Deep 6 FaWtL

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On a complete side note, it finally dropped down to 44 last night (that's 6.67 to you furriners), leading to it being a not-so-balmy 61 inside when everyone woke up, leading to cries of, "Daaaaaaad!!! Turn on the heeeeeeeat!!!!"

So today's lunchtime activities will include pulling out the old trusty Shop Vac, cleaning out the bedroom header, and lighting the pilot.

I'm happy to *finally* see signs of winter (we also got 0.7" of rain over the last couple of days, and my rubber roofing held! Woo hoo!), but my wallet will wince when my utility bill doubles for the winter...

EDIT: Of course, the cold never bothered me anyway. I prefer to prance about in it nekkid.

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I blame Nobody.

I must admit I am extremely happy to live in an apartment where I don't have to wait on a central unit to be switched or fiddle around with pilot lights and such... I just toggle some of the settings from cool/fan to heat and voila.

Your Creepy Neighbor wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, if I'm not allowed to screw with Freehold, what rights do I truly have?
That depends on what kind of screwing you had in mind.

Now were speaking my language.

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You should just change your name nobodyshome. Because let's face the truth, nobody wants the blame but everybody wants the praise. Hmmm... Everybodyshome lends the image of a crowded house.

Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:

On a complete side note, it finally dropped down to 44 last night (that's 6.67 to you furriners), leading to it being a not-so-balmy 61 inside when everyone woke up, leading to cries of, "Daaaaaaad!!! Turn on the heeeeeeeat!!!!"


Also what was that strange wet stuff that fell on me yesterday

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Aranna wrote:
You should just change your name nobodyshome. Because let's face the truth, nobody wants the blame but everybody wants the praise. Hmmm... Everybodyshome lends the image of a crowded house.

Yes, but what if (to quote a random example) he gets shipwrecked on his way home from Troy and has to fool a cyclops?

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Well I want to thank you guys, the 78 degrees are impeccable, keep it coming.

Or else....

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It's 75 today, but we are supposed to get SNOW! on Thursday! :D :D :D

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He could go with NobodysBusiness, and have a more confrontational approach. :-)

Treppa wrote:
It's 75 today, but we are supposed to get SNOW! on Thursday! :D :D :D


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Treppa wrote:
It's 75 today, but we are supposed to get SNOW! on Thursday! :D :D :D

{shouting angrily} "Freehold DM was able to build a blizzard in a cave! With a box of scraps!"

Not here, a warm November they say.

I found a way to combat his street corner dancing.


Yesterday I got band aids because I noticed we were out, which prompted this exchange every time.

Concerned Family Member (notices band aids): what are the band aids for? Did you hurt yourself? Are you okay?

Captain Yesterday: No I'm fine I just noticed we were out.

Concerned Family Member: So, you're not hurt?

Captain Yesterday: No.

Concerned Family Member: So what are the band aids for?

Tiny T-Rex, Pea Bear and the General all asked that.

Today I gashed my foot really good, so in their faces!!!

Or do I have that wrong?

Perhaps it is in my faces?

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Dire Quote Mangler wrote:
Treppa wrote:
It's 75 today, but we are supposed to get SNOW! on Thursday! :D :D :D
{shouting angrily} "Freehold DM was able to build a blizzard in a cave! With a box of scraps!"

It's true, it's true. He is, after all, Jack Frost, Elsa, all of the A Team and MacGuyver rolled into one.

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OK. This idea is entirely Supperman's fault, but here's the challenge:

How would YOU write out a grippli romancing a froghemoth?

Shadow Lodge

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It needs to be the Froghemoth romancing the Grippli. :-)

Captain Yesterday's Kooky Characters.

"Bugbear" CN male Lashunta (Urban) Barbarian.

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NobodysHome wrote:

OK. This idea is entirely Supperman's fault, but here's the challenge:

How would YOU write out a grippli romancing a froghemoth?

What you do is have the Froghemoth grab a Boggard, rip it in half and use one stump as lipstick.

I realize that's pretty low brow but these are teenagers, it's not like they're gonna raise the bar any higher themselves. :-)

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NobodysHome wrote:
How would YOU write out a grippli romancing a froghemoth?

1d4 ⇒ 3 goblin babies say it depends entirely on whether Michael Douglas or Kathleen Turner is wearing which costume (grippli or froghemoth).

{goes back to corrupting selves with the porn research of actress Isabella Rossellini}

I'm pretty sure I can pull off Kathleen Turner.

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, if I'm not allowed to screw with Freehold, what rights do I truly have?

Hey! I'm the only one who's allowed to screw with Freehold around here!

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NobodysHome wrote:

Man, I get blamed for EVERYTHING around here!

"Who started the political discussions?"
"Who made Captain Yesterday a sm--f?"
"Who ate all the leftover Halloween candy?"

Why isn't it ever, "Who should I give this extra $1 million to?"

"Who stabbed Polyphemus in the eye?"


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TOZ wrote:


Silver Crusade

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David M Mallon wrote:
TOZ wrote:


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Tonight in Legacy of Fire:

> The jackal eidolon leaped twenty feet into the rafters to chase fleeing pugwampis
> The ifrit sorceress reconsecrated the altar of the fire goddess while grumbling about how the mortals don't know what they're doing
> The harbinger (party's only good-aligned member, everyone else is CN) is debating the potential usefulness of pugwampis-in-cages bombs
> Everyone hates stirges
> It takes half the party and the eidolon to open doors
> NOT THE BEES WASPS says the investigator (I turned the skull chandelier thing into a giant stingchuck)

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Typo of the day: a goaltender and a goatlender are two very different things.

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Oh god... Refused's album "The Shape of Punk to Come" came out almost 18 years ago. Now, Refused are trying (and failing) to be the Vegan Straight Edge version of The Strokes, and I feel old enough to want to check myself into a nursing home.

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I've been on Paizo for almost a decade. I remember VHS tapes being a thing not very long ago, and kids these days talk about them like they had them back in the days of steamboats and telegraph machines. And I'm not even 30 yet. Is it just me, or did time just start moving faster around 1990 or so?

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Also, I just used the phrase "kids these days" unironically. WHAT THE F%@! IS WRONG WITH ME?

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I'm still a kid these days. Right? Please tell me I'm right...

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Don't get me started on those damn kids, f~%#ing savages are what they are.

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We're all about 12 inside our heads.

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David M Mallon wrote:
Is it just me, or did time just start moving faster around 1990 or so?

This may help.

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The bad news is... you're not a kid anymore.

The good news is, that doesn't feel nearly as bad as it will in twenty years.

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I remember that Polyphemus guy... big fella, only one eye, yadda yadda. Just like my old uncle Bob. Bob came over to our house every christmas, and he used to manage to get our dog to try to bite him every single time. That dog was great... if I could just remember what we called him...


Dark Archive

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Morning FaWtLanteans! I hope everyone is well today, is having a good week, and enjoyed their Halloween. :) Foggy and cold atm, though the sun has been making progress in breaking back through again. I'm beginning to wonder if the Over Cloud has moved or something.

Hmmm... names... ~googles the meanings~

Polyphemus: Abounding in songs and legends.
Aranna: From the wilderness.
Treppa: Made up baby name associated with numerology number 4; Stability, Sameness, Regular, Rules, Condition, Responsibility, Routine, Frame, Detail, Order
Really Old Gamer: Self explanatory in meaning.
Sissyl: Made up name referring to a specific Paizo community member. (or a miss spelling of the word sissy.) Kind of cool that our Sissyl is the first use of that word.

more later if I get bored again.

Dark Archive

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The Halloween weekend did not go according to plan, unfortunately. The little one was dropped down with a very runny nose and a cough, which only got worse as Friday night progressed. He was in no form to be going out in the cold when Saturday came around. A shame too, his Mom got him a cute ninja outfit and a pair of sai, he looked cute/cool. ^_^ I'll see about putting up a photo over the weekend.

We got a total of one trick-or-treater as well, so at least the mouser got his share of Halloween candy from the leftovers. :P

Apart from that, a quiet weekend with a poorly little guy. A selfish plus though, he's very huggy when he's sick, so I got lots of nice hugs over the weekend. :P

Treppa wrote:
We're all about 12 inside our heads.

Eh I preferred 14-16 myself >_> Mostly 'cause at 12 I hadn't gotten as into gaming and storytelling yet.

David M Mallon wrote:
Is it just me, or did time just start moving faster around 1990 or so?

I remember the 90s lasting a good long time... but when it ended (which was probably technically closer to 2003-5 or so, rather than the technical 1990s decade... basically when the war in the Middle East shifted targets and the economy started tanking) the change was pretty deliberate and noticeable, at least for those of us who grew up in that era.

Y2k was a rush!

A little disappointed the world didn't collapse at the time, but whatevs I'm so over it. I'm sure the next decade is gonna be hella phat, fo shizzle!

David M Mallon wrote:
I'm still a kid these days. Right? Please tell me I'm right...

Sorry, you were born before I started GMing... I think...

Oh, wait, you were born after I started playing video and computer games. There is still hope for you!

David M Mallon wrote:
I'm still a kid these days. Right? Please tell me I'm right...

you're not that much younger than me, so I'd say yes.

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Youth is wasted on the young.

You're only as old as you feel, in which case I'd say I'm still firmly stuck in my late teens, maybe early twenties.

Really the only thing age has taught me is knowing when to keep my fool mouth shut, which I still fail at, so.

Silver Crusade

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I love this thread.

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