Magic ways to copy spellbooks

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I was talking to one of the players in my game and we were brainstorming way for wizards to make copies of their spellbooks.

Here is a list of ideas we came up with. We haven't given them a whole lot of thought, so there may be problems with some of the ideas.

Familiar: Your familiar has the same number of ranks in a skill as you do. So, as long as it had hands, it could presumeable copy your spellbook. The monkey familiar is an obvious choice. Several of the advanced familiars would work as well. I guess eventually, you could polymorph your familiar into a suitable shape each day and set them to work. Of course, your familiar starts off with a low intelligence, but eventually, they get pretty smart.

Planar Binding: You could use the planar binding series of spells to bind a creature to copy your spellbook. A number of the Devils have ranks in spellcraft, so could presumeably do this for you.

Geas and Dominate: If you could find a creature with the appropriate skills, your could cast Geas or use Dominate Person/Monster to compel them to copy your spellbook. Really more appropriate for evil wizards, but an option.

Leadership Feat: If your cohort and followers are all wizards you could have a team of scribes turning out extra spellbooks for you. You could have each follower make two copies of your spellbook and then have them move to a different town. If you worked this option, you could have a network of agents, with back-up spellbooks, spread throughout the land.

Simulacrum: Anything you can do, your simulcrum can do half as well. So they could copy spellbook for you. Of course, this assumes you are creating a simulacrum of yourself. If you could create a simulacrum of a more powerful spellcaster, you could have a more powerful assistant.

Fabricate: This may be a stretch for this spell. But, with an appropriate spellcraft check, it seems like a possibilty. I don't know about this one.

Polymorph any object: Could you use this spell to create extra spellbooks. Maybe. It seems like a possibility. It's an 8th level spell and is basically the change anything into anything spell.

Wish/Limited Wish: Could you wish for a copy of your spellbook? Sure, why not?

Have people thought about other ways to make copies of spellbooks? I would like to keep the discussion to the core rules, as those would have the broadest appeal.


I love the image of a monkey in a little bellhop vest and fez copying a spellbook. I also love the idea of another wizard later on looking at the spellbook and fuming, "Was this transcribed by a trained monkey!?!?!?"

Why yes. Yes it was....

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:

I love the image of a monkey in a little bellhop vest and fez copying a spellbook. I also love the idea of another wizard later on looking at the spellbook and fuming, "Was this transcribed by a trained monkey!?!?!?"

Why yes. Yes it was....


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