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Figuring out a small sized Lizardfolk race. Do people consider +2 to dex, +2 wis, -2 cha. Or should it be +2 to cha and -2 int or wis, or +2 wis, -2 cha to be most reasonable.

Edit: Please don't let my nudity distract you, this is life changing s##~ going on here.

RPG Superstar 2012

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captain yesterday wrote:

Figuring out a small sized Lizardfolk race. Do people consider +2 to dex, +2 wis, -2 cha. Or should it be +2 to cha and -2 int or wis, or +2 wis, -2 cha to be most reasonable.

Edit: Please don't let my nudity distract you, this is life changing s~#@ going on here.

I prefer +2 wis/-2 cha.

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That's what I was thinking, desert dwellers they'll be. Still working down my list in the race builder. :-)

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Really depends on the theme of that race. I can see all of those combinations to be potentially viable.

+2 to Dexterity and Wisdom, -2 to Charisma: Scavengers and/or opportunity predators, operating alone or in very small, tight-knit packs that find it very hard to relate to and interact with those outside of the pack. Good instincts and senses.

+2 to Dexterity and Charisma, -2 to Intelligence: Still pack hunters, but either very gregarious or having an impressive predatory presence, while being weak on intellectual side comparing to more advanced races. Quite possibly technologically primitive and/or very down to earth with little patience for abstractions and deep analysis.

+2 to Dexterity and Charisma, -2 to Wisdom: Like the previous combination, they are gregarious or have predatory presence, but Wisdom penalty can represent above average recklessness and lack of common sense, or maybe high degree of "domestication" that dampened their actual instincts. Or will weakened by thousands of years of subjugation by lizard king-priests, or maybe Wis penalty/Cha bonus is result of thousands of years of petty squabbling over social position which gives one the desired mating rights.

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Drejk wrote:

Really depends on the theme of that race. I can see all of those combinations to be potentially viable.

+2 to Dexterity and Wisdom, -2 to Charisma: Scavengers and/or opportunity predators, operating alone or in very small, tight-knit packs that find it very hard to relate to and interact with those outside of the pack. Good instincts and senses.

+2 to Dexterity and Charisma, -2 to Intelligence: Still pack hunters, but either very gregarious or having an impressive predatory presence, but being weak on intellectual side comparing to more advanced races. Quite possibly technologically primitive and/or very down to earth with little patience for abstractions and deep analysis.

+2 to Dexterity and Charisma, -2 to Wisdom: Like the above gregarious or having predatory presence, but Wisdom penalty can represent above average recklessness and lack of common sense, or maybe high degree of "domestication" that dampened their actual instincts. Or will weakened by thousands of years of subjugation by lizard king-priests, or maybe Wis penalty/Cha bonus is result of thousands of years of petty squabbling over social position which gives one the desired mating rights.

Yeah, option 1 is how I envisioned them.

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For desert dwellers a possible combination could be:

+2 Dexterity and Constitution, -2 Intelligence: Quick and hardy desert geckos, but technologically primitive with subpar ability to analyze abstract concepts.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Figuring out a small sized Lizardfolk race. Do people consider +2 to dex, +2 wis, -2 cha. Or should it be +2 to cha and -2 int or wis, or +2 wis, -2 cha to be most reasonable.

Edit: Please don't let my nudity distract you, this is life changing s%#@ going on here.

Meh. I don't expect lizardfolk to be particularly worried by clothing anyway.

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I keep a file indexing all the already published Paizo races, and those I wrote with their ability score modifiers and try to focus on writing new ones that would cover less popular combinations.

It does not always works, though. At least I managed to write race with Strength bonus and Constitution penalty that has an actual explanation for that combination...

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber four days off from work.

Spent today running around doing administrivia.

Snowing now.

Tomorrow's going to be wetter slushier snow.

Sunday is supposed to be just above 0F most of the day plus snow.

Monday is at least a haircut in the AM, but...


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Yes, the concept is basically the world right after a global reset, there will be humanity, but not as prevalent.

The hard part will be freeing it from my head, but with it so cold out I need something to keep me occupied, so I'm confident I can get something done.

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No one's going to jump at Captain Yesterday's post? "Small sized"? "Nudity". Ah, well, maybe you're all not as immature as you'd like to think.

And on we go to "parenthood in a nutshell": Impus Major is helping me clear out the loft, where I think I've stashed all the Christmas stuff. It involves him pushing heavy boxes of books (40 lbs each) onto my head, and me then carrying them, stepping off the bed, and moving them into the house.

So of course I put some ski boots on the floor, stepped off the bed directly onto one of them with a 40-pound box of books on my head, and promptly sprained my ankle.

Did I swear? Cause a ruckus? No. I calmly explained to Impus Major where the ice packs and ibuprofen were, then went over with him exactly what had gone wrong, why it had gone wrong, how I'd mitigated the injury, and what lessons were most important to take away.

Yep. Parenthood. All pain is a learning experience.

Keep your work space clean, FaWtLers!

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And yes, of COURSE he just did what I asked him to do, then left me lying on the floor while he wandered inside to go play video games. He IS a teenager!

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NobodysHome wrote:

No one's going to jump at Captain Yesterday's post? "Small sized"? "Nudity". Ah, well, maybe you're all not as immature as you'd like to think.

We've seen it all before, boychik.

Sorry to hear about your ankle, NH.

Dragon stout is very excellent.

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It's cold out, some shrinkage will occur.

That's why it's important to get lots of comforters.

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NobodysHome wrote:
No one's going to jump at Captain Yesterday's post? "Small sized"? "Nudity". Ah, well, maybe you're all not as immature as you'd like to think.

However strange that could sound from a dragon... Naked reptilians are not really my thing, regardless of their size, except as pets, minions, or creations.

And I don't personally contribute to their... breeding...

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It's recently come to my attention my aliases are infinite.

Which can mean only one thing...

My one hope is I'm in Guardians Of The Galaxy vol. 3 rather than The Avengers.

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
No one's going to jump at Captain Yesterday's post? "Small sized"? "Nudity". Ah, well, maybe you're all not as immature as you'd like to think.

However strange that could sound from a dragon... Naked reptilians are not really my thing, regardless of their size, except as pets, minions, or creations.

And I don't personally contribute to their... breeding...

And to put it bluntly... I was too excited to contribute intellectually to creation of a new race, to let my mind pay attention to such details as nudity or sexual subtexts.

Not that creation of new races is my fetish or something...

*discreetly deletes fantasy races entries from blog*

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A race of duck people that enslave geniekin as glassblowers to make glass tubes they stick their junk in at communal bathhouses.

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I suspect that rebellion will involve unnoticeable glass edges and spikes preventing unscrewing as well as development of glass resistant to breakage not involving liberal application of hammers...

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Ducks will just evolve, they're as crafty as they are a&+&&@$s.

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It's hard to evolve when your junk is stuck in the bottle and the only two ways of freeing oneself is either pulling against razor-sharp edges and spikes or smashing it with a hammer... Just saying...

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So... my light-hearted pain-induced jest has turned FaWtL into a home for "ducks with their penises stuck in bottles" discussions.

Ah, FaWtL! Is it any wonder I spend waaaaay too much time here!

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I blame winter madness, my parents, and probably Stockholm syndrome.

Also Ducktales.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So... my light-hearted pain-induced jest has turned FaWtL into a home for "ducks with their penises stuck in bottles" discussions.

Ah, FaWtL! Is it any wonder I spend waaaaay too much time here!

And you were worried we are not immature enough...

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Drejk wrote:
It's hard to evolve when your junk is stuck in the bottle and the only two ways of freeing oneself is either pulling against razor-sharp edges and spikes or smashing it with a hammer... Just saying...

You evolve a bottle-shaped junk.

Or you get so excited at the prospect of escape that the old fella swells up and smashes the bottle into a cloud of harmless silicone fragments.

Science!, working for YOU.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I blame winter madness, my parents, and probably Stockholm syndrome.

Also Ducktales.

It must have been a season that was not aired in Poland... Thankfully.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... our dinner just keeps getting better and better.

NobodysWife was complaining that the meat in her dish had a really strong gamey flavor, and was really weird.

Turns out it was just spoiled.

She's got an uncomfortable case of food poisoning, and mine is "mild to the point that I wouldn't have thought about it except she's got it".

So yeah, bad atmosphere, bad service, subpar food, and food poisoning.

I think it's time for a Yelp review of Corso...

please get well soon. I need a healthy, happy Lulu.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

A monster, which is a thing made of smaller things, is up on the blog!

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I also find myself getting tired more easily than I did ten years ago. :(

yup. Old.

flexes 30something body

flexes slightly younger 30something body

Silver Crusade

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Rawr! wrote:

A monster, which is a thing made of smaller things, is up on the blog!

As a chilopodophobe, I find this objectionable.

6 legs is gross. 8 legs is unsettling. More legs needs to get back to the f#+~ing abyss.

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So, question for NH:

I have been challenged to bake a gingersoft. Yes, that's a soft gingersnap. (Copywright pending!) But google provides me with twelve dozen recipes for such, and I have zero cooking intuition and have no idea which one to use. I can follow a recipe, but I have no sense of which recipe will likely produce the softest, gingeriest, tastiest cookies.

Any words of wisdom? Or even better, a gingersoft recipe of your own? :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

So, question for NH:

I have been challenged to bake a gingersoft. Yes, that's a soft gingersnap. (Copywright pending!) But google provides me with twelve dozen recipes for such, and I have zero cooking intuition and have no idea which one to use. I can follow a recipe, but I have no sense of which recipe will likely produce the softest, gingeriest, tastiest cookies.

Any words of wisdom? Or even better, a gingersoft recipe of your own? :)

*I* am a terrible baker. I'd check with Captain Yesterday -- he's your go-to baker.

If I ever have to choose recipes I find online it's pretty much:
(1) Julia Child
(3) Pepperidge Farm
(4) Fanny Farmer

Trouble is recognizing the sources for 90% of 'em.

CY, how do you make cookies soft? (Other than by undercooking them by a couple of minutes?)

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The Doomkitten wrote:
I... am unsure as to what to make of this.

Wow. Holograms are getting really sophisticated these days.

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Aranna wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Put a sock in a milk carton and it's pretty much the same thing.

Edit: I'm just guessing, I haven't clicked the link.

It looks like the same technology they used to make virtual singers but used as a user interface for a home control system.

That sounds about right. But that's probably only a terminal. The amount of intelligence displayed in the commercial hints at a much larger computer somewhere else in the house.

And, I'd imagine other characters are in development.

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Using the AD&D DMG, the following item categories are crafted at the following levels, with page references.

Scrolls, 7th level, page 117
Potions, 7th level, page 116
Rings, at least 12th level, page 129
Everything else, 12th level, page 116

Everything that wasn't a potion or scroll required the use of the Enchant an Item spell.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
TL: Curse of the Azure Bonds is the best part of the series. Secret of the Silver Blades is a HUGE corridor without a story, and Pools of Darkness is pretty disjointed. It is absolutely worth playing Curse. If you can, get the +5 longsword from Pool. However, to do that, you have to import the character carrying it AFTER starting the game (which loses you your equipment).
Good to know! I kind of wish they had updated printed versions for third, or Pathfinder. I understand that these were based off of pencil and paper for AD&D.

No, I think it was the other way around. They made Pool of Radiance, then the Ruins of Adventure module was made from that. Looking at the maps and such, it becomes rather clear. There was also a Pool of Radiance book, which was... not very good, again made after the game. For the second installment, I believe the Azure Bonds novel was first, which is very good, then this was taken as the base for the computer game Curse of the Azure Bonds. The module that accompanied them, I remember little of.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
TL: Curse of the Azure Bonds is the best part of the series. Secret of the Silver Blades is a HUGE corridor without a story, and Pools of Darkness is pretty disjointed. It is absolutely worth playing Curse. If you can, get the +5 longsword from Pool. However, to do that, you have to import the character carrying it AFTER starting the game (which loses you your equipment).
Good to know! I kind of wish they had updated printed versions for third, or Pathfinder. I understand that these were based off of pencil and paper for AD&D.

Exactly. The games were written in the late '80s. I was in Germany when they first came out, and played them on my Commodore 128. This was about the same time that 2nd Edition came out, because I remember buying the books from the on-post bookstore.

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Sissyl, You're exactly right again.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... our dinner just keeps getting better and better.

NobodysWife was complaining that the meat in her dish had a really strong gamey flavor, and was really weird.

Turns out it was just spoiled.

She's got an uncomfortable case of food poisoning, and mine is "mild to the point that I wouldn't have thought about it except she's got it".

So yeah, bad atmosphere, bad service, subpar food, and food poisoning.

I think it's time for a Yelp review of Corso...

Go for it. In fact, I'd complain to the local Health Department Restaurant Inspector, if it was me. Serving spoiled food is a MAJOR Health Code Violation anywhere. It would serve them right if they got a citation, absolutely no pun intended. Or take the issue to a local TV News station. Here in Pittsburgh, we regularly expose restaurants with violations.

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So the General has the next week off, the kids aren't out of school until Thursday.

The thing is, she thrives on lists, schedules and staying busy.

I thrive on not having lists, and schedules, and while I like to keep busy sometimes, other times I just need to take some time to think, ponder, and watch something.

I like to consider myself an effervescent improvisationalist.

So we'll see if we can go three days without one of us (the General) getting pissed at the other. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

A monster, which is a thing made of smaller things, is up on the blog!

Now that writeup is downright creepy. The stuff of Nightmares.

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TL, "Enchant an Item" was a sixth level spell. You'd also need "Permanency."

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captain yesterday wrote:

So the General has the next week off, the kids aren't out of school until Thursday.

The thing is, she thrives on lists, schedules and staying busy.

I thrive on not having lists, and schedules, and while I like to keep busy sometimes, other times I just need to take some time to think, ponder, and watch something.

I like to consider myself an effervescent improvisationalist.

So we'll see if we can go three days without one of us (the General) getting pissed at the other. :-)

I wish you the best of luck. If we don't hear from you a week from now, should we send out the Search-and-Rescue teams?

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Well, I'm off. Got a lot to do today. Renew my bus card, have Pizza and a beer, watch Rogue One, pick up some Christmas gifts, and so on. Everyone have a great day.

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Oh no, nothing like that, if nothing else I'll just go to work for a couple hours.

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It's Unplugging Day! Wherein Captain Yesterday cleans out the housely orifices.

Which, considering the average hair length of the family is the middle of the back, happens more often than you think.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

So, question for NH:

I have been challenged to bake a gingersoft. Yes, that's a soft gingersnap. (Copywright pending!) But google provides me with twelve dozen recipes for such, and I have zero cooking intuition and have no idea which one to use. I can follow a recipe, but I have no sense of which recipe will likely produce the softest, gingeriest, tastiest cookies.

Any words of wisdom? Or even better, a gingersoft recipe of your own? :)

*I* am a terrible baker. I'd check with Captain Yesterday -- he's your go-to baker.

If I ever have to choose recipes I find online it's pretty much:
(1) Julia Child
(3) Pepperidge Farm
(4) Fanny Farmer

Trouble is recognizing the sources for 90% of 'em.

CY, how do you make cookies soft? (Other than by undercooking them by a couple of minutes?)

a little extra flour, like a quarter cup beyond what the recipe says. Also I recommend "undercooking" them as you say, honestly cooking cookies right is the same as salting to taste, everyone has a different definition of what done is.

But yes I think a little extra flour will do the trick.

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Julia Child, or The Joy Of Cooking are your best bets for Gingerbread. The General usually makes ours so I'll have to get back to you on what she uses. :-)

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