Pathfinder Society games now in New York's Capital Region !!!!

Local Play


Starting this November we will be running two Pathfinder Society tables at the Schenectady Wargamers Association Game-a-thon! Anyone interested please check out these sites or send me an email
Capital Region Lodge
ewhitefield_82 at yahoo dot com

Definitely interested, sent you an email.

Dark Archive

Just so you know I just went onto the website for S.W.A. and they haven't yet set the schedule for this Game-a-thon according to their web site unless I was looking in the wrong place.


Due to the Five nations Con they are still kind of behind. I have signed to run our PFS games so when the schedule come out we'll be on it. If you're looking for times check our Lodge page.


We are still looking for more pathfinders, and there are plenty of seats still available for both slots.

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