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Spriggan p. 257 incorrect SLA DC
flare = 10 + -1 (Cha) + 0(sor/wiz spell level) = 9
SB says 10
the rule: 10 + the level of the spell the ability resembles or duplicates + the creature’s Charisma modifier.
It says modifier not bonus so -1.
scare = 10 + -1 (Cha) + 2(sor/wiz spell level) = 11
SB says 12
shatter = 10 + -1 (Cha) + 2(sor/wiz spell level) = 11
SB says 12

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Tenebrous Worm p. 260 incorrect Poison formatting
should use semi-colons between poison stats not commas
injury; save Fort DC 20, frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds, effect paralysis for 1d4 rounds plus
1d2 Con (the duration of the paralysis is cumulative with
each failed save), cure 2 consecutive saves.
should be
injury; save Fort DC 20; frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds; effect paralysis for 1d4 rounds plus
1d2 Con (the duration of the paralysis is cumulative with
each failed save); cure 2 consecutive saves.

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Fetchling, pg. 123
1) Incorrect hp. The fetchling in the stat block has a level of rogue, and therefore should have full hp for their first Hit Dice. Change to "10 (1d8+2)"
2) Incorrect value for Stealth skill. Currently says +8 but when you add it up, the following results:
1(rank) + 3(class skill) + 2(racial mod) + 3(Dex 17) - 2(armor) = +7
3) Poor grammar in ability score adjustment line for Fletching Characters section. Has the word easily appear twice in a sentence. (minor, I know)

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Grippli p. 149, minor typo- comma in wrong spot
in Skills "Stealth +11, (+15 in forests or marshes)
Survival +7"
it should be "Stealth +11 (+15 in forests or marshes),
Survival +7"with the comma after the mod
Also note that this creature seems to be missing its favored class bonus skill point or hp.

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One interesting thing to note is that the Giant Whiptail Scorpion in Bestiary 2 has an incorrect XP value for its CR, which has been mentioned before, I know. What's interesting is that this creature is actually listed in the variant Giant Centipede table in the first Bestiary, where it's listed with a CR of 2. So the question is, what's wrong? the CR or the XP?

Distant Scholar |

One interesting thing to note is that the Giant Whiptail Scorpion in Bestiary 2 has an incorrect XP value for its CR, which has been mentioned before, I know. What's interesting is that this creature is actually listed in the variant Giant Centipede table in the first Bestiary, where it's listed with a CR of 2. So the question is, what's wrong? the CR or the XP?
Comparing to the chart in the back of the book, the giant whiptail centipede matches the CR 3 numbers better than the CR 2 numbers, except for its low Reflex and Will saves. I could even make an argument that it should be CR 4, except then maybe those saves are too low.

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Denizen of Leng p. 82, 10 skills points unused
skill points = 100
used 90Bluff +22 = +10 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class skill, +4 extra mods
Diplomacy +7 = +0 ranks, +5 Cha, +2 extra mods
Disable Device +14 = +7 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class skill
Disguise +12 = +2 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class skill, +2 extra mods
Intimidate +12 = +2 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class skill, +2 extra mods
Perception +16 = +10 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class skill
Profession (sailor) +8 = +5 ranks, +3 Wis
Sense Motive +16 = +10 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class skill
Sleight of Hand +17 = +13 ranks, +4 Dex
Spellcraft +12 = +8 ranks, +4 Int
Stealth +17 = +10 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class skill
Use Magic Device +18 = +13 ranks, +5 Cha
Check your math here. You have Sleight of Hand and Use Magic Device at 13 ranks, and this creature is only 10 HD. The correct distribution is this:
100 skill points
Bluff +22 = 10(ranks) + 5(Cha) + 4(feat) + 3(class skill)
Diplomacy +7 = 0(ranks) + 5(Cha) + 2(feat)
Disable Device +14 = 10(ranks) + 4(Dex)
Disguise +12 = 5(ranks) + 5(Cha) + 2(feat)
Intimidate +12 = 5(ranks) + 5(Cha) + 2(feat)
Knowledge (any one) +17 = 10(ranks) + 4(Int) + 3(class skill)
Perception +16 = 10(ranks) + 3(Wis) + 3(class skill)
Profession (sailor) +8 = 5(ranks) + 3(Wis)
Sense Motive +16 = 10(ranks) + 3(Wis) + 3(class skill)
Sleight of Hand +17 = 10(ranks) + 4(Dex) + 3(class skill)
Spellcraft +12 = 5(ranks) + 4(Int) + 3(class skill)
Stealth +17 = 10(ranks) + 4(Dex) + 3(class skill)
Use Magic Device +18 = 10(ranks) + 5(Cha) + 3(class skill)
You use all points this way too. So not an error.
Also just a side note, but if one were to choose Knowledge (planes) as the Knowledge (any one) skill, you could pick a new skill to be a class skill since that's an automatic class skill for all outsiders.

Distant Scholar |

Spriggan p. 257 incorrect SLA DC
flare = 10 + -1 (Cha) + 0(sor/wiz spell level) = 9
SB says 10the rule: 10 + the level of the spell the ability resembles or duplicates + the creature’s Charisma modifier.
It says modifier not bonus so -1.scare = 10 + -1 (Cha) + 2(sor/wiz spell level) = 11
SB says 12shatter = 10 + -1 (Cha) + 2(sor/wiz spell level) = 11
SB says 12
The Spriggan Magic ability gives the spriggan a +1 racial bonus on save DCs of spell-like abilities, so this one's not an error.

Distant Scholar |

Apologies if I repeat what others have said in my responses here.
Wendigo (pg. 281) -
Feats include Mutliattack - however, creature has only a primary and secondary attack. Per Bestiary I(pg. 315), this feat only effects a creature with three or more natural attack.
They have one bite and two claws -> three natural attacks. Now, they're all primary to begin with, but that makes Multiattack an unwise choice, not an illegal one. :-)

Distant Scholar |

Scylla p. 241, unused skills points
skill points = 180
used = 178Acrobatics +34 = +20 ranks, +11 Dex, +3 class skill
Bluff +26 = +20 ranks, +6 Cha
Fly +35 = +21 ranks, +11 Dex, +3 class skill
Knowledge (nature) +25 = +17 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill
Perception +29 = +20 ranks, +6 Wis, +3 class skill
Sense Motive +26 = +20 ranks, +6 Wis
Stealth +26 = +20 ranks, +11 Dex, +3 class skill, -8 extra mods
Swim +39 = +20 ranks, +8 Str, +3 class skill, +8 extra mods
Use Magic Device +26 = +20 ranks, +6 Cha
Corrected the monster name when I quoted you.
Additionally: AC lists a Dex bonus of +12, however a Dex of 32 is only a +11 (I think this is also why the Fly skill requires more ranks than the Scylla has hit dice; it was calculated with a +12 Dex modifier)
Scylla only has 20 HD; she can't have 21 ranks in Fly. The Fly bonus should be +34. I think the writeup is missing Knowledge (nature) as a class skill. I concur with the AC being incorrect.
If the Dex bonus were calculated as being +12 universally, it would show up in some other skills, like Acrobatics and Stealth.

Distant Scholar |

Sceaduinar p. 239, unused skills points
skill points = 63
used = 54Escape Artist +14 = +6 ranks, +5 Dex, +3 class skill
Fly +9 = +0 ranks, +5 Dex, +4 extra mods
Intimidate +12 = +6 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 class skill
Knowledge (nature) +10 = +6 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (planes) +17 = +9 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, +4 extra mods
Perception +17 = +9 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill, +3 extra mods
Sense Motive +14 = +9 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill
Stealth +25 = +9 ranks, +5 Dex, +3 class skill, +8 extra mods
If the sceaduinar chose class skills the way you chose them, then you would be correct. I try not to make judgements about such things, though. :-)

Distant Scholar |

Shining Child p. 245, unused skills points
skill points = 128
used = 116Bluff +26 = +16 ranks, +7 Cha, +3 class skill
Diplomacy +23 = +13 ranks, +7 Cha, +3 class skill
Fly +11 = +0 ranks, +3 Dex, +8 extra mods
Intimidate +23 = +13 ranks, +7 Cha, +3 class skill
Knowledge (arcana) +18 = +13 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (planes) +21 = +16 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class skill
Perception +25 = +16 ranks, +0 Wis, +3 class skill, +6 extra mods
Spellcraft +18 = +13 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class skill
Use Magic Device +23 = +16 ranks, +7 Cha
Again, it depends on the choice of class skills. :-)

Distant Scholar |

Slurk p. 251, skill points issue
I had to use way too many ranks for Acrobatics. Acrobatics seems way too high.
skill points = 2
used = 11Acrobatics +16 = +11 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill
Climb +10 = +0 ranks, +2 Str, +8 extra mods
Escape Artist +6 = +0 ranks, +2 Dex, +4 extra mods
Confirmed, except that the Bestiary 2 lists a +14 Climb bonus, so there's a few more nonexistent skill points used.

Distant Scholar |

chopswil wrote:Slurk p. 251, skill points issue
I had to use way too many ranks for Acrobatics. Acrobatics seems way too high.
skill points = 2
used = 11Acrobatics +16 = +11 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill
Climb +10 = +0 ranks, +2 Str, +8 extra mods
Escape Artist +6 = +0 ranks, +2 Dex, +4 extra modswonder if acrobatics should be +6 (1 rank, +2 dex, +3 class skill)
And since I've not said it, thanks for doing all the work on these Chopswill.
Good eye. Then the second skill point would go into Climb, bumping Climb up to +14 (class skill).