many allies and enemies at once - clearing outposts was mostly fine, though).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:
And less tasty things like leek.
Leeks are super tasty.

Edible, yes. Super tasty? Nope...

*enter generic comment about English cuisine*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*

No. I'm not happy. 'Cause I keep accidentally shooting shopkeeps.

At least no wolverines have attached themselves to my crotch. I've heard that's an issue in the game.

Best line so far: NobodysWife, on joining my game:
"(Long Pause) Er, OK. I did not expect you to be playing as an old black woman..."
"Why not?"

She just had no answer for that one...

Five lets you customize the character?

Ah, well, Jason was a jerk anyway, and Ajay, while better, might have enough issues to grow into a sociopath tyrant too.

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Far Cry 5 will be definitively a problem - it requires 8 GB RAM, probably in addition to gfx card RAM. I have integrated gfx card in my laptop so it uses part of the 8 GBs of general RAM. That can cause problems with not enough RAM for the rest of the game. Not to mention the unimpressive capabilities of gfx itself.

Ah, well, I can play it in a few years after buying it on sale one day. Maybe.

The Exchange

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:
And less tasty things like leek.
Leeks are super tasty.

Leeks are awesome for soups.

Did I tell you our Chinese new year hot pot stock was made out of pork ribs, mushrooms, scallops, ginger and leeks?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Don't do drugs, kids.

*Drinks tea and starts eating donuts in front of John* ;)

You do know caffeine and sugar are drugs, right? =)

My most-hated ones are "all natural" and "ingredients I can't pronounce".

#1 is, "I love belladonna, nightshade, arsenic, cyanide, and asbestos." (and many more)

#2 is, "I'm on the stupid diet."

I love my nightshade veggies. You likely do as well.

I think we already covered issues with pronunciation way upthread, but the priesthood mystique in general is a bad thing.

You mean tomatoes, right?
and others, eggplant and the like. Maybe onions too?

No way! Eggplants, tomatoes and onions are good eating!

*Runs around with a placard on neck reading "Eat your greens, they're good for you"*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Fine. Narcotics without a prescription and Methamphetamines. Is everyone happy now? *sheesh*

No. I'm not happy. 'Cause I keep accidentally shooting shopkeeps.

At least no wolverines have attached themselves to my crotch. I've heard that's an issue in the game.

Honey badgers were like this in Far Cry 4.

One of the quests:

A peasant: honey badgers killed my wife!
Ajay: *laughs* *sees the man being deadly serious* Oh, I am sorry...

Another quest:

Hunt particularly vicious honey badger named Gulo for its skin to get an equipment upgrade...

With light machine gun.

And it's still a demanding quest.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

On Earth, you eat greens.
In Pathfinder, greens eat you.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think I need my caffeine fix. I'm feeling particularly brainzzz this morning.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome on FarCry 5:

"Well, I have to find a store first. So that'll be issue #1. How was I supposed to know she'd burn? The first guy I accidentally shot just jumped aside."

And that sentence explains why NobodysHome shouldn't play FPSes

How is it? I enjoyed Far Cry 3 and 4 greatly (Pagan Min is one of the finest computer game villains ever, at least on par with Handsome Jack), but I don't have space in my gaming budget for 5 yet. I have doubts it will go well enough on my laptop anyway, unless it didn't changed much since 4 (which worked fine expect for some scenes that involved too many allies and enemies at once - clearing outposts was mostly fine, though).

You are asking the wroooooooooong gamer:

(1) I abhor FPSes
(2) In MMORPGs I'm always the crafter/gatherer/tank/healer; I don't do DPS

So Shiro, Shiro's son, the Impii, and NobodysWife are all really having a blast playing Far Cry 5 and talking about how fun it is. And NobodysWife similarly deplores most FPSes.

I died 27 times in the tutorial.

On my first attempt to use a grenade, it blew up in my hand. In my second attempt, I threw it at the structure I wanted to blow up, it bounced off, landed in my lap, and blew up.

I've burned myself, my followers, and random shopkeeps to death with a flamethrower.

If you want hilariously bad play that should be posted on YouTube, I'm your guy.

If you want an honest evaluation, I am *so* not the right person. But the rest of our group is avidly playing it right now, so whatever.

(After I got killed 8 times this afternoon trying to get to my very first, not-burned-to-death shopkeep, NobodysWife promised that tomorrow night she'll escort me on a "get to the store" mission.)

Yeah, I'm really, really, REALLY Not Good.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

On Earth, you eat greens.

In Pathfinder, greens eat you.

I typically give them the option to run away first.

But hostile people attacking me for being a giant walking flower with tentacles are a pretty small part of my diet, nowadays, since we're in a more civilized era of our little kingdom. I mostly live on bears and big stags and the occasional troublesome troll or giant.

The Exchange

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Ah funny office incident.

Meeting about office health, environment and safety.

Somebody: We’ve got too many sugared drinks in the fridge.
Me: Uh guys, there’s low sugar version of drinks, but honestly – if you really wanted to cut down the sugar, you guys really should start drinking plain water…

Now if you excuse me, the mug of cocoa I’m having now is so good...

I am a sweet tooth - but usually I give the sugared drinks in the office a wide berth – sticking to plain water, or occasionally tea(without sugar). I go around constantly telling everyone on the evils of coke (it has 9 and 1/3rd teaspoons of sugar in a single 12 ounce can), which instantly busts your daily limit.

Occasionally I may indulge in a bit of stuff, like half a can of coke but other then that, nadda. It’s plain water. Cakes however…are a totally different story. Put a cake in front of me, I’ll eat it. I really can’t stop myself.

The issue I have with tea is that even though green tea is supposed to help with weight loss and all that, it makes ME hungry, and I start eating more the next meal. I’m not so sure how helpful that is.

If I drink coffee, its even worse. I suspect the effect of caffeine on me is I get hungry faster.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Psyched about Wildwood! I'm trying Standard for the first time. :)

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Just a Mort wrote:
The issue I have with tea is that even though green tea is supposed to help with weight loss and all that, it makes ME hungry, and I start eating more the next meal. I’m not so sure how helpful that is.

Oh yeah, any unsweetened tea makes me hungry. Gotta get that taste out of my mouth! <:(

I'm going ~0 carb to see what happens. We'll see how long it lasts...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Coffee acts like an appetite suppressant for me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Ah funny office incident.

Meeting about office health, environment and safety.

Somebody: We’ve got too many sugared drinks in the fridge.
Me: Uh guys, there’s low sugar version of drinks, but honestly – if you really wanted to cut down the sugar, you guys really should start drinking plain water…

Now if you excuse me, the mug of cocoa I’m having now is so good...

I am a sweet tooth - but usually I give the sugared drinks in the office a wide berth – sticking to plain water, or occasionally tea(without sugar). I go around constantly telling everyone on the evils of coke (it has 9 and 1/3rd teaspoons of sugar in a single 12 ounce can), which instantly busts your daily limit.

Occasionally I may indulge in a bit of stuff, like half a can of coke but other then that, nadda. It’s plain water. Cakes however…are a totally different story. Put a cake in front of me, I’ll eat it. I really can’t stop myself.

The issue I have with tea is that even though green tea is supposed to help with weight loss and all that, it makes ME hungry, and I start eating more the next meal. I’m not so sure how helpful that is.

If I drink coffee, its even worse. I suspect the effect of caffeine on me is I get hungry faster.

Caffeine doesn't do anything for me anymore. I'm too resistant.

I've never had unsweetened green tea. Always had it with a dash of honey. I can see I'm not missing out.

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TOZ wrote:

actually, I was just stuck in the shower...

The Exchange

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Heretics! Green tea is supposed to be drunk without sugar!

For the life of me I don't know how people can drink hot green tea with sugar/honey.

I know the cold ones in cans, there's sugar but meh, I'm not into those. Hot green tea, no sugar, please.

All Chinese teas like oolong, tie guan ying, jasmine are drunk without sugar.

And for those insatiably curious: Whether I drink tea with milk or sugar or not, I still get equally hungry, so it makes no difference.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I always like, "Oh, don't eat THAT! It's chock full of dihydrogen monoxide!

...and in a similar vein...

(spoilered, because technically political, but worth the flaming bikes...)

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lynora wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...
Yeah, that's the sort of thing that really needs to be communicated very clearly. I speak from the experience of The Adult Child, who has sensory processing disorder (SPD, and it is a form of autism) as well as a couple other mental illnesses. She's doing a lot better now, but when she was in high school, that sort of experience would have sent her into a full-blown panic attack.
I can’t even imagine not telling the people in charge something that important.

You'd be surprised.

I've had one set of parents deny that their highly autistic [diagnosed] son had any type of difference at all FOR SEVEN MONTHS because they didn't trust the administration not to discriminate against them.

I've had parents refuse to admit that their son needed to be assessed for possible autism because he was their only child and they were going through a messy divorce. The same parents went to ridiculous pains to hide their divorce from their son... Dad worked nights as a brewer, Mom worked days, and Dad pretended he still lived in the house and left for work when Mom came home.

I've had parents neglect to inform us that their son had a HISTORY OF SEIZURES because "it hadn't happened in almost a year" until their son had a freaking seizure on the playground in front of me and I had to call 911. And the mom came to school and took him off the ambulance and drove him home because the ambulance was going to take him to a hospital that wasn't in her insurance plan network. And then denied that he'd had a seizure, saying he probably just tripped and fell. I s&~% you not.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Psyched about Wildwood! I'm trying Standard for the first time. :)

Did that release? I haven't played any Hearthstone for 3 weeks or so. I should probably load it up again.

But not right now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
I've burned myself, my followers, and random shopkeeps to death with a flamethrower.

They gave you flamethrower in the tutorial?!

You didn't get flamethrower in 3 and 4 until much later...

The Exchange

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I've got a large bruise on my right paw for wielding a badminton racket incorrectly. Had some fun playing badminton with my colleagues. My accuracy is abysmal of course, but at least I can run around the court np.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
I've got a large bruise on my right paw for wielding a badminton racket incorrectly. Had some fun playing badminton with my colleagues. My accuracy is abysmal of course, but at least I can run around the court np.

i used to play badminton...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
I've got a large bruise on my right paw for wielding a badminton racket incorrectly. Had some fun playing badminton with my colleagues. My accuracy is abysmal of course, but at least I can run around the court np.

How did you manage to bruise your right paw?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
I've burned myself, my followers, and random shopkeeps to death with a flamethrower.

They gave you flamethrower in the tutorial?!

You didn't get flamethrower in 3 and 4 until much later...

Nah; it was just out of the tutorial, while I was managing to fail every single quest.

NobodysWife took pity on me, we headed off for a quest to get me a dog companion, and one of the bad guys dropped a flamethrower.

Considering the number of times the flamethrower killed me before I abandoned it, I think it was an intentional ploy on the bad guys' part.

The Exchange

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Holding too close to the handle.

It's a rookie mistaie

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
I've burned myself, my followers, and random shopkeeps to death with a flamethrower.

They gave you flamethrower in the tutorial?!

You didn't get flamethrower in 3 and 4 until much later...

Nah; it was just out of the tutorial, while I was managing to fail every single quest.

NobodysWife took pity on me, we headed off for a quest to get me a dog companion, and one of the bad guys dropped a flamethrower.

Considering the number of times the flamethrower killed me before I abandoned it, I think it was an intentional ploy on the bad guys' part.

Let's get that deputy a flamethrower! Maybe it explodes killing the Resistance...

Obviously there is no chance she'll use it correctly!

Not the best villainous plan... It's a wonder it worked as well as it did...

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