Searching for a "Christmas" adventure

Gamer Life General Discussion

Hey everyone,

just before christmas I usually do a special christmas adventure with my group. Usually this includes my group playing as evil fey/undead or similar creatures. Sadly I didn't have enough time this year to prepare anything and thus I would like to ask if someone knows a module/adventure that could be converted to something like that. Of course an adventure for an evil group would be best, but basically any adventure including a lot of "cute" opponents/allies to butcher will do.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I have an light-hearted adventure I put together for my group a few years back called Saving Santa - Assault on the North Pole. Santa has been kidnapped and the north pole has been taken over been impostor Mr. and Mrs. Claus. The real Mrs. Claus gathers up any allies she can to take back the North Pole. The allies include the Grinch, Heat Miser, and Cold Miser, Bumble the Abominable Snowman, Frosty, the Burger Meister Meister Burger and others.

The allies are all stated up with unique abilities based on the old stop motion Christmas shows. The party must face, santa's elves, a gingerbread golem, "evil" toys and more.

I created it for 3.5 but it could be converted to pathfinder pretty easily. If you are interested I would be happy to send it to you.


Scarab Sages

If possible, I'd like to get a copy of that. It sounds exaclty like what I've been looking for. Usually I write my own every year, but this time work kind of jumped me at the last minute and I'm running out of time. At any rate, email is in the spoiler.


kessukoofah wrote:
If possible, I'd like to get a copy of that. It sounds exaclty like what I've been looking for. Usually I write my own every year, but this time work kind of jumped me at the last minute and I'm running out of time. At any rate, email is in the spoiler.

Sure thing I will pull all the files together and email them out tonight.


Email sent, enjoy storming the North Pole.

Dark Archive

"The party creeps up the hill to look, and sees a vision of terror. Standing below you is a pot bellied man looking over a list of paper and laughing maniacally. "Ho Ho Ho" he bellows. Standing guard over the hapless elves you were sent to rescue are 8 terrible horned beasts. The leader seems to be a mutant with a blood-red, glowing nose"

"What are the elves doing?"

"It appears they are being forced to produce items at a rapid rate... from this distance, it looks like toys."

Dark Archive

Maxxx wrote:

Hey everyone,

just before christmas I usually do a special christmas adventure with my group. Usually this includes my group playing as evil fey/undead or similar creatures. Sadly I didn't have enough time this year to prepare anything and thus I would like to ask if someone knows a module/adventure that could be converted to something like that. Of course an adventure for an evil group would be best, but basically any adventure including a lot of "cute" opponents/allies to butcher will do.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

It's not an evil adventure (heck it's not formatted as an adventure really) but I always wanted to run this

greatamericanfolkhero wrote:


"Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air,

I never thought I could feel so,
flying away on a wing and a prayer,
Whooo could it beee?
Believe it or not,
It's just me

Love the avatar name! Sorry, dude, I just couldn't resist. Use to watch that show when I was a kid.
(That song is still stuck in my head to this day. It's quite the catchy tune.) :)

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