gran rey de los nekkid |

Ragadolf |

Drejk wrote:Also shoplifting. Pretty sure that's one reason Target doesn't have self-check. Always have to tell the new hires to check all containers, bottom of the cart, etc. because there's always that one person trying to slip stuff by. Remove the barrier of a cashier...Orthos wrote:Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.
Yes. This. Exactly. :)
I have never, not once, tried going through a self-check lane that did not require the attendant to come over and assist me. If I have to have the attendant, WHY is there a 'self check'???
And it always seems to take forever to self check. I thought it was supposed to be fast?

Drejk |

David M Mallon |

David M Mallon wrote:Firefox has been crashing so much that I've had to switch back to the much more stable Internet Explorer. Never thought I'd say that in my lifetime.Have you tried Chrome? Google knows everything about you already anyway.
Chrome confuse the f%$# out of me. I say better the devil you know.

Orthos |

Scintillae wrote:Drejk wrote:Also shoplifting. Pretty sure that's one reason Target doesn't have self-check. Always have to tell the new hires to check all containers, bottom of the cart, etc. because there's always that one person trying to slip stuff by. Remove the barrier of a cashier...Orthos wrote:Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.Yes. This. Exactly. :)
I have never, not once, tried going through a self-check lane that did not require the attendant to come over and assist me. If I have to have the attendant, WHY is there a 'self check'???
And it always seems to take forever to self check. I thought it was supposed to be fast?
I don't know what to tell you, I've had very few of the first problem and none of the second. It's always been significantly faster for me.

Rosita the Riveter |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I feel like so much s!$& right now. I lost patience with my roommate's drug habit and ratted him out to an RA for smoking pot in the house, but it will take time to move one of us, so I'm going to have to live with him while he's pissed off and fuming at me for snitching on him, and I just ruined my friendship with my other roommate with this as well. I also feel bad because the marijuana wasn't the whole issue, it's just what the university is most mad about. I'm all for legalization, so that makes me feel uncomfortable. I just want to move rooms, not get him busted for possession. I do want him to stop using it in out room when I'm trying to sleep, though.
The bigger issue is that my roommate is trying to score Aderall. I have serious ADHD, and am trying to get on Aderall. I can't live with someone who will pressure me to sell it to him (he's not the type to take a no answer) and who would possibly steal it. Also, he doesn't have ADHD, he wants it to abuse. I won't live with a speed head. Period. My Dad used to abuse my ADHD meds, and I will never allow myself to live around that s$*& again. That's why I went to the RA, but the marijuana thing really has the universities

Rosita the Riveter |

Drejk wrote:Also shoplifting. Pretty sure that's one reason Target doesn't have self-check. Always have to tell the new hires to check all containers, bottom of the cart, etc. because there's always that one person trying to slip stuff by. Remove the barrier of a cashier...Orthos wrote:Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.
Target has self checkout machines in Cupertino. I've used them.

Tacticslion |

Quick! Pitch your idea for a 1st level 5e adventure at me!
Adopt the We Be Goblins as 1st level hicks in the Mere of Dead Men with less rampant violence.
Similarly, two of these - most notably Dark and Stormy Knight and Wreck Ashore - should probably be really easy "substitute conversions" - literally all you need to do is take the generic stats from 5E and use them instead of the stats mentioned in the game.

gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los nekkid wrote:Pantheist clerics clearly don't need clothes.
That word... It does not mean what they think it mean...
True, but since the word "pantheist" derives from the Greek for "all god" (as the article you linked says), one could make the argument that someone who believes in all gods is a pantheist. Perhaps, to distinguish from Pantheism, they should be referred to as pan-theists, but I leave that distinction to the linguists to decide. Either way, I thought the video was funny.

Rosita the Riveter |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

My roommate is so mad at me for ratting to an RA. He won't even talk to me, and he's slamming doors and stuff. My other roommate is just sad and confused.
What I need is friends. I don't know people here. So I'm gonna go to the bar. Not going to get drunk or anything, just gonna get enough social lubricant to override that autistic fear of approaching new people.

Tacticslion |

My roommate is so mad at me for ratting to an RA. He won't even talk to me, and he's slamming doors and stuff. My other roommate is just sad and confused.
What I need is friends. I don't know people here. So I'm gonna go to the bar. Not going to get drunk or anything, just gonna get enough social lubricant to override that autistic fear of approaching new people.
Just be really careful and take good care of yourself!
The slamming the door guy is an idiot - ignore him. He is literally having a temper tantrum. If this is truly the Kansas I'd of guy he is, then, taking what you've said before, you needed to get out of the toxic environment he represented.
You may be for legalization, but it needs to be clear: that does not mean you are for them doing stupid things with their stuff, their bodies, and especially in ways that also impact you. It was already a problem, and it would only have gotten worse over time: "fixing" people is not something that is ever as cleanly successful as we'd like. Guy is upset, but is being a jerk about it. (The other one sounds high right now. EDIT: to be clear, there shouldn't be that much confusion. It seems relatively straight forward. This was not a knock about being high, only describing my impression of their state based on your description; it was worth notI got because it might shift dramatically once they come down.)
Politics and religion aside, I'd recommend you find and attend some of the campus ministry things at your school (most colleg s have them in some capacity or another) - whether you you are of that religious persuasion or not. I met my wife at a Methodist Wesley House dinner open to all - neither of us are Methodists. :D
These environments are generally safe, friendly, and social enough without being too social (dependent entirely on the type of people you get - much like a bar). The safety is increased by having a group of folk who are generally pro-compassion and pro-temperance around, and the minor (if extremely mild) oversight of the one(s) in charge of organizing the event. Basically a low-key social event by which you can gain friends without having any expectations or pressure.
For the record, our social group in college built up around that consisted of several different varieties of Christian denominations, and a couple of agnostics and atheists. This caused zero problems.
Plus, if you're not very social (simpilar to me, when I first arrived), you don't have to be: people will inevitably ask about a new person, especially if you are looking around, unsure of yourself. (Ask me how I know...)
While specific Wesley Houses might be different, I'd be hard-pressed to imagine there isn't a single open food thing conducted by a ministry on campus in some semi-weekly way. If there wasn't, my mind would boggle. I mean, we had five at ours - the Wesley House was just the most convenient for me.
Free food, relatively safe environment, and access to folk willing and eager to make friends. It may just be a central Florida thing, but, if it is, I could recommend Ocala: I may be a weirdly childish old adult, but we could at least hang out and chat about PF! Or Deland, where I actually went to college! ... those last are somewhat unlikely, but hey: nice places. :D

Sharoth |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

My roommate is so mad at me for ratting to an RA. He won't even talk to me, and he's slamming doors and stuff. My other roommate is just sad and confused.
What I need is friends. I don't know people here. So I'm gonna go to the bar. Not going to get drunk or anything, just gonna get enough social lubricant to override that autistic fear of approaching new people.
Good luck and be safe. BOTH of your roommates are being jerks. One is just being more jerky about it.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

~groans~ Damn! Almost $400 for two front tires, an alignment, and an oil change. That is $200 more than I had hoped it would be. ~grumbles~ Time to reshuffle bills again. I am glad that I get three paychecks next month. I will need them.
Car repair bills bite. I am taking mine in tomorrow for muffler work.
That said, you would not be getting all that work done for $200 unless you're stealing tires or your brother's a mechanic.

Sharoth |

Sharoth wrote:~groans~ Damn! Almost $400 for two front tires, an alignment, and an oil change. That is $200 more than I had hoped it would be. ~grumbles~ Time to reshuffle bills again. I am glad that I get three paychecks next month. I will need them.Car repair bills bite. I am taking mine in tomorrow for muffler work.
That said, you would not be getting all that work done for $200 unless you're stealing tires or your brother's a mechanic.
Well, it is enough to change my alignment to CE.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I feel like so much s&$& right now. I lost patience with my roommate's drug habit and ratted him out to an RA for smoking pot in the house, but it will take time to move one of us, so I'm going to have to live with him while he's pissed off and fuming at me for snitching on him, and I just ruined my friendship with my other roommate with this as well. I also feel bad because the marijuana wasn't the whole issue, it's just what the university is most mad about. I'm all for legalization, so that makes me feel uncomfortable. I just want to move rooms, not get him busted for possession. I do want him to stop using it in out room when I'm trying to sleep, though.
The bigger issue is that my roommate is trying to score Aderall. I have serious ADHD, and am trying to get on Aderall. I can't live with someone who will pressure me to sell it to him (he's not the type to take a no answer) and who would possibly steal it. Also, he doesn't have ADHD, he wants it to abuse. I won't live with a speed head. Period. My Dad used to abuse my ADHD meds, and I will never allow myself to live around that s##+ again. That's why I went to the RA, but the marijuana thing really has the universities
I'm sorry. It can he awful, being the one to call the cops.

Aranna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was asked by a friend to GM a session during gaming convention this weekend because GMs organized for an event backed out in the last moment. So I will be GMing tomorrow morning... Ugh... 11 am? Who plays games at that time (without being fifteen, that were the times).
When I was in my 20s our group met at around 11am till 11pm every weekend. We could usually play through one level advancement per week.

Aniuś the Talewise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

i had a pretty crappy but very vivid dream in which i discovered that my face had become the face of an extremely gross and horrible meme that I didn't know existed on the internet; there were posts online in which benign photos of me were compared to that meme
As soon as I woke up I actually did some google searches to make sure it didn't exist.

The Doomkitten |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was asked by a friend to GM a session during gaming convention this weekend because GMs organized for an event backed out in the last moment. So I will be GMing tomorrow morning... Ugh... 11 am? Who plays games at that time (without being fifteen, that were the times).
...I do. The group only stops at 5.
Ah, the endurance of youth which I can rub in your face.
@Rosita: I don't have an experience even near to that, but damn, that is rough. Having to deal with a druggie roommate while dealing with being trans*... If you a) had a Patreon/GoFundMe page and b) if I had any money, I'd totally donate fifty bucks or something.
Hope you manage to find some friends. And not get a hangover in the process ;P
On a side note: I live in Colorado, so I can firsthand tell people about legalization. To be honest, it's not that bad, except you have to deal with some more idiots than you would normally have to, who would eventually get their hands on pot or something else if they had enough time and it wasn't legalized. I'm one of those people who thinks that the idea of ingesting a substance that tastes foul and kills your brain cells is abhorrent, though, so...
Yeah, don't really know the point I was trying to make there. Alcohol is fine if moderation, I guess. It's just that I don't find wasted people funny. Just... kind of sad, I guess.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:Also shoplifting. Pretty sure that's one reason Target doesn't have self-check. Always have to tell the new hires to check all containers, bottom of the cart, etc. because there's always that one person trying to slip stuff by. Remove the barrier of a cashier...Orthos wrote:Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.
I saw someone who had 2 bunches of spinach in one produce bag and rang it up as 1. If you have to steal produce, That's just sad

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I feel like so much s+++ right now. I lost patience with my roommate's drug habit and ratted him out to an RA for smoking pot in the house, but it will take time to move one of us, so I'm going to have to live with him while he's pissed off and fuming at me for snitching on him, and I just ruined my friendship with my other roommate with this as well. I also feel bad because the marijuana wasn't the whole issue, it's just what the university is most mad about. I'm all for legalization, so that makes me feel uncomfortable. I just want to move rooms, not get him busted for possession. I do want him to stop using it in out room when I'm trying to sleep, though.
The bigger issue is that my roommate is trying to score Aderall. I have serious ADHD, and am trying to get on Aderall. I can't live with someone who will pressure me to sell it to him (he's not the type to take a no answer) and who would possibly steal it. Also, he doesn't have ADHD, he wants it to abuse. I won't live with a speed head. Period. My Dad used to abuse my ADHD meds, and I will never allow myself to live around that s&~$ again. That's why I went to the RA, but the marijuana thing really has the universities
You were totally in the right, I have little issue with whatever someone wants to do as long as it does not affect someone else or cause safety issues.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I get called Ma'am a lot, I have a beard.
I have a friend who looked like "stereotypical American Jesus": 6'1", thin, willowy figure, long straight sandy brown hair, and flowing beard.
One Halloween he just borrowed a friend's miniskirt, blouse, leggings, and shoes.
It was awesome seeing men whistle at him from behind and yell things like, "Nice <synonym for donkey>!!!", only to recoil in horror when he turned around to look at them and they saw the beard.
Fun times!

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I would've talked to your roommate about it, especially the Adderall dad issues, or at least wait until he actually started stealing it.
I would have said something to both of them for sure, but I would not let either of them have access to Adderal, I don't want to deal with a wired pissed off roomate

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Scintillae wrote:I saw someone who had 2 bunches of spinach in one produce bag and rang it up as 1. If you have to steal produce, That's just sadDrejk wrote:Also shoplifting. Pretty sure that's one reason Target doesn't have self-check. Always have to tell the new hires to check all containers, bottom of the cart, etc. because there's always that one person trying to slip stuff by. Remove the barrier of a cashier...Orthos wrote:Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.
There's a strong drive to "get away with something" intrinsic in many people. I don't know whether it's an American thing, or a worldwide thing, but you see multi-millionaire celebrities shoplifting, otherwise respectable-looking people glancing around the produce aisle before snarfing down fruit, men in business attire switching the pricing labels on items, etc.
It is truly sad, but I don't necessarily feel it's related to poverty; more of a psychological need to "stick it to the man" and "get away with soemthing".
I'm not kidding when I put "Lawful" in my description, though. If a store undercharges me by more than $10, I've actually gone back and corrected the error. (At under $10, my guilt is outweighed by the time it would take to go back, explain the error, and convince a manager that I'm not insane...)