Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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I swear your stalking me. it took you all of 6 minutes to seek and destroy my win.

I have heard the he's been lurking in your closet.

Do tell? I think I have heard that somewhere before also.

(Munches on a snickers bar)

I think I have your forum schedule down now FF

Scarab Sages

*gathers up static electricity from Vidmaster7's Closet, projects it In ball form at his beard*

*watches the resulting Explosion as two super conductors collide easily killing all life on earth* (its gonna be a lot of static just sayin)

All your beard are belong to us!

So much for the jinglebeard of Vid.

Now let's see what this piece of antiquity looks like from the inside.

(Sounds of tools opening The Internet, Circa 1998's chest)

My god... it's full of stars... and arguments about who would win, the Millenium Falcon or the Enterprise...

Sovereign Court

Spider-Man or Soylent Green...

Sovereign Court

*Appears from Grandpa Wonderbra's kitchen, wearing a frilly pink apron with matching oven gloves and carrying a tray of delicious goodies.*

Hey there, everyone! No point arguing with one another on an empty stomach! Come on over and enjoy some lovely treats! Like these chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies that I made!

*Goes back into the kitchen and continues cooking.*

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Star Child wrote:
My god... it's full of stars... and arguments about who would win, the Millenium Falcon or the Enterprise...

Compared to the Enterprise, the Millennium Falcon is practically just a Winnebago RV.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Like, I can see wolves, man.

Wolves wearing aprons, man

The apron-wearing wolves are feeding me cookies, man.

Faaaaar ouuuut.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
The Star Child wrote:
My god... it's full of stars... and arguments about who would win, the Millenium Falcon or the Enterprise...
Compared to the Enterprise, the Millennium Falcon is practically just a Winnebago RV.

What if it uses the Schwartz?

*boom spontaneous Regeneration* (like spontaneous combustion but in reverse)

[*steals all the cookies*]
And win !

I was doing so well too.

Hey now, no need to steel all the cookies. There's plenty for everyone.

Wait, those were the cookies?

Then what did I just put in the oven?

Scarab Sages

*looks around*

Hmm, this is one hot Closet...!

Baked Jester....with Sugar coating, that's a 1st i've seen of those.

Rotisserie Jester is best.

Why would you want cookies made of steel?

No, no! Cookies are made to steal.

I usually make mine for the purpose of eating them.

The Internet, Circa 1998 wrote:
All your beard are belong to us!

You still have no hope of survive make your time.

*hides his beard*

Those were steel cookies for my pet rust monsters the Quiche Lisp stole.

QUiche Lisp, you may want to go see a dentist if you tried to eat one.

Sissyl wrote:
The Internet, Circa 1998 wrote:
All your beard are belong to us!
You still have no hope of survive make your time.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Sovereign Court

*Finishes placing the final dish onto the banquet table and stands to the side with the rest of the Red Fury Clan.*

The banquet has been prepared everyone. Please do come and enjoy all the sumptuous food and drink.

*Turns to Grandpa Wonderbra.*

We worked really hard on making all these delicious things, Grandpa Wonderbra, I hope that my wife, my clan and I did well.

[*pats rust monsters*]

There ! There ! Good boy !

Now to try to communicate to you, rusty beast, the part you play in my master plan to break into the iron vault of Sprangled Glitterfould...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh my, that is just perfect Master Wolf.

* glances at Fred, who is drooling in the corner as he eyes the treats *

Now, now Fred, let the other guests have some first.

M'mmm, my favourite - damp celery 'n' pebbles, garnished with a piquant Febreze dressing.

Ambassador, with this damp celery 'n pebbles, garnished with a piquant Febreze dressing, you are really spoiling us.

* runs in, grabs one of the quintuple-chocolate cakes, and runs out *

(Pushes lever that ignites the explosives inside the cake Uncle Teddy's bear is holding)


Exploding cake eh? good thing i still have recent rez immunity. That is a thing right???

No, no, no! You're supposed to use the dynamite as candles, not put them inside the cake! How's the other guy supposed to know when to pull out his "Uh-Oh!" sign?

It's a well-known fact that the C in C-4 stands for 'Cake'

c as in cake 4 as in layers OOOh it all makes sense now.

* licks off the bits of cake that cover my fur *

Dammit, you crazy goblin. That was a waste of both a perfectly good cake and perfectly good explosives.

* hands "THE" Poog of Zarongel a cake with lit sticks of dynamite as candles *

Jokey was right, for a change. This is how you do it.

* walks away as the dynamite explodes, covering "THE" Poog of Zarongel in frosting and soot *

Shadow Lodge

"Hey look, a talking bear who thinks it can do comedy!"

"Gee, where have we seen that bit before?"

"Somewhere better than here?"

"I don't know, at least here you can install an 'ignore' tool."


Down in front!

Shoulda gotten better seats...

* looks at Generic Dwarf #112's ticket *

You do have better seats. You're in the front row.

* looks at The Balcony-Seat Hecklers tickets *

I'm sorry. These are for tomorrow night's magic show.

I win.

gg ez.

What did you win?

The game.

gg ez

What is ggez and how does it taste?

Seeing as he is a black dragon I'm guessing it's something decaying and soaked in swamp water.


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