I'm Pretty Happy With Things as They Are

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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RPG Superstar 2012

Midnightoker wrote:
taig wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:

Good stuff

Hear, hear.

"There once was a group of men

Trapped in a land of lost
Looking for a reason to grin
Feeling as though they were crossed

A game called 3.5
Which once made them smile
Had all but up and died
So they were sad for a while

In the dark came a sight so bright
That only the darkest could see
Something of woe and great might
Banish the old ways of RPG

With a pen in hand and good in their hearts
A small group of men decided some plans
To revive their old friend, for starts
And revive 3.5 and it's fans

For two years plans were tested
Late nights at desks and in work
At times they thought they were bested
But they kept on bravely with smirks

After time it came to be
The moment the game would arise
Came to be at that instance in thee
It was said once again, that it thrives!

For this tail that you have heard
of lightning pen and effort given
So you would see, it is absurd
To hate anything so driven

Congratulations Paizo men
We enjoy what you amend"

I was terribly bored.


Just gotta add another +1. This is my favorite iteration of the game, and the APG gives me even more to like for dialing in character concepts and making them unique.

As far as playing it as-is, I just don't see any characters becoming useless. The fighters fight, the rogues rogue, the monks monk, and they're more fun and customizeable than ever.

Thanks, Paizo!

Well it ain't perfect, nothing is (although SWSE -could have- been...).

But I'm playing PF and buying the books, which I'm not doing with D&D (Official Brand) any more, so take that for what it's worth. :)

-The Gneech

I am quite pleased with PFRPG, I think many of us are. Maybe tiny tweaks here and there, but really all I want is more of it all. I am looking forward to what else the devs at paizo can come up with.

@John Robey: SWSE had alot of potential, and I think it is still a good game, but I think all systems inherantly tied to a specific setting kind of handcuff themselves, especially one as 'big' as star wars.

I think if Saga Edition had been a setting neutral Sci Fi game it would have been superb so long as the devs could decide on what kind of game they actually wanted to create (it seems to me to be a tug of war between 3.5 and 4E). A descision there, neutral setting and a little more organization in the release of new material and it could have been pretty close to perfect.

Well, that's pretty much what I meant -- the SWSE "engine" becoming the new d20 System was my dream scenario. Instead we ended up with 3.PF and 4E. Alas, what could have been!

-The Gneech

I am also VERY HAPPY with the game as is. In the grand scheme of things, PF has provided more verisimilitude than any previous incarnation of DnD I have played. The crunch that come out are generally well thought out and often very innovative.

Do I bandy about thinking about how things could be better? Sure. But that impulse is generally because I am invested in what has already been lovingly crafted by dem Paizo-folks. That and I am a ruleslawyer/game-tinker/house-ruler by nature, and just love gabbin about rules.

I agree. This is a great iteration of the game I love. My main problem with 3.5 was one of power creep. I'm interested to see how Paizo balances the need for new content to keep the game fresh with the need for some form of balance. I hope to see a situation in which a core-only PF character can be as "optimised" as a non-core character, but with enough interesting new content to make me want to buy the books. The whole power creep issue is the reason why my 3.5 books are in a tote in the basement, backwards compatable or otherwise.

Raymond_J wrote:
I agree. This is a great iteration of the game I love. My main problem with 3.5 was one of power creep. I'm interested to see how Paizo balances the need for new content to keep the game fresh with the need for some form of balance. I hope to see a situation in which a core-only PF character can be as "optimised" as a non-core character, but with enough interesting new content to make me want to buy the books. The whole power creep issue is the reason why my 3.5 books are in a tote in the basement, backwards compatable or otherwise.

Well I think paizo has done pretty well thus far with power creep. Nothing in the APG screems to me power creep when compared to the core options as whole. They are also aware of it and making efforts to prevent it. As opposed to wizards where it was a marketing strategy. Anyone who ever played magic the gathering is well aware that power creep in wizards products is not a error, it's intentional.

My group and I just love Pathfinder. We have less house rules since we made the switch (negative CON below zero was our big one, now core!). We also have seen players branch out more; the guy who always plays the paladin is trying the wizard, the girl who always plays the fighter is trying the rogue. The classes I never played are a lot more appealing now. My first beta character was a sorcerer. That was my first sorcerer ever and I loved it. Now with the APG, even the old standbys are new again. I don't think I'll ever get a chance to try everything I like. The only downside (if you can call it that) is that I sometimes secretly hope my character fails that crucial fort save or takes that nasty critical hit so I can make whatever new build came into my mind that week.

Thanks Paizo. You've saved my hobby.

Good thread. There are a few things I would like to see cleared up but that’s a very small issue IMO. I have loved the changes and updates that PF has made to the system and I very much look forward to their new products. Great game, great products!

To be quite honest, I dont have any complaints with Pathfinder :) I love the Game and I love Golarion. I gave up the official 3.5 for Pathfinder and havnt looked back :)

Kolokotroni wrote:

I think if Saga Edition had been a setting neutral Sci Fi game it would have been superb so long as the devs could decide on what kind of game they actually wanted to create (it seems to me to be a tug of war between 3.5 and 4E). A descision there, neutral setting and a little more organization in the release of new material and it could have been pretty close to perfect.

We're using the SWSE rules to play a campaign in the Mass Effect setting. It's been working pretty well, to tell you the truth. The biotics model reasonably well on SWSE Force powers.

I'm happy where I am at the moment. Pathfinder has been good to me.

Shizvestus wrote:
To be quite honest, I dont have any complaints with Pathfinder :)

I can't quite say I don't have any complaints. But I don't have many complaints.

Liberty's Edge

Kolokotroni wrote:

Well I think paizo has done pretty well thus far with power creep. Nothing in the APG screems to me power creep when compared to the core options as whole. They are also aware of it and making efforts to prevent it. As opposed to wizards where it was a marketing strategy. Anyone who ever played magic the gathering is well aware that power creep in wizards products is not a error, it's intentional.

I have yet to hear truer words.

MTG was fun until it became an optimization game.

Kolokotroni wrote:

Well I think paizo has done pretty well thus far with power creep. Nothing in the APG screems to me power creep when compared to the core options as whole. They are also aware of it and making efforts to prevent it. As opposed to wizards where it was a marketing strategy. Anyone who ever played magic the gathering is well aware that power creep in wizards products is not a error, it's intentional.

I have yet to hear truer words.

MTG was fun until it became an optimization game.

Kolokotroni wrote:

I think if Saga Edition had been a setting neutral Sci Fi game it would have been superb so long as the devs could decide on what kind of game they actually wanted to create (it seems to me to be a tug of war between 3.5 and 4E). A descision there, neutral setting and a little more organization in the release of new material and it could have been pretty close to perfect.

We're using the SWSE rules to play a campaign in the Mass Effect setting. It's been working pretty well, to tell you the truth. The biotics model reasonably well on SWSE Force powers.

Well, that's pretty much what I meant -- the SWSE "engine" becoming the new d20 System was my dream scenario. Instead we ended up with 3.PF and 4E. Alas, what could have been!

-The Gneech

^ Thread Jacking... knock it off. I wont be the one that watches this forum turn into anything other than what it is now.

Like seriously...
The best part about pathfinder to me is the fact that optimization combined with roleplaying became soooooooooooo much easier. I had my power gamers trying to find his characters motives to attacking some gnolls... and then when he did he regretted it... brought tears to my eyes... and he was playing a fighter...

impossible you say? I THINK NOT!

Its a very flexible version of the game which allows me to create more or less anything in my imagination and run any game I like. Marresh ranger bad-guy in extended duel-in-the-desert/battle-against-the-elements wilderness game? No problem....

Silver Crusade

John Robey wrote:

Well, that's pretty much what I meant -- the SWSE "engine" becoming the new d20 System was my dream scenario. Instead we ended up with 3.PF and 4E. Alas, what could have been!

-The Gneech

Patience, padawan Jedi Master Sarli might still have what you seek.

Activate the Holocron

Bill Dunn wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

I think if Saga Edition had been a setting neutral Sci Fi game it would have been superb so long as the devs could decide on what kind of game they actually wanted to create (it seems to me to be a tug of war between 3.5 and 4E). A descision there, neutral setting and a little more organization in the release of new material and it could have been pretty close to perfect.
We're using the SWSE rules to play a campaign in the Mass Effect setting. It's been working pretty well, to tell you the truth. The biotics model reasonably well on SWSE Force powers.

Really? A friend of mine had been working on something like that for ages. Do you have specifics in written form that you would be interested in sharing?

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