Need help finding sufficient info... Moander


Okay, I am currently trying to develop a campaign set in the FR but I'll be using the Pathfinder ruleset. I've got a solid idea so far for how I want my campaign to go as far as region, antagonists and story.

What I lack is a source with sufficient information about the dead god Moander for me to flesh out the driving force pushing the story along and ideas for unique monsters and lastly for a stat block for the big nasty at the end. Does anyone know of a book or site that has a real write-up on Moander?

Everything I've been able to find repeats the same garbage... Moander is dead... He was slain by Finder... Blah Blah Blah

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Pools of Darkness, an old TSR Gold Box AD&D CRPG, used Moander as a significant part of the setting. I played it about 18 years ago so I don't remember much of it, but you can still run the old Gold Box games in DosBox. Might be able to pick it up somewhere on eBay. That's the only place I can think of that you might find more detailed information that would be even faintly "official." And you'll have a whole pile of beasties to use as well - I remember there being several contingents of Drow hanging about, but that was probably because Lolth was doing something uncool with Moander's body.

Grand Lodge

The 2nd edition FR book "Faiths & Avatars" has a great six-page write up that gives info on his "church" (along with Specialty Priest and spells) and provides stats for his avatar...

Most of which could easily be converted to PFRPG/3.5...

Lokot wrote:
Pools of Darkness, an old TSR Gold Box AD&D CRPG, used Moander as a significant part of the setting. I played it about 18 years ago so I don't remember much of it, but you can still run the old Gold Box games in DosBox. Might be able to pick it up somewhere on eBay. That's the only place I can think of that you might find more detailed information that would be even faintly "official." And you'll have a whole pile of beasties to use as well - I remember there being several contingents of Drow hanging about, but that was probably because Lolth was doing something uncool with Moander's body.

Thanks. I was hoping for a book or something. But, I might know someone who actually owns that game. Thanks!

Digitalelf wrote:
The 2nd edition FR book "Faiths & Avatars" has a great six-page write up that gives info on his "church" and stats for his avatar...

I'll see if I can get my mitts on a PDF. I can work at converting stuff as long as I can get a good idea as to what his avatars powers may be. Thanks for the help!

Grand Lodge

Spaetrice wrote:
I'll see if I can get my mitts on a PDF. I can work at converting stuff as long as I can get a good idea as to what his avatars powers may be. Thanks for the help!

Well, since Wizards pulled the plug on their PDFs, that will be a little hard to do (as any PDF you might find online now will be an illegal copy)...

Your best bet is to find a used (print) copy on eBay or someplace similar...

Best of luck...

-That One Digitalelf Fellow-


Found a copy for less than $8.00 shipped!

Faiths & Avatars

The best sources for information on Moander (if you can find them) are the novels Azure Bonds, and Song of the Saurials. Oh, and Fraggle Rock.

The AD&D sourcebook Netheril: Empire of Magic was once available on the WotC site for free. It contains an entry for Moander.

Grand Lodge

One Angry Monkey wrote:
The AD&D sourcebook Netheril: Empire of Magic was once available on the WotC site for free. It contains an entry for Moander.

Unless my google-foo has greatly weakened, Wizards pulled those particular freebies from their web site...

There was also an entry about Moander in Lolth's entry in the 2nd ed "Demihuman Dieties." It basically talks about Lolth granting spells in the name of Moander to cultists in Cormanthor wood. There was also an article about Moander trying to lure a powerful chosen to the pit of moander so that it could be resurrected; however, I do not remember the source of that one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Moander's dead. Finder killed him.

TheWhiteknife wrote:
Moander's dead. Finder killed him.

You're a lot of help. Oh and these undead are immune to critical hits.

Thanks again, everyone. Well, everyone with the exception of TheWhiteKnife since he's useless.

Spaetrice wrote:
TheWhiteknife wrote:
Moander's dead. Finder killed him.

You're a lot of help. Oh and these undead are immune to critical hits.

Thanks again, everyone. Well, everyone with the exception of TheWhiteKnife since he's useless.

Um... his name was Robert Paulson?

Saern wrote:
Spaetrice wrote:
TheWhiteknife wrote:
Moander's dead. Finder killed him.

You're a lot of help. Oh and these undead are immune to critical hits.

Thanks again, everyone. Well, everyone with the exception of TheWhiteKnife since he's useless.

Um... his name was Robert Paulson?

Sorry, I know the OP (Spaetrice) in real life and am helping him with his first campaign. Chill out bro, I was just getting a dig on him.

Edit. Oh crap, I just noticed that its you that said that. Your avatar change threw me off. Well done, good sir.

Muahahahaaa... I tried to find an Anti-Paladin elf avatar but settled on this one.

Oh and the module says that these undead are immune to crits...

Spaetrice wrote:

Muahahahaaa... I tried to find an Anti-Paladin elf avatar but settled on this one.

Oh and the module says that these undead are immune to crits...

Best of luck on the campaign, sounds like alot of fun.

Ahh, that's right - Pools of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades and Pools of Darkness. Pretty darn good games....

Liberty's Edge

Spaetrice wrote:

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Gold Box games are fantastic - that aside they produced novels for Pools or Radiance and Pools of Darkness. Good read for source material, not a good read if you want literature however.


Liberty's Edge

Digitalelf wrote:
One Angry Monkey wrote:
The AD&D sourcebook Netheril: Empire of Magic was once available on the WotC site for free. It contains an entry for Moander.
Unless my google-foo has greatly weakened, Wizards pulled those particular freebies from their web site...

Towards the bottom of this page, there is a link to download the free pdf from Wizards.

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