Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Message board troll died as he lived: covered head to toe in Vaseline.

Dragons have no beards, so they can't win!

The Exchange

Ventnor wrote:
Message board troll died as he lived: covered head to toe in Vaseline.

*immolates Vaseline-coated Message board troll*


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I swear they kill that troll at least once a week, but they keep finding it in the 2nd floor women's restroom come the following tuesday,

The Exchange

*tosses a firebolt right through Ridiculon's pupil like an ace carnival gamester*


It took me a long time, and much hiding away, but, at last... I WIN !

The Exchange

Congratulations! I was rooting for you.

Silver Crusade

*sneaks up behind Fake Healer and Wins*

Nah man, i win.

I don't care.

The Exchange

Not a proper attitude, Honey Badger. Let the poor man have his win and kudos.

The little goblin in the sweet costume wins! Huzzah!

Goblinz for the winz!!

Down with the longshanks!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The gobbo's flag is mighty fine
It's soaked in blood and pickle brine
And stained with Gods know what, of course...
I'm bored. Let's set fire to a horse

[Clenched fist salute]

'Scuse me. Sorry, I have a, uhm, thing, here, uhm... Flips through several reims of loose leaf firestarter documents and warrants for several minutes. Oh. OH! Hokay, here we go. *Clears throat.* By order of the Trollololamancer, Master of the Threads, Keeper of the Posts, etc. etc. etc, you are required to cease in desist in being so goblininky in your goblokiningness, especially goblikinnish goblinings in non-goblinish territories.

Goblins, I say, you have been warned. Sort of. I mean, it didn't actually say what would happen so... Yeah.

Snaps heals together, turns in place, and attempts to leave with as much dignity as he can muster.

*peeps out over a grassy knoll and then chucks a flaming brand where the Anonymous Warrior just was*

Bucko wins! Bucko is the most powerful goblin witch in the world!!!

Not so fast, Bucko!

Gorthog claims this thread for the Lickspittle tribe!

*A tremendous bonfire is built in honor of this momentous occasion, and all the written words in this thread are immolated!*

However, Gorthog and his tribe do not notice the enormous red dragon swooping down toward them...

Instead they waste attacks on the shadow of the dragon

Dragon? Where? Quick hide!

It's okay! I know this guy!

Make him some offal he cannot refuse.

If, for whatever reason, he does refuse it, offer it to Bleached Otyugh.

Interrupts summoning spell

* drops the charred skull of Message Board Troll on the ground *

Well, that's one troublesome pest down. Now to deal with the goblins.

* stomach growls *

Goblins, quick: hide in the remains of the Troll!

:shoves each of the goblins in turn up the charred netherportions of the Message Board Troll:

:rolls goblin-filled remains down the hill and into the river:


A little convoluted, but it worked.


Sovereign Court

Wow, I repost and a chain reaction occurs. Talk about having the gift to get the ball rolling again!

Your loss.

What do you call a bunch of goblins stuffed inside a troll corpse?


A royale with cheese!

* smashes Jokey into the ground with Banhammer Jr. *

That'll be enough of that nonsense out of you.

Hear hear. No more shenanigans!

I have only begun to shenanigan!

I will firebolt you for that.


Dangit, TFF. You ruined my fun.

* drops flamethrower *

Is that a flamethrower in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Oh that's it!

* holds Banhammer Jr. like a golf club *


* hits Jokey with such force he is sent into orbit *

Perfect shot - didn't hook or slice.

You avoided the hazard around the 16th Black Hole, too. Good job!

*golf clap*

*Pops up right beside Uncle Teddy*

I wood feel chipper about that shot too!

*Sneaks up on Jokey*


He dead, Poog did good, woohoo!!

*Throws him into the wood chipper for good measure.*

He did ask for that after all.

Good job.

* hands Poog a jar of pickles and a chocolate cake as a reward *

* hands Captain Spalding two bottles of rum and a chocolate cake for the assist *

*crawls out of charred nether portions of message board troll, completely unaware of his filthy state*

"Me wins!!!"


You sure about that?

*clambers onto the bear's back, wildly waving a bent dogslicer about*

"Yes! CHARGE!!!"

Dragon's Blood

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