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Silver Crusade

Thanks for that quick review FH, let the games continue. This morning on my way into work I saw a bumper sticker. "I accelerate for Zombies"

Silver Crusade

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Oh crap, in my haste to get to work I forgot my clothes

Yeah, Rosita, I checked the internal boards and they're showing the same: At least three full-time Telephone/Receptionist A1 positions that have been open nearly a month. Unfortunately, they're all full-time, and they're all standard 8-5 gigs.

If you can spare the time during the day, I figure it wouldn't hurt to contact 'em and say, "Hey, I notice you're having trouble filling these jobs full-time. Have you considered a part-timer?"

They're all in Redwood Shores, though, which might be a PITA commute for you. I know what public transportation is like around here.

Let me know if you want me to submit through employee referral -- as far as I can tell, it does absolutely diddly-squat in improving your chances, but it at least gets you past any silly pre-screening program that might drop you because you used the word "pomegranite" in your application...

Powers down Cow Launcher aimed at the west coast

Come on! Do you know how hard it to unload one of these once it's loaded! And the mess! My God the mess!

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David Bowie in a 1780s frock coat

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Why are we firing cows at the west coast again? Have the wars finally begun?

I.. don't.. know.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Why are we firing cows at the west coast again? Have the wars finally begun?

I was kinda wondering that myself

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Ah yes Nobodyshome had thought someone throwing bikes thru his bay window was you for bagging on banks (and thus inadvertently crossing the politics threshold) when in actuality that's just what people in San Francisco do to see if you're okay.

It's my fault for starting a post right before Tiny T-Rex wants breakfast and forgetting about it then finishing it anyhow, should've just taken it down I guess, but too late now :-)

Silver Crusade

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No worries, I thought it had something to do with Monty Python

Well yes that too :-)

Just sadly ill timed I guess:-(

But then I've been up since 4 a.m. running around to the store and bakery and such:-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
It's my fault for starting a post right before Tiny T-Rex wants breakfast and forgetting about it then finishing it anyhow, should've just taken it down I guess, but too late now :-)

Do the Tiny T-Rexes eat Tiny Triceratopses?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Also Steven Universe is fantastic!

Absolutely adorable:-)

Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
It's my fault for starting a post right before Tiny T-Rex wants breakfast and forgetting about it then finishing it anyhow, should've just taken it down I guess, but too late now :-)
Do the Tiny T-Rexes eat Tiny Triceratopses?

And Eggs, Tiny T-Rex loves eggs with a glass of orange juice :-)

Today included an English muffin with honey.

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NobodysHome's Story Time:

There is a street in our neighborhood that goes straight up the Berkeley Hills. It used to be a cable trolley line, so slope wasn't an issue, but now it's just a street with a grade ranging from 12% on the "kindest" blocks to over 30% near the top. In short, it's steep.

At the bottom of the grade is, appropriately enough, a traffic circle surrounded by residential houses. The circle itself had one of those 18" tall metal traffic rails around it to prevent cars plummeting down Marin from going through the house on the opposite side.

So, back in the 1980's, my friends were walking up Marin when they found an abandoned wheel on a side road. Why a wheel? Why not?

Being teenagers, they decided it would be fun to try to roll the wheel down Marin. Again, why not?

Needless to say, the wheel escaped them in under a block, gained speed rapidly, and they sprinted down the hill to try to catch it. As they reached the block above the circle, the wheel hit the metal rail at immense speed...
...and bounced a good 20-30' into the air...
...and came down on the opposite side of the circle...
...and bounced again, to exactly the right height to plow straight through the living room window of the house opposite the hill.

My friends turned around and sprinted back up the hill.

They say their legs and lungs have never burned so much.

So yep, Bay Area residents are accustomed to odd things flying through their windows at great velocity.

Grand Lodge

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captain yesterday wrote:

Also Steven Universe is fantastic!

Absolutely adorable:-)

Is on my list of things to watch. My brother praises it all the time, and he usually isn't wrong.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Yeah, Rosita, I checked the internal boards and they're showing the same: At least three full-time Telephone/Receptionist A1 positions that have been open nearly a month. Unfortunately, they're all full-time, and they're all standard 8-5 gigs.

If you can spare the time during the day, I figure it wouldn't hurt to contact 'em and say, "Hey, I notice you're having trouble filling these jobs full-time. Have you considered a part-timer?"

They're all in Redwood Shores, though, which might be a PITA commute for you. I know what public transportation is like around here.

Let me know if you want me to submit through employee referral -- as far as I can tell, it does absolutely diddly-squat in improving your chances, but it at least gets you past any silly pre-screening program that might drop you because you used the word "pomegranite" in your application...

Thanks for taking a look for me, but Redwood Shores would be too difficult to reach. I just checked transit times, and it's about a two hour ride each way. A four hour total commute just isn't feasible for a part time job with a college schedule. Thanks again for looking, though.

Silver Crusade

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Marin st. is so bad, it's on the death ride for cyclists

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Marin st. is so bad, it's on the death ride for cyclists

Amusingly enough, that is *exactly* the site where I got the grade information...

...and we always trained for our 2-week backpack trips at 10,000'+ by strapping on 50 lb packs and climbing Marin. To the top. Every day.

The trips were easy by comparison.

My wife used to walk up Queen Anne Hill in Seattle on her lunch break every day she worked during her first pregnancy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Also Steven Universe is fantastic!

Absolutely adorable:-)

amethyst is my favorite.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Also Steven Universe is fantastic!

Absolutely adorable:-)

amethyst is my favorite.

Amethyst is my trash can buddy

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I will admit the credit scores seem alien to me... I was unemployed for a year and not paying my bills, yet my credit stayed good. In fact I was able to get a new car loan from the bank during all this with no troubles... Although maybe I shouldn't admit to being irresponsible enough to do that.

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Aranna wrote:
I will admit the credit scores seem alien to me... I was unemployed for a year and not paying my bills, yet my credit stayed good. In fact I was able to get a new car loan from the bank during all this with no troubles... Although maybe I shouldn't admit to being irresponsible enough to do that.

ALWAYS admit to being irresponsible! It makes life so much more fun!

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This day is finally over, and I do not miss it at all.

Aranna wrote:
I will admit the credit scores seem alien to me... I was unemployed for a year and not paying my bills, yet my credit stayed good. In fact I was able to get a new car loan from the bank during all this with no troubles... Although maybe I shouldn't admit to being irresponsible enough to do that.

to be fair, utility bill payments don't show on your credit report.

The Exchange

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Orthos wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Why the devil would you advertise five job openings when you aren't currently hiring anybody, haven't been hiring anybody recently, and aren't going to hire anybody in the near future?
Because the world is an uncaring, cruel place, born from carelessness and inaction, rather than malice.

My point exactly.

The discovery that Alice Miller (world-reknowned psychologist and expert on child abuse, whose book I'm currently reading) was herself a child abuser is quite upsetting, especially since her theory is solid, sides firmly with the child and you wouldn't know it from her writing at all about the way she treated her own son.

If an expert on child abuse whose work was a comfort to many could not truly face the fact that she was herself an abuser, and you could not detect it in her work, what does that say about anyone else?

On a side note, earlier today I came up with a new plot element in my story that sort of lampshades my renaming Frēawaru in the MS back to Hrūt in my version, after Kemp Malone theorized that her name was changed from Hrūt ("female hart", akin to Heorot "male hart") to Frēawaru in the MS in the first place.

In the story, Hrūt's stepmother Wealhþēow thinks the name is ugly and calls her Frēawaru. (To be fair it does sound like hrutan 'to snore', which may have been the reason why the name was changed in the MS, according to Benjamin Slade and/or Malone)

I started this thing back in 2010 and even though I feel like the development is about as close to complete as it's going to get, I'm still coming up with new ideas! It's ridiculous.

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That we must be cautious.

Freehold DM wrote:
That we must be cautious.


It doesn't help the fact either that I have trouble trusting people.

Also- what?

Freehold DM wrote:
Also- what?

I probably should have mentioned that the story i was talking about is based on Bēowulf. In the manuscript a character's name is Frēawaru. In some other source on the same character she is instead called Hrūt. Scholar Kemp Malone and I both have reason to believe that the name was changed in the MS from Hrūt to Frēawaru, and I like the original name better so in my version of the story I restore it to Hrūt.

I like tossing in lots of little references like that into my work, and I hope that lampshading the change will prevent it from being seen as totally random.

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Date Saturday night. I'm so out of practice at this kind of thing, it's not even funny.

Dang skippy.

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Have fun

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Orthos wrote:
Have fun

You misspelled "a panic attack."

This man is a genius.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I will admit the credit scores seem alien to me... I was unemployed for a year and not paying my bills, yet my credit stayed good. In fact I was able to get a new car loan from the bank during all this with no troubles... Although maybe I shouldn't admit to being irresponsible enough to do that.

ALWAYS admit to being irresponsible! It makes life so much more fun!

My bank a few times tried to give me a credit card because "the system deemed me a viable for a credit card"... "But I don't have a regular job." "Oh... Part time job is sufficient." "I don't have that either - my parents are sending me money from time to time."

In a few malls that I frequent there are such stalls that belong to various banks where more or less cute young women (or sometimes young men) offer accounts, loans, and/or credit cards. I was annoyed once when one of such ladies stopped me offering services of her bank and she was irritated when I said that I don't have a job exclaiming that "I should get one!" Like if working to be leeched by bank and pay her provision was my obligation.

Another time, after I returned from UK a much smarter and nicer girl approached me, but she showed her intuition by starting the conversation with question "Excuse me, do you work in Poland?" I laughed and said "no".

Drejk wrote:
Another time, after I returned from UK a much smarter and nicer girl approached me, but she showed her intuition by starting the conversation with question "Excuse me, do you work in Poland?" I laughed and said "no".

Did you dramatically put on a pair of sunglasses while saying that?

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I discovered how to not blow money I don't have on restaurants by making my own bomb ass fried chicken, cheeseburgers, and fries.

Whelp, guess I can forget about that dream of losing weight.

I'll probably just switch my major from bio to anthro. I tend to do better in anthro classes and my bio interests (like archaeogenetics) are mostly about their application to anthro anyway.

My uncle is giving me grief about the possibility of not finding affordable work in the field but honestly I have a ton of problems and that one only has relevance a few years in the future so I can't even afford to worry about it yet.

David M Mallon wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Another time, after I returned from UK a much smarter and nicer girl approached me, but she showed her intuition by starting the conversation with question "Excuse me, do you work in Poland?" I laughed and said "no".
Did you dramatically put on a pair of sunglasses while saying that?

I would have to 1) take off my glasses and 2) have a pair of sunglasses.

Silver Crusade

David M Mallon wrote:
Date Saturday night. I'm so out of practice at this kind of thing, it's not even funny.

What is the plan for the date? Where are you going?

Silver Crusade

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:

I discovered how to not blow money I don't have on restaurants by making my own bomb ass fried chicken, cheeseburgers, and fries.

Whelp, guess I can forget about that dream of losing weight.

I love to cook, but I have successfully deluded myself into believing I would never be able to figure out how to deep fry anything. I decided that's a skill I'm better off not knowing.

Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Date Saturday night. I'm so out of practice at this kind of thing, it's not even funny.
What is the plan for the date? Where are you going?

Winging it. Bear in mind, this is Syracuse, so there's nothing to do.

Silver Crusade

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David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Date Saturday night. I'm so out of practice at this kind of thing, it's not even funny.
What is the plan for the date? Where are you going?
Winging it. Bear in mind, this is Syracuse, so there's nothing to do.

You could always... stare at an abandoned factory...

David M Mallon wrote:
Date Saturday night. I'm so out of practice at this kind of thing, it's not even funny.


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